Metsamees Family/Fenris/Natural

From BattleMaster Wiki

Natural beings, labled monsters


Most humans not knowing theyr nature automatically assume that they are a threat or an abomination.
That is often far from truth.
A small list of creatures who should be classified as fae.


Ents, walking trees, from where they come from is more or less a mistery,
one thing for sure is that they once were normal trees and some day began walking,
unlike normal trees ents lives are significantly longer, extending to thousands if not tens of thousands of years.
And the older it gets the more powerful and wiser it gets.
They are ancient and wise, theyr body is of wood, and they possess the strength only rivaled by the (Maeljin) Incarnas of the devourers and Elder deemons and overlords of the abyss.
No wonder man fears them. But aslong as a man dosnt go to chop down its grove or the ent itself, the ents rarely are violent.
--How to kill a ent.--
First i dont see a reason to do so in the first place, its relatively harmless to humans.
And one could figure this out on its own, fire, fire works well against them.
But simply setting them on fire is difficult, raw-wood dosnt burn as easily as one might thing, Killing a ent is very difficult, swords and axes dont doo much against them, (ents wood becommes much thicker and stronger, its like living iron).
And ents usually know some sort of sorcery, often in the lines of regeneration or healing, (unless its a young one). So unless you can cut in in half with one go your pretty much outclassed.
(Cutting a ent in two dosnt always work either, unlike flesh plants live on longer, it can be split in two for a day or two and still rejoint itself, rarely does it wait so long, and a plant dosnt have a weak spot like a brain or something to that like, if split in two it can growitself back together in feau months or so if it dosnt use sorcery)


Fairys are somewhat spirit, some what physical beings, and theyr physical side is somewhat animal, somewhat plant.
Plant in the manner of theyr metabolism, they resemble a plants metabolism rather closely.
Unlike any plant however thay are able to move abaut, and do possess several animal features (theyr physical built).
And they seem to be bolth spirit and physical at the same time, no they swap between the two, becoming ethereal and turning back at theyr convenience.
There are several different kinds of them, some unable to maintain theyr physical form for to long, others the other way around, but i will not step in to that at the moment.
regardless of theyr species, all of theyr kin share common features.

They are intelligent, as much as or eaven more so than a human.
They live in symbiotic relationship with plant or animal life.(it seem they are unable to absorb some minerals from the earth, so they need to absorb it from other creatures/plants, it seems either will do fine, and the other side seemed to benefit from the transaction, however i have yet to determine what, likely some sort of protein or food substance)
They are able to use some sort of sorcery, or perhaps its a born-abilitie.

Now a unusual fairy species is about the size of a human (whears all other species are no taller than a humans for-arm), isnt able to turn ethereal for more than mear seconds, and is able to absorb all its resources from the enviorment without the aid of other life (looks like a green human with wines growing from its back and leaves instead of its hair, other fairis can engage in the symbiotic transaction with this kind of them, and they often do). And another species often mistaken for a forest spirit, rarely needs to absorb any material at all, and isnt able to turn to physical form for longer than a minute,(looks like a small white mushroom with arms and legs).
Fairys rarely are a threat to humans, they simply scare the more ignorant/superstitious folk away from theyr homes, (they tend to live in a specific grove or on a specific symbiotic creature/plant, and dont wish to end already functioning symbiosis, and will atempt to protect the other symbiotic half), however if there are meny of them they might proove to be very painful or eaven fatal to some.
--How to kill a fairy--
Again i dint see a reason to do that, they arnt hostile thowards humans unless humans arent hostile thowards them or theyr host crature/plant.
But well a fairy if you catch one, simply crush it, or tare it to pieces, they are fragile.
But they are small, fast and nimble, catching one is very difficult. And they possess some sort of sorcery, although weak, it can be pretty annoying or painful.


Often mistaken for a werewolf or werebear, wendigo is a spirit, who creates itself a physical body. Often in a image of a beast-man.
Wendigos are scarce they are feau in this world, berhaps no more than 10, per continent, and usualy dwell in places humans wouldnt venture, (deep ancient forests) so meeting one is highly unlikely.
Wendigo is bound to its "home", it is always a place of nature (wendigos never live in a city), usually a forest.
Wendigo it self is a protector, it kills all who endanger his home.
How ever he is not always strict, is a man goes to a forest and chops down a tree every now and then only to heat his house or to build one, and isnt a menace to the place, the wendigo will rarely show itself.
If the sayd man is to abuse the wendigos home, at first times wendigo simply appears before him, as a warning, if the man does not heed the warning, the wendigo is likely to kill him the next time he is spoted doing mischief. In the old times when people were still connected to nature, people knew of wendigos and knew how to soothe them when alot of trees needed to be fell. By a ritual or sacrificing ones own blood on the freshly cut tree stump(or disturbed place).
Wendigo although not as strong as an ent (but comes a close second) is much more agile, possibly a more dangerous opponent for a human.
Like ents the older a wendigo gets the more power it has.
--How to kill a wendigo.--
And again i dont see a reason to kill one, dont defile its home and it will leave you in peace.
Wendigo is a strong being, not as strong as ent but close, its fast, armed with claws and fangs, and stronger than most creatures, but decapitation or serious harm to its physical body will kill its physical body.
To truly get rid of it, you need to slay it many times over, just cause a spirit looses its physical body dosnt mean it ceases to be(in time, berhaps 3-4 days it will create a new body for itself), to crush its will many times over will perhaps make it leave this world, but they are usualy zealous of theyr homes and duty to protect it, and will again and again reappear. If it dosnt disappear nor its will wavers, destruction of the forest will likely waver its will, however it can lead to 2 out comes 1 it will leave to afterlife if his will is crushed, 2 he will until death follow and attempt to kill over and over until success, the ones who destroyed its sacred place, in this case its will is fueled by anger and vengeance.
Well all that considering that one is capable of faceing a wendigo and living the conflict for that meny times.


