Dark Citadel Times

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"And there it was."

Date~ September 28, 2024 Issue~ 2 Price~ A moment of your time. Editors~ Dakrus Somra, Evil Revan
Assassination successful June 22, 2008
After several weeks of observing the movements and activities of Alexander of Giblot, the time was right to complete the assassination and claim the bounty on his head. In the dead of night, the assassin crept into Alexander's tent in Steepglades and quickly slid his knife in the still figure's back. Reports later surfaced from those that found the crippled body, that Alexander had lost a large amount of blood all over the bedsheets and a pool had collected on the floor. Curiously, there were also reports of a coin left on the bedside table with a thumbscrew on one side and a dagger on the other. No rumours were heard as to who might have been successful in infiltrating the tent of the ruler of Giblot.
Comment on this story. by AnonymousMicro Anon.png
A New Colony Formed June 11, 2008
After a two-day long colony takeover by the Assassins, the city of Outer Tilog became the capital of the new "Assassins Colony". The colony takeover was done mainly for lack of time. With no adjacent regions, and the takeover of Hulaferd going slowly, the Assassins needed to get the city under control before Giblot and Wetham troops arrived. A colony takeover seemed the best solution, and Tiaro Flightwing started one as soon as he could. The quick completion of the takeover was due mostly to the high sympathy towards the Assassins (80%), but the number of troops present helped considerably. It is hoped by many that the City of Outer Tilog will finally see peace, but that remains to be seen.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Failed Assault on Outer Tilog June 7, 2008
A small Giblot force attacked Outer Tilog City, but soon found themselves hopelessly outnumbered by Assassins and Tilogians. They fought bravely, but in the end the superior numbers and discipline of the Assassins and Outer Tilog prevailed. It is not known whether the Giblot nobles were acting independently, or with orders from their marshal. A full report for this battle will soon be available in the archives of the Army of Shadows.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
The Reconquest of Outer Tilog June 6, 2008
A combined Assassin and Outer Tilogian army hit Outer Tilog City today, and after 4 hours of fierce fighting in the streets, managed to rout the heavily outnumbered Giblot defenders. This was a great victory for the realm of Outer Tilog, and the first step towards reclaiming their lost capital. Both the Assassins and Outer Tilog brought along takeover units, and it remains to be seen who will manage the actual takeover attempt. In either case, the Assassins are interested in seeing the City back in the hands of it's rightful owners. A full report for this battle will soon be available in the archives of the Army of Shadows.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Giblot's Broken Dream June 2, 2008
The city of Outer Tilog finally revolted earlier today, declaring it's independence from Giblot. Both the realm of Outer Tilog and the Assassins have long been planning for this to happen, and have been preparing their armies for the City takeover. Giblot's army, however, has been steadily losing strength, and much of it is spread out many days away from Outer Tilog. Without the city's walls to protect them, their troops there are vulnerable.

Giblot has put much effort and gold into taking Outer Tilog city, neglecting their other regions in the process. They lost Rollsovar when the peasants revolted, and may soon lose Steepglades as well. And as the armies of Outer Tilog and the Assassins prepare to march against them, one can't help but wonder what's going through their heads. Everything they strived so hard to obtain, they lost in a day.

Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
News Ticker
June 8, 2008
Region Takeover
Giblot has taken control of Rollsovar , a former rogue region.
June 7, 2008
Region Revolts
The people of Abaka have revolted and abandoned Alowca, joining Alebad instead.
June 7, 2008
Region Revolts
The people of Hulaferd have revolted and declared independence from Outer Tilog!
June 5, 2008
Region Takeover
Alebad has taken control of Bode Batura , a former rogue region.
Blank.png June 3, 2008
Ruler Election in Lukon
The realm of Lukon has elected Ares as its new King. He received 54 % of the valid votes.
Blank.png June 2, 2008
Ruler Election in Alebad
The realm of Alebad has elected Anev as its new Pontifex. She received 54 % of the valid votes.
June 2, 2008
Region Revolts
The people of Hulaferd have revolted and abandoned Wetham, joining Outer Tilog instead.
June 2, 2008
Region Takeover
Oritolon has taken control of Crifts, a former rogue region.
June 2, 2008
Region Takeover
Lukon has taken control of Rola Sierrie, a former rogue region.
Design blatantly copied from the Dwilight Daily
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