Grimm Family

From BattleMaster Wiki



Even from an early age, Rothford Grimm had shown signs that he was an unusual boy. For instance, rather than play with wooden swords and shields as other younglings were wont to do, he would often be found studying the rabbits as they hopped about searching for carrots. Nature was his passion. He collected bug specimens, sketched drawings of birds that populated the Grimm estate, and spent more time sleeping in the forest than in the comfort of his own bed.

Events came to a head when, upon reaching the fourteenth year of his life, Rothford declined to be a squire for a Taran knight. Now Rothford's father always understood that Rothford was not a normal boy, yet Rothford's refusal was the crossing of a threshold. The father could no longer control his anger and he threatened Rothford with a whipping. That was not enough to convince Rothford to submit, and after receiving ten lashes from his father's hand, he ran away.


A Taran knight.


A twenty-three year old Count.