Fera are non-human but humanoid creatures.
Some of them are shape shifters.
Human has the least contact with feras, who usualy reside in the deepest and untouched parts of wilderness.
Now about some of theyr species:


Goblins are abaut 0.8m tall, abaut half a mans length.
They are omnivorous, and a goblin or two can be found in any garbage yard, they are a nuisanse but pose no real threat to a human.
There are several greater goblin cities rumored to be under ground.
They are rather cunning, perhaps more so than a human.
They love groups, seeing a goblin alone means there are some near by, even if they are out casts.
--How to kill a goblin.--
Goblins are cowards and dont like to fight creatures they cant beat.
They fear pain aswell, causing pain to one makes him flee, his fleeing might in turn trigger the retreat of the entire group.
Killing one goblin isnt to difficult, although they are rather agile.
They most likely never are alone, and they like to attack in large groups.
Also when dealing with goblins prepare for traps and other tricks, they like do such trickery.

Shape shifters

Shape shifters are a tribe of people who are connected to the animal totems very closely, and have keen knoledge of spirit world aswell as power to affect theyr physical bodyes by it, closer to some than others.
Masterful shape shifter can take the shape of any animal and the also the mid-way of it.
Young shape shifters at best the mid-way of one animal.
A mid-way of wolf is a werewolf. A mid-way of bear is a werebear.
shape shifting or lycanthropy can be learned by other people, however it will take a long time and at best they can only master 2 forms, the tribe it self has some born affinity with this sort of trait (as for a normal man it would take years to master one form, a person from the tribe can do it almost right after they learn to walk).
For that they were declared monsters by the most of civilizations and hunted because of it.
As for how meny of them exist then? Impossible to tell, they are in human form usualy and dnot stand out in special way.
--How to kill a shape shifter--
Like any man, when it in it beast for or a mid-way from then the same, however in the mid-way forms they tend to be much more powerful than in human form.

Naga and merfolk

The sea people, they dont come to dri lands, and try not to contact humans.
For a good reason, humans would most likely kill them if not worse.
Merfolk have the upper body of a human and lower of a dolphin.
Nagas are more reptilian like, they have a horizontal fin on bolth lower and upper side of theyr tail. Male have a dragons face while females resemble more human.
Nagas are also much stronger than humans, while merfolk are abaut as strong.
In the form of intelligence bolth nagas (exept males who are abaut half as wise as females) and merfolk are abaut as intelligent as humans.
Contact with them is scarce at best and little else is known of them.
--How to kill a naga or merfolk--
The same way as a man, however takeing in to consideration that they rarely are above watter and in watter they have a upper hand. Like wise the nagas are atleast twice as strong as humans.


Two to three meters tall, and bulky beasts, possess much strength, but little intelligence.
They are also rather sluggish.
Ogres are almost always overweight, they eat all they get theyr hands on even theyr foes.
But they can understand the use of gold, so might take captives if a rewards is promised.
In ogre culture, the bigger your belly is the better.
It shows prosperity, and is also a pride and joy of it possessor.
Ogres also take pride in scars, not so much as in theyr belly though.
Ogres are omnivores but prefer meat the fattier the better.
--How to kill a ogre.--
Ogres aint to fast or bright, but are very strong.
A smack from a ogres glub is enough to end most normal mens life.
Make use of your wits and agility. If you have any.
In a contest of raw strength there arnt meny people who can stand against a ogre.


Trolls are abaut 2 meters tall humanoid creatures.
They have green or greenish colored skin.
Trolls are agile and versatile beasts, they lack in intelligence but make up for it in brute strength.
Trolls are omnivores, so theyr teeth are similar in built to that of a man.
--How to kill a troll.--
If one uses his wits, it may not be a too dangerous task.
Trolls heal fast, so if one dosnt kill it on the spot it can heal eaven most aggravated wounds over 3 days span.
It is reported that they can eaven regenerate lost limbs should they survive the blood loss.
Fire is definetly a weakness, for some reason trolls flesh burns easely, and burn wounds dont heal well.


