An Najaf/“The Quest for the Star Crown” By Knight Ultor Amedes/Act Five

From BattleMaster Wiki

Act Five:

Scene One:

The tunnels are gloomy, cold and wet. There are already torches lit all along the stretches of the path. They note this as odd, Severan nods. They continue some ways until Severan gives them the signal to tread quietly.

Severan: “Shh, walk softly, we are close.”

Cri Cri: “What’s that smell?”

Severan: “He must be cooking.”

Oddimes: “What’s he eating?”

Severan: “Insects, rats, anything living down here.”

Oddimes: “You’d eat that wouldn’t you Brako?”

Brako: “I would not!”

Oddimes: “Yah, you would.”

Brako: “Shat’ap! You would have dinner with the Zealot, and share stories over tea.”

Oddimes: “Says you!”

Brako: “You live it!”

Oddimes: “I never!”

Severan: “I said shut it! You want him to hear us!”

Tantor: “Eek.”

They hear the Zealot walking around his kitchen, he sounds close to them. They all step back and flatten themselves on the wall, hoping not to be seen or heard.

The Zealot walks back further into his kitchen. They relax. Then he walks back, they tense up. Then he returns further in.

Tantor: “What’s the plan?”

Severan: “Who is the fastest?”

All except Cri Cri: “Cri Cri”

Cri Cri: “What! No!”

Severan: “Cree, here’s what you have to do.”

Cri Cri: “I never won a race in my life.”

Severan: “Don’t worry. Look at this map. See the plans of his house? We are here, right at the entrance to his pantry. You need to run this way, turn here, run that way turn again, quickly jump, turn again here then run towards this pillar here then turn again and stop. He will follow you here here and here, probably lose you here. So, you run back this way, get his attention again then run this way. This part is where the giant hole is. Look. See the black circle? That is the gap, remember which hallway it is. You don’t want to fall in right?”

Cri Cri: “Oh man, ya, of course I don’t want to fall in.”

Severan: “Good. So once you make it to here, and make sure he is behind you. If you lose him he will come back here to us. Anyway, if he’s behind you and you make it to here, you looking? Make sure to slip into this corner through this pillar and along the side of the gap. Once you get to the other side he will see you and run towards you. Impulsive moron that he is he won’t notice the huge hole in front of him and plop! Down he goes. Got that?”

They all look at Cri Cri. He lowers his head.

Cri Cri: “I got it.”

Severan: “Make sure you don’t run too fast, if he loses you he will come back here. Okay? He will come back to us.”

Cri Cri: “What are you guys going to do?”

Severan: “Supper’s almost ready.”

Cri Cri: “I’m hungry too, can’t Oddimes do the run?”

Oddimes: “I can’t run the gauntlet, you’re the fastest.”

Cri Cri: “I’m the youngest that’s what I am.”

Tantor: “That’s why you are the one to do it. C’mon Cree, you’ll earn a notable name for it!”

Brako: “Yah, Cree the Zealot Runner.”

Cri Cri: “You’ll call me that?”

Oddimes: “We already titled Brako twice, don’t you think its time you get yours?”

Cri Cri: “Sure do. Alright I’ll do it. Give me that map.”

Severan: “Actually, I’m keeping the map.”

Cri Cri: “What!?”

Severan: “It’s the only one I got, if you fall into the pit we’re lost.”

Cri Cri: “Rudd!”

Severan: “It’s not that hard, just do as I instructed you. You’ll survive. Poleias made me do this all the time. I’m surprised the Zealot never got wise to the hole.”

Cri Cri: “What if he filled it in?”

Severan: “What now?”

Cri Cri: “What if the Zealot did get wise to your plan and filled in the hole. Then what do we do?”

Severan: “Look at the map. There is still a black circle. That means giant gap.”

Cri Cri: “How old is that map?”

Severan: “Uh…”

Cri Cri: “Exactly. You might be sending me to my death! Then what!?”

Severan: “Don’t worry. Just follow the path I told you. He’ll follow you, you slip through the pillar and down he goes.”

