Asgard Informer/Issue Two

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Revision as of 13:29, 22 December 2007 by Ceowulf (talk | contribs)
Phoenixlarge.jpg Asgard Informer
1 silver coin Ad furorem Normannorum libera nos, Domine Issue 2
News from the North

Phoenixsmall.png   King Of the Hill   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Dakka
December 19, 2007

The past few days have been a shining light in the recent dark turn taken in the war against Minas Ithil. Yesterday morning on December 18 33 brave nobles of Norland lead an army of ~700 men up the mountain of Elost against a defending MI force numbering slightly over 600 troops stationed in the captured fortifications of the region. These two impressive armies amounted to 8336 CS and 8308 CS respectively, the palisades tipping the balance in MI's favor. However excellent planning by Norland's Military High Command (consisting mainly of shots of shiverwood ale and an intense game of truth-or-dare) had resulted in the Viking horde arriving in unison with enough siege engines to take care of the enemy walls. As the sun peaked above the over-sized boulder known as Elost te viking warriors of Norland made their frenzied charge, smashing through the wooden defenses and engaged the Ithilians in some of the most brutal fighting of the war. After three hours of vicious hand to hand combat the army of Norland was forced to fall back carrying the dead body of the Griffin Count of Shiverwood and second in command of the Spears. However this was not the end for the Viking army of reconquest, MI had also lost two heroes of it's own in the battle and its palisades had been destroyed in the fighting. Both sides rallied and prepared for the second wave. That evening Norland's forces struck again, this time driving off the MI defenders in a route made all the more decisive by the timely arrival of Duke Gimlack's cavalry company. The fleeing Ithilian troops faced being down by the proud and flatulent steeds of Norland or hunted down by viking spearmen as they attempted to hide in the region's mines. After beating off a counterattacking Ithilian force the next morning, a friendly take over was started and the peasants of Elost no longer having to fear the oppression of King DA3 attacked and lynched the few remaining Ithilian militia in a display of their love for their true homeland.

Although this victory came at a high price in both manpower and leadership, Minister of Defense R'guard and the rest of Norland's nobles are still in high spirits over the first victory against a well entrenched Ithilian army of which there will undoubtedly be more. These recent events have shown the world that Lion of the North, though still facing great odds, will never back down and will ultimately prevail over the sun worshiping southerners.

Phoenixsmall.png   The Big Hill rejoins the Frozen North   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Dakka
December 20, 2007

This evening Norland completed the overthrow of the Ithilian officials that had been oppressing the people of Elost for the past month. The people of Elost rejoiced in the streets as they hailed their return to the benevolent rule of Norland.

Phoenixsmall.png   Mopping Up   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Dakka
December 21, 2007

This evening Norland forces won yet another victory as they drove the Ithilians out of Hernepoole. The Ithilian force had moved into the region and begun damaging the temples and walls of Hernepoole while the Norland army was preoccupied with the campaign in Elost. Aided by forces arriving from Brackhead the soldiers that had just taken Elost slaughtered the Ithilian army in a battle that pitted 4847cs of Norland soldiers against 4621cs of Ithilians. Despite being weary and possessing heavily damaged equipment from the recent battles in Elost the Viking warriors of Norland once again proved that man for man the Norland army will match the Ithilians on any open field.

Asgard Informer |- | width="33%" | 1 silver coin | width="33%" align="center"|Ad furorem Normannorum libera nos, Domine | width="34%" align="right"|Issue 2 |- | width="100%" colspan="3" text-align="center"|News from the North |}

Phoenixsmall.png   King Of the Hill   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Dakka
December 19, 2007

The past few days have been a shining light in the recent dark turn taken in the war against Minas Ithil. Yesterday morning on December 18 33 brave nobles of Norland lead an army of ~700 men up the mountain of Elost against a defending MI force numbering slightly over 600 troops stationed in the captured fortifications of the region. These two impressive armies amounted to 8336 CS and 8308 CS respectively, the palisades tipping the balance in MI's favor. However excellent planning by Norland's Military High Command (consisting mainly of shots of shiverwood ale and an intense game of truth-or-dare) had resulted in the Viking horde arriving in unison with enough siege engines to take care of the enemy walls. As the sun peaked above the over-sized boulder known as Elost te viking warriors of Norland made their frenzied charge, smashing through the wooden defenses and engaged the Ithilians in some of the most brutal fighting of the war. After three hours of vicious hand to hand combat the army of Norland was forced to fall back carrying the dead body of the Griffin Count of Shiverwood and second in command of the Spears. However this was not the end for the Viking army of reconquest, MI had also lost two heroes of it's own in the battle and its palisades had been destroyed in the fighting. Both sides rallied and prepared for the second wave. That evening Norland's forces struck again, this time driving off the MI defenders in a route made all the more decisive by the timely arrival of Duke Gimlack's cavalry company. The fleeing Ithilian troops faced being down by the proud and flatulent steeds of Norland or hunted down by viking spearmen as they attempted to hide in the region's mines. After beating off a counterattacking Ithilian force the next morning, a friendly take over was started and the peasants of Elost no longer having to fear the oppression of King DA3 attacked and lynched the few remaining Ithilian militia in a display of their love for their true homeland.

Although this victory came at a high price in both manpower and leadership, Minister of Defense R'guard and the rest of Norland's nobles are still in high spirits over the first victory against a well entrenched Ithilian army of which there will undoubtedly be more. These recent events have shown the world that Lion of the North, though still facing great odds, will never back down and will ultimately prevail over the sun worshiping southerners.

Phoenixsmall.png   New Region Lords Appointed   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Dakka
December 22, 2007

The Asgard informer would like to congratulate Mary Samsonite for her appointment as baroness of the newly reclaimed Elost and R'guard Da Hadez for his election as Count of Shiverwood. They are both experienced nobles of Norland and everyone is sure that they will prove to be excellent lords. (As a side note: Ha Ha! My liege is the realm high marshal!)