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Intro (OOC on why I'm writing this)

A few months ago I got elected as Judge, it's more or less a surprise for me and I at that point had no knowledge nor experience on how court/region maintenance works.

As Always, I bugged Mr Jones who described courtwork as brainless work (who is at the same time pretty brainless and is therefore an expert on it), and get a better idea on how court/region maintenance works

It works out pretty well for my Judge character, then later there got people who recently become king/judge to bug me on how to do it. So I guess it would be a good idea to write down something on it.

This page is intended for dummy on region maintenance (until it becomes good enough for vet), which hopefully will help people who just got elected as ruler/judge, but vets will find little benefits from reading it.

Factors affecting Regions Maintenance

This refers to factors which will affect regions as in fullturn turn change. (If you are the ruler or local lord you'll receive a Realm Morale Report every full turn.)

1. Realm Size - The Larger it is, the more discontent peasants will be.

2. Realm Tax Percentage - The Larger it is, the more discontent peasants will be.

I have seen/heard tax rate of different realms, ranging from 9% to 30% while all regions are still kept in good shape.

3. Realm Military Size - The Larger your military, the more discontent peasants will be.

The complain from peasants about military range from 1)Relatively Large Military 2)Large Military 3)Very Large Military and 4)Huge Military. The bigger size your peasants consider you having, the worse the outcome. What are the factors involved when calculating this? (Possible factors, no conclusive information on them yet) a) Realm Population or Realm Size (I think Realm Population is the factor) b) Realm Military Head Count or Realm Military CS (Studies done by Mr_Jones and me confirmed it is CS-based)

4. Battles happened in your realm land - Make peasants unhappy.

5. Lootings happened in your realm land - Make peasants unhappy.

6. Important position unfilled - Make peasants unhappy.

Like Ruler, and City Dukes

7. Realm Banner missing - Make peasants unhappy.

Effects of Courtwork

Hold Court - show the people the justice of their ruler. It takes 6 hours to do it and have 3 options. Only 1 court per region allowed. You cannot hold court when there are other activities (like festival or holiday) planning/happening in the region.

1. Mercy Court - If you show mercy, morale will increase with a minimal effect on loyality. However, it may incite rebellious groups to be more daring.

100% Raise Morale. Large chance to raise loyalty a bit. Medium chance to raise independence rate.

2. Just Court - You can also be just, or at least try your best. This will not change morale very much, but increase realm loyality. It will not affect potential rebels.

100% Raise Loyalty. Large chance to raise morale a bit, though I recalled times seeing morale drop. Not affecting independence rate. (maybe small drop?)

3. Harsh Court - Finally, you can render harsh judgements. This will lower morale slightly. It will also have a random effect on realm loyality (fear can make for a great source of loyality, but it is difficult to estimate the effect). The main effect of this is that you have a good chance of actually catching some anarchists, rebels or independence freaks.

Large chance to lower independence rate. Medium chance to drop loyalty a bit. Slight chance to raise loyalty a bit. WARNING: If region morale is too low and you go for a harsh court, it is possible that independence rate raises instead of dropping.

Note: Independence rate can be viewed by bureaucrats, it affect realm control (from inner core, outer core, province, occupied to rogue), see below for detail.

Effects of Bureaucratic Work

1. Organize Repairs

Takes minimum 6 hours. Only production will rise. Tips: A 6 hour organize repairs usually sucks (raise 1 or 2% production only), but a 12 hour one would be great (sometimes 6-9%), so you are advised to spend full hour for this one.

2. Survey Administration - check and improve the work of the local clerks.

Takes minimum 5 hours. Production, morale and loyality may all rise by a few points. Best way to improve morale, except courtwork, in my humble opinion. Tips: With the new 'too-much-bureaucracy-makes-it-suck' code, spend full hours on it is the best, don't split it anymore.

Effects of Regular Army/Police Work

1. Hang Rebels

Takes minimum 4 hours. Number 1 Effective in Lowering Independent except Courtwork. Number 1 Damaging on Morale Usually a prohibited act for most realms, check before you do it or get banned.

2. Arrest Rebels

Takes minimum 4 hours. Number 2 Effective in Lowering Independent except Courtwork. Number 2 Damaging on Morale Usually a prohibited act for most realms, check before you do it or get banned.

3. Police Raids

Takes minimum 4 hours. Number 3 Effective in Lowering Independent except Courtwork. Slight Damage on Morale. Usually a prohibited act for most realms.

4. Normal Police Works

Takes minimum 4 hours. The least Effective in Lowering Independent except Courtwork. No Damage on Morale. Sometimes the most popular way on lower Independent except Courtwork.

5. Patrol the Streets

Minimum of 4 hours. No direct effect upon morale and loyalty except in massive amounts (5 TL's at the same time for example). No damage on morale. This function is used mostly to help people in a region from capturing foreign nobles, i.e. Infiltrators, Nobles, Traders etc.

6. Civil Works

Takes minimum 4 hours. 100% Raise Production. Slight chance to raise Morale a bit.

How to Check Independence Rate

1. Region Statistics - gather data on this region

Only available to Bureaucrats. See above.

2. Temple Visit

Only available if you are famous enough. Takes 5 to 10 gold per visits. Takes 1 hour. The Priest may comment on how much sympathy Independence Movement got, a rounding up value to the nearest 5. Not as accurate as Region Statistics. It shows the most current stats however, which is useful if you wanna see what progress your region maintenance works have done.

3. Visit your Family

Only available in region where your family is located at. Takes 2 hours. Your dad (or is it uncle?) will tell you how much sympathy Independence Movement got, a rounding up value to the nearest 5. Not as accurate as Region Statistics.

If you want to contact me, if you have any question, or you noticed a mistake: I'm often on irc #Battlemaster ( My nick is Denning.

By Denning and Lorraine of the Cheung Family.

Parts added by Jacket of the Tator Family.