Cri Cri: “If I don’t come back avenge my death.”

Tantor: “We sure will.”

Oddimes: “We owe you that right.”

Brako: “Same goes for any one of us.”

Severan: “Avenge you? How….Nevermind.”

Cri Cri peers around the corner through the hatchway into the kitchen, he does not see the Zealot.

Cri Cri: “I don’t see him.”

Severan: “Careful, he may be closer than you think. And speak quieter.”

Cri Cri: “Sorry.”

He looks through again, still no one. So he tip toes closer to the hatch and looks around. There in the corner of the kitchen, near the counter, stands a heavy tall beastly man. His hands are as big as watermelons, and his head looks deformed and gross. He does not have much hair, but what he does have makes a horseshoe around his bald spot. He is wearing a tattered robe and suede sandals. Cri Cri cringes and steps back.

Cri Cri: “I saw it.”

Oddimes: “What did he look like?”

Cri Cri: “Like a decayed old man.”

Oddimes: “Eeww.”

Tantor: “You ready Cree? Be careful will you.”

Severan: “On the count of three, you run in, get his attention, then follow the exact steps I told you. Got it?”

Cri Cri: “Count of three?”

Severan: “Yes.”

Cri Cri: “Do I run on three, or is three the final number?”

Severan: “On three.”

Cri Cri: “Why not four?”

Severan: “One…”

Cri Cri: “Eeep.”

Severan: “Two…”

Cri Cri: “Sun remember me!”

Severan: “THREE!”

Cri Cri dashes into the kitchen, sticks out his tongue and wiggles his butt at the Zealot. The beast jumps in surprise dropping the vegetables he was handling all over the floor. He looks over at little Cri Cri and hisses at him.

Zealot: “Aww! You ruined my dinner! That means you get to fetch me another one!”

Cri Cri: “Not of you can’t catch me!”

Cri Cri bursts out of the kitchen as fast as he can. The Zealot takes off after him.

Zealot: “I’ll catch you. Then I’ll cook you!”

The guys wait a minute, then enter the kitchen and help themselves. They find all sorts of stolen food from the unlucky travelers that were caught earlier. They see a tattered flag of Tabost stabbed to the wall with a fork. They cringe. They hear shouting and cursing echoing through the tunnel, the Zealot is a loud man.

Severan: “I hope he makes it!”

Oddimes: “I hope so too, I sure would not want to be Cree right now.”

Brako: “Hey look, he was making chili!”

Severan: “No way!”

They grab some bowls and pour some for each of them, and then sit down in front of the fire and start eating.

Tantor: “What’s this thing…eeww! It’s a bug!”

Severan: “What do you think the Zealot would make chili out of?”

Tantor keeps eating.

Brako: “Not bad.”

Oddimes: “All we need is tea and stories.”

Brako: “Indeed. It has a sweet taste to it.”

Severan: “There must be glob beetles in here.”

Oddimes: “Those are sweet?”

Severan: “Yah, they are like the underground version of bees. They don’t make honey though.”

Tantor: “Mmm. It’s warm, thank goodness.”

Severan: “Nothing like a good meal, eh fellas?”

Oddimes: “That’s what I always say.”

Severan: “That’s good wisdom there.”

Tantor: “Hey Severan,”

Severan: “Ya?”

Tantor: “Did you tell Cri Cri how to get back here?”

Severan: “Uh…I told him, I told him how to get over the gap. Then he has to keep walking and make a right then go down a little then make a left and back up. Then he has to jump quick then walk three torches and make another left. That should lead him to the passage way we were just in.”

Tantor: “Okay, but did you say that to Cree?”

Severan: “Aw’hell.”

They toss the chili back into the pot and enter into the tunnels. They follow the same path that Severan told Cri Cri to take, find the turns, make a jump, find the pillar, make more turns and find a multi-split, with tunnels turning every direction. They stop.

Severan: “I don’t remember this.”

Tantor: “Check the map.”

They do. Severan inspects it carefully, exactly as they had walked.

Severan: “Oh, woops, we used the wrong pillar as a reference. We should have used the third and a half.”

