Sartans Newspaper/Issue two: November Edition

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Free to all people of Sartania.
Main Editors: Isabelle Carver, Pontifex Ascanius of the Brotherhood, Velax


TO in Athios
Today, Tenal Quasath initiated a Takeover of Athios with his 39 man unit. The region is currently rogue and a special group of Troops, men and women, were ordered to do so.

TO successful

After just one and a half days, Athios belongs to Sartania and is no longer a rebel region. The Nobles and Men of Sartania have been ordered to hang all of the rebels in order to teach them a lesson to to dis-hearten others who were thinking of joining them. Sartania now stretches it's boundaries across 10 regions, gaining more honour and power with each one taken. Isabelle Carver

  • After several days Athios has been reclaimed and is once more a part of Sartan's empire. The peasants still have trouble adjusting their view for they have lived in complete freedom for quite some time. Though this should be over soon enough once they see Sartan's true grace. Unlike the last time Athios has now been taken in a good time and it is going pretty well. Soon it should be yet another prosperous region of Sartania were new knights shall be born and taught to fight, were armies will be funded, were the banner of Sartan shall fly high and will be seen from all around. Sartania can be happy, for we have another region to be soon proud off. Sartan's name rules there already. Our goverment is soon to follow.

Pontifex Ascanius

Interviews with Sartanian troops

Troops are always thought as machines who do as they are told, when they are told and without asking questions. However, this is un-true and troops, just like thier noble leaders, wonder why they are doing things. They also have opinions and so me and my team of scribes decided to find out what the troops of Sartania's opinions were.

{{Template:News_minor_left| title =TO in Larodais| article =The people in Larodais are revolting! 5 gold have been stolen from various tax collector offices. The morale is fairly high due to the peasents wishing to be a part of thier new realm for quite a while now. Production, however is dropping and is something for us to think about and get fixed as soon as possible. Revolting peasants have done something unthinkable - they lynched the local civil servants and vowed loyality to Sartania instead! As if peasants could decide who rules them! But they have. What shall become of them, who knows; we shall have to wait and see.