Talk:Atamara Independent/Issue 3

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Edidors keep da right ta delete anyt'in' we t'ink ain't da least bit interestin' ta da majority a da readers.

If 1000 gold was given, it must have been to the Church of the Living God, as the Blood Cult never got that. And what the heck do you mean, by "idle Role Play is the Daemon's Money Mint!"... -Chénier 17:46, 16 April 2008 (CEST)

Eds. - Ja, dat's jest da sort a slimy denial we'd expect from da people dat eat babies ta keep deir eternal yout', don'tcha know?

Am I the only one not seeing the OoC tag anywhere on the actual newspaper's own pages? Sure, it's listed as an OoC paper (in one place mind you), but it's not mentioned anywhere on any of the papers own pages that it is in fact a OoC paper. This is the 21st century. Science has gotten more advanced and people have gotten more dense to balance it all out (example: "Caution: coffee may be hot."). That may be why that latest lil debate got started up. :P --Kag 17:58, 17 April 2008 (CEST)
The writing style is in no way OOC-ish, and the contents result in ooc slander against my roleplay, as the founder of the Blood Cult. The mix is rather insulting. As I said, it's not the IC content I have an issue with, it's the OOC content. -Chénier 19:41, 17 April 2008 (CEST)