Brako: “Third and a half?”

Severan: “Yah, follow me.”

Oddimes: “This isn’t the Bloodless Maze is it?”

Severan: “Not quite, no.”

Oddimes: “Would one of these passages lead into there?”

Severan: “Yah, most do.”

Oddimes: “What if Cree went into one. Where would he end up?”

Severan: “In the maze.”

Oddimes: “Where does the maze go?”

Severan: “All around. It’s a maze.”

Oddimes: “I’m saying, if Cree gets lost, we have to find him. If Cree gets lost in the maze we better know how to get him out of there. Or Poleias is going to kill you.”

Severan: “Gulp. Alright, let’s find the bugger.”

Tantor: “Follow the map.”

Oddimes: “We never gave Cree a map, he would have no idea where to go.”

Severan: “Well, if he was smart, he would realize that and would stay put at the gap. The last point I described to him. He should stay there and wait.”

Brako: “Let’s not count on it.”

They make their way through the correct paths and reach the gap. They hear bantering and cursing coming from deep in the gap. Something is splashing its way through the lake.

Severan: “Ha! Suck on that Zealot!?”

Zealot, from deep below: “Screw you budday!”

Severan laughs.

Tantor: “Cree? You around here?”


Oddimes: “Cri Cri! Can you hear us!?”

Cri Cri runs back from the path and waves.

Cri Cri: “I did it, I did it! Cree the Zealot Runner!”

They cheer!

All: “Hail, Cree the Zealot Runner!”

Zealot, from deep below: “I heard that! I’ll remember that name you little son’ova…”

They laugh.

Cri Cri: “Now how am I to get back over there?”

Severan: “You don’t, we are coming to you. Okay guys, see this pillar, there is a gap between it and the wall, slip into it and make your way over the gap.”

They all do, slowly, and end up on the other side. Once they get there they congratulate Cri Cri again.

Tantor: “Nice work Cree, none of us could have done what you did.”

Cri Cri: “You’ve done this before Severan?”

Severan: “Many times.”

Cri Cri: “Wow.”

Severan: “Except I never remember the path, always end up in the wrong place, and the Zealot corners me in. Then I have to scrap with him and dodge past him. Last time that happened he nearly bit my hand off. See this scar here and here?”

All: “Oooohh. Aaaah.”

Severan: “Zealot teeth. It’s a good thing he did not have his axe with him, or else he would have taken my head off.”

Cri Cri: “Is that why they call him the Beheading Zealot?”

Severan: “Practically yah.”

Oddimes: “Practically?”

Severan: “Well, the story goes before he became the monster that he is he worked on a fishing vessel. He stood in a barrel all day on the seas and chopped the head off every fish they caught. He did this all day and all night, it was his task.”

Oddimes: “And?”

Severan: “That’s it. He was the beheading zealot. He really enjoyed his job, but hated being wet.”

Cri Cri: “Wow…”

Severan: “Not everything is a tale of mysticism and treasure. The world is very ordinary.”

Tantor: “What’s next?”

Severan: “The Bloodless Maze.”

Scene Two:

After making their way through the tunnels, they come to a point where the torches are no longer lit. They light their own and continue. Severan points to the wooden signs on the walls.

Severan: “Don’t follow these directions. They are misdirections.”

Cri Cri: “Misdirection?”

Severan: “They lead the wrong way.”

Cri Cri: “Why?”

Severan: “I told you before.”

Cri Cri: “Oh right, because they didn’t want anyone sneaking into the Palace. It was only used for the royalty or high council to escape.”

Severan: “My words exactly.”

They continue, following Severan through the maze. It is an odd maze, jagged corners and sharp turns, does not seem very practical for an escape route. Then again, they were entering from the wrong way. They do this for several hours, every few minutes they bother Severan on how far into it they are. He continually answers for them to stop bothering him because he has to concentrate on the path, following the map exactly. They bother him anyway. Eventually he gets pissed off and tells them to cram it or he’ll hurt them. They stop asking for a little while, and then pick right up again. Severan pretends to slit his own throat. They keep trekking. Eventually they come to a fountain that spouts no water. They stop to marvel at it and take a break.