Similar in name and shape to wendigo, however is not nearly related as is thought.
Wendols inhabit the northern lands (where are forests and lots of snow and winter), they are omnivorous and solitary creatures, they look like big white furry apes with big sharp theeth.
They have been known to hunt kill and consume humans or/and theyr cattle, but that was rarely a selective thing, it probably grabbed simply the closest piece of meat it could find.
Wendols are strong, stronger than bears, and more agile too, but not faster (bear is capable of out running a human, easily).
They arnt especially intelligent though.
Wendols do not hibernate, contrarily to common belief.
--How to kill a wendol--
Well its a overgrown white ape, nothing to tricky abaut it. Exept that theyr stronger than bears, and more agile than bobcats. Be aware that they like to jump on theyr prey, so steady a sturdy spear on to the ground and step on it, let him impale himself, however,if you mis its heart your likely going to feel its claws first hand.


Are lizard like creatures.


Truely fearsome creatures, have the length of 2 ships when adult.
They are very cunning, and strong, armed with sharp and strong tallons and fangs but,
unlike the common human belief that a dragon can spit fire (witch is untrue), they are just as mighty without it.
They are also able to fly, and are carnivorous.
Tameing a dragon is highly unlikely, likewise meeting one is highly unlikely, they are very scarce however they live for a long long time.

The lesser dragons, look pretty much like dragons and are often mistaken for them however are dragons not.
Drake is abaut the size of a horse and a half, other wise also strong and cunning, but is significantly smaller. However they have been tamed (rarely) and they can carry a man in full armor on its back without mutch trouble.
drakes can be found more commonly but still seeing one is a rare occasion, most people dont get.
--How to kill a dragon--
Ballistas are a effective thing, arrows and such cant usualy penetrate a dragons scales but only can damage theyr wing membranes (witch over time will heal).
Theyr scales are very strong, and are very difficult to penetrate, so the eyes are the weakest spot.
But one is more likely to strike a hole in a dragons body with a sharp sword or spear than to stapp a dragon in the eye.
Still killing a dragon, is more or less impossible for a single man or even 10.
Drakes on the other hand, arrows and such penetrate drakes scales, aswell as swords.
But a drake is a smaller target and as fast as a dragon, it will be a very very difficult task for a human to accomplish such a feat.


Is similar to a dragon and a drake in its shape, however as a dragon and drake have 4 legs and 2 wings wyvern has 2 legs and 2 wings. Its neck is longer and more sleeker, and also tail is longer and more nimble, tail is also armed with a tallon and a wyvern can use its tail with great accuracy and deadliness.
There are 2 kinds of wyverns one is a standard wyvern other is a wyrm.<br /< A wyrm is abaut the size of a drake, alittle longer but in bulk abaut the same.
Wyvern is abaut the size of a big dog and also possesses poison glands in its theeth.
--How to kill them--
Wyrm you kill the same as a drake, however be more alert, wyvern attacks unexpectedly and fast, with its tail or theeth, bolth are deadly.
Wyvern is poisonous (poison is weak and simply numbs, or partially and temporarily paralyzes its victim, but takes effect almost immediatly), smaller and moves around faster, likes to ambush its prey. Other than that, its also slightly more vulnerable than it bigger kin.


The dragon of the sea, looks like a gigantic serpent.
Is abaut as strong as a dragon, possesses less intelligents.
Isnt capable of flyng but is very fast at sea, a dreadful opponent.
Behemoth or sea serpent dosnt usualy take much interest in boats or ships, and spends quite alot of time sleeping on the sea floor. It hunts for fish and some times whales once a 2 weeks or so.
--How to kill a behemoth--
Harpooning it might be a good idea, but it dosnt usualy surface much, fighting it under watter is pretty much a wet suicide, it is as strong as a dragon and you are further hindered when being under watter, its home turf.

Cockatrices and basilisks

Cockatrice a small wyvern with a beaked head.
Dosnt possess poison, but has a strong and sharp peak, it has a birds tail not a talloned one.
Like wise dosnt have membraned wings but feathered ones, and also had feathers on its back, and had 5 toes, with tallons, 3 in front 2 on the back.
Can be a menace to farm animals, should it live near by a farm.
Sometimes makes a nest near human settlements, for food there is abundant.
But dosnt attack humans themselves, lest they come too near it. (humans are too big for them to eat them, they prefer something of a size of a rabbit)

Basillisk similar to cockatrice but has lizards tail, and has 4 toes, 3 in front(plus 1 rudamentory toe), 1 in the back.
Basilisk however does have a poisonous bite, unlike wyverns, basilisks poison is quite potent and kills the victim usualy.
Unlike cockatrice basilisk tends to avoid human settlements, all together.
--How to kill either--
Nothing tricky abaut this either, decapitation is surefire and easy way. other wise theyr abaut the same as any animal.