Metsamees Family

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Family of Metsamees


Children of Edmund Metsamees (385 of fourth-era) and Silvia Metsamees (387 of fourth-era)
-Kalev Metsamees (407 of fourth-era)
-August Metsamees (408 of fourth-era - 417 of fourth-era)
-Arnold Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)
-Vahur Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)
Vahur and Arnold are twins

Children of Kalev Metsamees and Agnes Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)
-Raivo (known as Voidsmith Metsamees) (432 of fourth-era)
-Isabell Metsamees (434 of fourth-era)
-Ashly Metsamees (437 of fourth-era)

Children of Arnold Metsamees and Eislin Metsamees (410 of fourth-era - 432 of fourth-era: died when giving birth to Raigo)
-Raigo (known as Gorefinder Metsamees)(432 of fourth-era)
-Anna Metsamees (433 of fourth-era)
(Anna was a child of Arnold's second wife Catherine.
Although not Arnold's child, still inherited the Metsamees's family name through her mother's marriage at 438 of fourth-era and was accepted in to the family as if was related by blood.)

Children of Vahur Metsamees and Linda Metsamees (411 of fourth-era)
-Raimond (known as Woodsman Metsamees) (432 of fourth-era)
-Rainor (known as Fenris Metsamees) (432 of fourth-era)
(Raimond and Rainor are twins.)
-Eve Metsamees (436 of fourth-era)

Lineage tablet, describing the lineage of the Metsamees better than can be done in words.[1]

History of family

The family of Metsamees has deep and strong bonds with nature.
Much isn't known from their ancestors, it is said that their ancestors come from far
north from a small shamanistic tribe that was rumored to have powers of wendigo
(guardian of the forest) or lycanthropy and that they were able to speak with all
sorts of animals, plants and nature, organic or not.

Regardless what their ancestors are rumored to be the last remains of their family
settled in Amriel (on the continent of Atamara), after some generations their
influence grew and eventually they were lifted to state of nobles.
They still keep the old traditions and religion that is passed on from parents to
children, a unique mythology thought to be died out.

Note that Metsamees family's birth-death dates are not in the general calendar, but rather in the calendar of their ancestral tribes.
Fourth-era began at the time when the war ended on Metsamees family's ancestral homelands. Which was invaded by religious crusaders attempting to expand their faith and "save" the local people by fire and sword.
It seems as if they failed most of people lie in graves and what is left is scattered over the world.
Metsamees family as the only known, and thus counted to be the largest of the remains of tribe keeps alive its old ways and customs along with those their calendar.