Tantor: “How long have we been walking Severan?”

Oddimes: “What part of the maze are we in now Severan?”

Cri Cri: “Can we have dinner here Severan? I am hungry. You said before that the next time we stop we can eat, but we stopped lots of times and never ate once.”

Severan: “If you don’t shut it, I swear on the moon and the stars that I’ll make sure you never speak again!”

Oddimes: “Well you wouldn’t do that would you Severan. Not to us. Oh no, especially not to us.”

Severan: “You don’t think so eh? Don’t forget that I am a sorcerer!”

Cri Cri: “I am hungry Severan. I’m hungry.”

Severan: “Man, you are acting like a bunch of children. Be men. Men don’t have to eat while they are journeying through mazes! I once went eight days without eating, and I had a fork stabbed in my shin.”

Cri Cri: “I am hungry. Feed me!”

Severan: “For the love of’!”

Oddimes: “Me too!”

Brako: “Maybe we should eat something. We have been walking for a long time.”

Severan: “Fine, if we eat will you all shut up!?”

Tantor: “You know we will!”

Severan: “Okay. Eat up.”

They pull out their packs and take out their foodstuffs, each preparing a hearty meal. Severan takes out his things and makes a nice layered sandwich. They all eat in peace.

Cri Cri: “How much left?”

Severan: “I’m not sure. I don’t remember this fountain.”

Brako: “You got us lost?”

Severan: “No, not lost. Off the path.”

Brako: “That means we are lost.”

Severan: “We’re not lost! Hell. Look, see this map. This path is where we should be. We are…over,…here.”

Brako: “What the? Why so far?

Severan: “Hmm. The maze isn’t as I remember it.”

Tantor: “We’re lost?”

Severan: “No. I know how to get back. I just brought us here because I thought it would be a good place to relax and eat.”

Tantor: “Oh, alright. But we are not lost?”

Severan: “Not at all.”

Tantor: “You sure?”

Severan: “Yes.”

Tantor: “Really?”

Severan: “Yes! Yes! I know where we are. We are not lost.”

Tantor: “Just checking.”

Brako: “No more water in this fountain?”

Severan: “All of it now flows into the lake we dropped the Beheading Zealot in, and it then flows into the sewers and outside.”

Brako: “Lovely.”

Oddimes: “Indeed.”

Brako: “How many times you been through this maze Severan?”

Severan: “Uh…a good amount.”

Brako: “And you are positive that we are not lost?”

Severan: “Yes! For the last time, I know how to get back to the path, you take that way for a little while, make a right, take that way a little while too and then we will be back on track once we turn a few more times after that.”

Brako: “That’s how we find our way again?”

Severan: “I always knew the way. We are not lost!”

Brako: “Just checking.”

Severan, muttering: “Rotten, two bit – good for nothing ingrates.”

Tantor: “What was that?”

Severan: “Nothing. Just mediating that’s all. A practice we sorcerers like to do.”

They finish eating and move out. Severan is moving faster than before, leading them closer and closer to the dragon. Eventually they make it to the proper path and it takes them to a large chasm. They stop and look down.

Oddimes: “It’s huge!”

Tantor: “Look, on the other side is an iron ladder.

Brako: “What’s that ladder doing over there?”

Severan: “That’s how we get out of the maze. It leads into the Sunken Palace.”

Cri Cri: “What about this drop? There is no way across.”

Oddimes: “No way at all.”

Severan: “Time to use magic!”

Severan gets into the proper stance, holds his arms in a certain position, bends his fingers a particular way and moves his face into the right expression. The guys look at him, not understanding what he is doing.

Severan: “Ohhim, Ohimaba, Ohimbus!”

Sand and rocks collect together.

Severan: “Mahim, Mahimaba, Mahimbus!”

The pile spreads out over the gap, hovering in mid air.

Severan: “Lokut, Lokindus, Freigun, Shimsalla!”

The pile concentrates and forms a bridge from one end to the other. It looks solid enough.

