Rogala Family/Kokomaro

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Kokomaro - Life of Madness

The life of Kokomaro has been one of pain and suffering. He was born in Semall, a small city in the realm of Itorunt. Not much is known of his time in Itorunt, but what is known is that upon leaving, he was never to return for if he did it would mean death.

He left for the New World (later to be known as Beluaterra) in hopes of finding a place where he was accepted. There he joined the realm of Ar Agyr, and found his sister. It wasn't long though before she was banned for treason. At that time he accepted the judge, Julma Jaune, reasoning behind this banishment and continued on living peacefully. Soon he too was accused of the same crimes as his sister. At first he was fined 250 gold. It took many months to pay off such a large fine, showing commitment and loyalty few posses. Upon this final payment he was banished for not following orders, even though he couldn’t have as he hadn’t had any money for several months to buy troops. Never in his life had he seen such an act of hate, this was his first step to madness. Julma Jaune cronies managed to capture him; they took all his possessions and sold him as a slave.

For many years he worked on a salve ship, being forced to row all day and night. This made him strong and he learnt much about human suffering. One night he led a mutiny, killing the captain and claiming leadership of the crew. Unfortunately within a week the ship marooned on the shores of an island, which he later fondly called “The Colonies.”

He was captured by a group of assassins. Due to his inhuman strength the assassins decided to spare his life in exchange for his services. Seeing the alternative as death he gladly accepted. It was a confusing time for Kokomaro. He had little understanding of shadow games and didn’t like the whole cloak and dagger life of an assassin. Not only this but the assassins refused to teach him their ways, this upset him much. It was in his nature by this time to not let the enemy strike first. He called a rebellion, and was banished.

He then joined Giblot, only to be almost excuted.

Escaped! (2 hours, 54 minutes ago)One morning in your cell, you hear the guards speak about an upcoming execution outside your cell door. As you listen carefully, you find out that is your execution that is being planned.Giving it everything, you try again to escape from your cell, and driven by sheer desperation, you succeed this time! You are free!

Fleeing from Giblot, he joined the Outer Tilog. He agreed with the ruler that it would be best for him to leave the island. He soon boarded another ship destined for the New World (known now as Beluaterra).

He joined the realm of Fronen who was under attack by the undead hoards. There he became known as a powerful warrior. In the battle field he would charge large groups of undead and monster with nothing but his bare hands. He soon began to try his hands in politics, running for judge. Slowly he gained support, but atlas it was not meant to be. The judge seeing that he may lose the up coming election banned Kokomaro for not following orders (the classic ban most judges use to get rid of people they don’t like). Well Kokomaro prayed to the gods, and was told he should return to the Fronen. Upon returning they accused him of being a spy for Melhed.

Seeing to as that was who he was supposedly spying for he decided to join them. His new countrymen were suspicious and weary of him but breaking no laws he was allowed to remain. While there he would openly insult Melhed’s tyranical Council, and would often publicly agree with Fronen that Melhed should be destroyed. At this time he claimed to be a prophet of god himself, believing that he could see into the future.

Soon Melhed’s Council died under unknown circumstances, and a new Council was made. They were much less corrupt then their predecessors, trying to undo much of the damage and eventually gained his respect. (They weren't too bad) Learning of how the old concil took over Melhed, Kokomaro convinced the new group that he should lead his own realm in the north. So Valentia was born, and Kokomaro became a king.