Severan: “Go over.”

They do, and stop in front of the iron ladder. Severan drops his stand and runs across, the sand and rocks begin to disassemble.

Severan: “Oh boy! I hate this part!”

He leaps at the last second as the bridge dissolves and rains into the depth of the chasm. Severan stands up and cleans himself, then looks at the ladder and nods. One by one, they follow Severan up the ladder. He unhinges the sealed hatch at the top and climbs through. They follow him into a small storage room filled with crates and barrels. There is a smell reeking through the rooms. Smells like a coop.

Scene Three:

They gather together into the room and then walk a little bit before Severan stops them.

Severan: “Alright. Just a few moments away and we will be standing in front of Fat. Listen to me and do as I say. There is etiquette that needs to be followed when dealing a dragon.”

Brako: “Dragon etiquette? Why?”

Severan: “There are many reasons. Humans have been dealing with dragons for centuries, maybe longer, we have learned from our experiences that there are certain things that a person should and should not do when dealing with a dragon. Also, these creatures are very old and very powerful. It is a show of respect to the dragon to follow the proper protocols. They appreciate it.”

Tantor: “What do we have to do?”

Severan: “First, a dragon has incredible senses, especially smell, so it is unwise to ever have someone sneaking around. So, everyone in a party must present themselves to the dragon. We all stand in line, and the oldest one introduces everyone to the dragon, beginning right to left, youngest first. Since I am the oldest here that will be my role. It is also very important that none of you address the dragon in any way. If he speaks to you to you do not acknowledge his name or anything. Just reply directly without any mention of him.”

Tantor: “Why no mention?”

Severan: “Dragons are a higher class than humans and they operate on a different rank system than we do. We are not permitted to address them. If we were to address them in our manner, calling them Sir, or Dragon or whatever, it would be considered insulting, so it is polite to not specify him at all.”

Brako: “Is that it?”

Severan: “Yes.”

Oddimes; “When do we try to get him to move out of the way?”

Severan: “That will be my job. Once we do the primary procedure, I will begin my task. There is etiquette involved in asking dragons questions too. Everyone ready?”

All: “Yes.”

Cri Cri: “Gulp.”

They follow Severan through the door, down a hallway, over a catwalk and into the throne room. It is a massive, dimly light room. Ancient and exquisite. They all walk in and stand in line. Suddenly a blue flame shoots from way up high and lights the chandeliers. Another few flames light the torches along each flank. The room glows, and before them stands a mighty armoured dragon! Behold, the Dragon Fat!

Severan steps forward one step. Reaches his right hand in front of the others and begins.

Severan: “Beside me stands my companions, and in the order most pleasing, I will introduce them. First is Cri Cri the Zealot Runner, followed by Oddimes, then Brako the Beastslayer and Demon Warder, then Tantor. And I am –“

Fat: “Tantor!”

Severan: “No, Severan.”

Fat: “Severan! Again with Severan…”

They all look at Severan who steps back.

Severan: “Yes.”

Fat: “Mmhahahaa! I knew I smelled you enter the maze. O, it has been a while since we have contended hasn’t it?”

Severan: “It has.”

Cri Cri nudges Oddimes.

Cri Cri: “They know each other?”

Oddimes shrugs.

Fat: “The ones with you are so young, what happened to your band of thieves?”

Severan: “There are no thieves here. Only who is seen.”

Fat: “Ooo, I love when humans follow etiquette. Though it costs me a fresh meal.”

Cri Cri: “I thought he was an idiot?”

Oddimes: “Maybe he is?”

Severan: “As usual, I have come to pose a question. May I ask?”

Fat: “Hmm, again and again. There were others before who came this way. They did not follow the rules, so I ate them! You, Severan, you follow the rules. I like that. Alright, you may ask.”

Severan: “That is pleasing.”

Tantor: “Here we go.”

Severan: “The question is this, uh…”

The guys look at each other.

Severan: “Uh…”

Fat: “You hesitate? Do not be afraid, I am a nice dragon, who enjoys good company. Please ask away.”

Oddimes: “He’s cracking!”

Tantor: “Severan!”

Severan: “Dudditz!”

Brako: “What’s he doing?”

Severan: “Dragon, I am sorry, the question is –“

Fat roars ferociously and with his large clawed paws he bats Severan into the stone wall of the Palace throne room. Severan falls to the ground out of sight. The guys stumble back and fall over.

Oddimes: “Oh no!”

Cri Cri: “Severan!”

Fat: “You disrespectful fool! How dare you address me as ‘dragon!’ I am your superior!”

Brako: “What do we do!?”

Cri Cri: “Is he dead!?”

Tantor steps forward.

Tantor: “I am the oldest, may I ask a question?”

Fat looks down at Tantor, smells him and sits up.

Fat: “Who are you? Oh yes, Brako – no Tantor! “

Tantor: “Yes, I am.”

Fat: “You want to follow up that worthless creckt! Now I am in a foul mood, I do not like it when humans think they are above we dragons!”

Tantor: “May I?”

Brako: “Tantor, let’s get out of here!”

Tantor: “Just wait, relax.”

Cri Cri: “Should we get Severan?”

Tantor: “Not yet. No one move out of the Dragon’s sight.”

Oddimes: “What if he’s dead? How are we going to get out of here?”

Tantor: “May I ask?”

Fat: “Hmm, I suppose so, I do not see any harm in it. Besides you came all this way. But, if I find fault in you, I will eat you!”

Tantor: “Indeed.”

Fat: “Ask away puny.”

Tantor: “I say this, An Najaf’s beaches are perfect. Is there agreement?”

Fat: “An Najaf’s beaches? Perfect? That is a definite statement, too definite for a human. How do you figure?”

Tantor: “An Najaf is my homeland, and therefore its beaches are perfect.”

Fat: “Have you ever been to Fontan City’s?”

Tantor: “Never once.”

Fat: “Then what are you comparing it to? There has to be a measure.”

Tantor: “Not so. An Najaf’s are perfect.”

Fat: “What about Tokat?”

Tantor: “No comparison.”

Fat: “Have you seen any other beach beside An Najaf’s?”

Tantor: “Never once.”

Fat: “So how are you saying that An Najaf’s beaches are perfect? Do you know what a beach is? What if you went across the continent and found a real beach, would that not be considered perfect?”

Tantor: “I have not, and they will not. Perfection remains in An Najaf.”

Fat: “Well, you are basing such a heavy claim on no evidence, no reason. That is quite the baffling conundrum.”

Tantor: “Is there agreement?”

Fat: “Hmm. I don’t understand the question.”

Tantor: “I say An Najaf’s beaches are perfect to yo- uh, the question is, is there agreement?”

Fat: “Between me and you?”

Tantor: “Yes.”

Fat: “That An Najaf’s beaches are perfect?”

Tantor: “Is that so? I have visited them many times, they are most lovely. But how do you figure they are perfect?”

Fat: “Well, I have never seen any other beach, so because they were the only beach that I have ever witnessed they must be the very definition of a beach! Therefore, An Najaf’s beaches really are perfect!”

Tantor: “I agree!”

Fat: “Me too!”

Tantor: “We are in agreement?”

Fat: “We are!”

Tantor: “Follow up question, may I ask?”

Fat: “Certainly!”

Tantor: “Since there is concord, would it be impolite to use the corridor?”

Fat: “The one behind me?”

Tantor: “The very same.”

Fat: “I see no reason to withhold that from you, seeing as how we share the same logic, and the same passion for perfect An Najaf beaches. Truly, I have never met anyone who agreed with me!”

Tantor: “Neither have I. I am pleased with this conversation! May it be shared again on another time?”

Fat: “Perhaps! Please do visit with me again, you courteous human.”

Tantor: “May I ask permission for something?”

Fat: “Oh? Please do not hesitate.”

Tantor: “May I collect my friend, the one that y-, uh, the one that sailed through the air into the wall.”

Fat: “Carlottus?”

Tantor: “No Severan.”

Fat: “Severan? Oh, right. Sure, I will not obstruct you from that either. Please carry on.”

The guys are standing there surprised. They look at Tantor and back at the dragon, and then back to Tantor. Then he gives them the signal to get Severan. Brako and Oddimes run over.

Cri Cri: “Tantor! That was…interesting. What did you do?”

Tantor: “Mind game.”

Cri Cri: “Huh?”

Tantor: “It used to work on you all the time when you were younger. C’mon, let’s get through the corridor and snatch those riches!”

Cri Cri: “Yah! And the Star Crown!”

Brako and Oddimes come back dragging Severan, he is battered.

Tantor: “Is he alive?”

Brako: “Not really. I can’t tell.”

Oddimes: “Look! The dragon is shifting over!”

Fat moves over and reveals the corridor, he sits back down and relaxes.

Fat: “Ho-hum, the life of a dragon.”

They quickly move into the corridor, carrying Severan between them. Once they get inside they drop him to the ground.

Cri Cri: “Severan! Severan, can you hear us?”

Tantor: “Is he breathing?”

Brako: “I don’t know, he is covered in blood.”

Oddimes: “He must be dead.”

They lay him flat and listen to his chest.

Tantor: “I hear…I hear nothing.”

Cri Cri: “Oh no! He is dead!”

Tantor: “Wait! He gasped!”

Blood coughs out of Severan’s mouth onto Tantor. They listen closer.

Brako: “No, put him on his side!”

They do. Severan coughs out more blood and wheezes.

Severan: “Uhhllgg.”

Cri Cri: “What did he say?”

Oddimes: “I think he said ‘ugly,’ must be referring to you Cree.”

Cri Cri: “That’s not funny!”

Severan: “Uhh…”

More blood gushes out from his mouth.

Tantor: “There’s lots of blood coming out of him, he must be broken inside.”

Brako: “What can we do?”

Oddimes: “We have to get him out of here.”

Cri Cri: “Where do we go? It takes too long to go back through the maze, and we have no idea if there is an exit ahead.”

Severan: “…leave…me.”

Brako: “He spoke! Shh!”

Severan: “….”

Oddimes: “More blood, eww.”

Severan: “…uhll…leave me…here.”

Cri Cri: “We can’t do that! You’ll die!”

Severan: “…look at me…I…am…dead.”

Oddimes: “That is not an option.”

Severan: “…Uhh…you’ll be carrying…dead…wait.”

Severan’s head falls back to the ground, and his eyes shut.

Cri Cri: “Oh no!”

Brako: “He is finished.”

They stand over the body of Severan, solemnly holding him.

Oddimes: “What are we to do? We can’t carry his body, but we can’t leave him here.”

Tantor: “Hang on.”

Tantor leaves the corridor and waves to Fat.

Fat: “Present yourself!”

Tantor stops.

Tantor: “I am Tantor.”

Fat: “Who hides behind you!?”

Tantor: “My companions, in the manner pleasing, Cri Cri the Zealot Runner, Oddimes, Brako the Beastslayer and Demon Warder.”

Fat: “What do you seek?”

Tantor: “A favour.”

Fat: “And why should I oblige?”

Tantor: “Camaraderie.”

Fat: “I have none.”

Tantor: “Then for profit.”

Fat: “Whose profit?”

Tantor: “Uh, from me to…. If favour is obliged then reward will be in kind.”

Fat: “To me?”

Tantor: “Yes.”

Fat: “Why did you not say so!”

Tantor: “The protocols.”

Fat: “Excellent! I love those protocols!”

Tantor: “Is there agreement?”

Fat: “That An Najaf’s beaches are perfect!”

Tantor: “Yes…?”

Fat: “We are! I will oblige anything you ask of me friend. Anything!”

Tantor: “…Will you burry our dead friend? We cannot transport his body anywhere. It would be right by him and his spirit if he is interred here. For this, there will be profit.”

Fat: “Eeww. Dead?”

Tantor: “Indeed.”

Fat: “But profit?”

Tantor: “Should be plenty.”

Fat: “I will oblige. Normally it is below a dragon to handle the dead. In fact it is outright against the role and function we dragons operate. However, in light of our friendship, and my reimbursement for labour, and that the two of us see eye to eye, which I have found no one similar, I will prepare and inter the corpse of your dead friend. Present the body to me.”

Oddimes and Brako drag out Severan, blood streaks the floor,

Fat: “Eeww! I have to clean that!? You ask too much!”

Tantor: “But y-, but there will be payment in equal proportion.”

Fat: “Proportionate to the labour?”

Tantor: “Yes.”

Fat: “That is most fair. I am a petty dragon anyway. I prefer the dark and gloom of an underground sunken palace than the splendor of the surface. If any of the other dragons heard that I did this, I would be the laughingstock of dragonkind!”

Tantor: “We shall tell none.”

Fat: “What do you want in exchange for your silence?”

Tantor: “…Uh? Profit!”

Fat: “Profit! Hmm, that is a most fair request.”

Tantor: “Proportionate to the labour?”

Fat: “Certainly. Very well, it is settled.”

Tantor: “It is?”

Fat: “You may use my corridor, I shall prepare the corpse and handle its proper care, and we both profit proportionate to our labour!”

Tantor: “We do?”

Fat: “Hurry, the gold is not going to move itself!”

Tantor: “Thank yo-…This is most pleasing.”

Fat: “It is!”

They run back into the corridor. Cri Cri waits there.

Cri Cri: “Gold?”

Tantor: “I don’t know. C’mon, let’s see what’s ahead.”

They walk through the corridor and into a massive vault. Gold and booty fill the floor and piles are in every corner. Their jaws drop.

Oddimes: “GOLD!”

Cri Cri: “RICHES!”

Brako: “Oh my!”

Tantor: “Where is the Star Crown?”

Brako: “I don’t know?”

Oddimes: “Find it first.”

They sift through the bullion.

Tantor: “Where could it be?”

Cri Cri looks in the middle of the room.

Cri Cri: “There!”

In the centre is a pedestal with a red pillow on it. Sitting on the pillow is a crown, glowing and gorgeous. Like no crown ever worn. There is a crystal right in the middle that stretches up, and a few more flanking its sides. The crystals glow white, and the gold shines magnificently.

Tantor: “The Star Crown…”

All: “Ooooo!”


Itius: “They found it!”

Pafizi: “They did.”

Itius: “Then what happened?”

Pafizi: “Then? Well, they took as much as they could. Walked right out of there, made it back to An Najaf and lived happily ever after.”

Itius: “What about the dragon Fat?”

Pafizi: “He did not have a problem. The idiot forgot everything that was agreed. When they walked out of the corridor from behind him, he was caught surprised! He burst out of the ground and flew away. Never to be seen again. At least, none of the stories mention him again.”

Itius: “And the Star Crown?”

Pafizi: “Some say it did not make it back to An Najaf with our heroes, most of the ones who say that are from the other regions. But we An Najafi like to think that it sits in the basement of our hero Tantor the Dragon’s Chum, waiting to be claimed by the best An Najafi to live, who will sit on our throne as King and reign forever!”

Itius: “What really happened to it?”

Pafizi: “Well, it turned out that the one they claimed from the depths was a forgery. So they sold it as the real one to an idiot in Krimml, I believe it was the performing dwarf. That dwarf took the crown north to Sirion and claimed to be a legendary hero all the while unknowing that he was wearing the wrong crown. The Sirionites bought it for years. When they found out it was a fake, they strung him upside down and lowered him into a pit of ravenous ducks. The ducks wouldn’t eat him, so they raised him up again and made them their General.”

Itius: “Wow master that was some tale you spun. Is it true?”

Pafizi: “Of course it is! Why would I sit here for so long talking to you unless I was trying to tell you a true story!? Do you think that I have nothing better to do? Just some old loaf that wastes his precious little time on a lousy cheap piece of mud like yourself! Huh? Do you!”

Itius: “Not at all master. So where did you first here it?”

Pafizi: “My cousin told me.”