Fox Talks/Ash Sea Islands Tournament II

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The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. Atamara's Warriors Gather in Wor'ight!

A total of 132 troop leaders from 14 different realms paid the 15 gold entrance fee to visit the Wor'ight tournement grounds in ASI. Due to size and noise regulations the tournement was sword play only to the dismay of joustmasters near and far, sorry Sir DrSeptre, no joust for you! First place winner Gabriel Bachelor of Norland took home the 250 gold prize and the bragging rights while Child of Bodom from Carelia took home the 50 gold second place prize. Congratulations to the winners!

Another Wedding in the Works?
Minas Ithil is turning out to be quite the romantic hot spot, Sir Sidd Knee (Count of Lothruin) and Lady Katherine Yorke (Arch Priestess of Minas Ithil, Countess of Cheltenborne) have announced their intetntion to be married!!! Wonderful isn't it? Let's hope the guests aren't cheated out of their whiskey like last time *cough*Dante*cough*. Well, the groom-to-be can't promise us another wedding tourney but those of us at Fox Talks will keep a sharp eye out for news from Shanadoah. Best of luck to the both of you, we'd send you a fruit basket but budget cuts and layoffs drove a stake into our spending...
The Especially Generous
A list of all you wonderful people with gold to spare!

Richard the Courageous, Kurohyou, Khan----Henri, Bufort, Lint, Hector, Qyercus, Keiichi, Rory, Chus, Juan, Aethelmaer, Marcus Maxentius, Sidd, Jyotis, Nickloay

RTC takes the win with four free rounds, we take off our caps to you good sir. I must say this list looks better better much better than the last one! Knowing that Atamara still has decent people makes you feel all warm inside doesn't it? And it's not just the alcohol! I'm sure at least a few of you bought a round before I arrived, though I made a good effort to appear early this time, things happen. What kinds of things? Things that haunt your dreams and go bump in the, seriously...

Down But Not Out!
Sure they don't have a capital, and maybe they don't have access to a bank, but RedSpan had representation at this tourney! RedSpaniards Valan Raret, Brendon Kalvansson, and Pyrix Questor were seen roaming about the grounds throughout the festivities to the surprise of many. Sadly for RedSpan none of them took home the gold but way to let the world know you're not outta this yet! Three cheers for the show of face!

Kuro and Aethelmaer Return to ASI! A Brief History of Tourney Greatness
That's right, they're baaaack! What? You mean to say you don't remember THAT tournement??? Good grief. Before the days of Duchy tournaments ASI held a realm wide record breaker that attracted nobles from virtually every realm on the continent much to the delight of Ser'quean vendors and inn keepers. The pre-tourney rabble was full of excitement and chatter and was in fact the inspiration for this very paper! The stuff of legends I tell you! Putting aside the near death fox hunt, the astonishing sale of ElderBerry Tonic as hangover cure, and the typical anything-your-realm-can-do-mine-can-do-way-better shouting matches then-Tarans Kurohyou Bakos and Aethelmaer Sterkstain put on perhaps the most memorable show. Though the exact circumstances of how it all came to be remain a mystery to this day, we speculate the drinking contest between Kurohyou and Aethelmaer ended with both participants solidly drunk and up to no good. Good ole' Aeth was found hanging by his feet from some rope swung around the rafters of the horse stable (The Makarians would go on to make a feast out of the stable's residents a day later). A smelly predicament to be sure. Did tourney goers take pity on the poor man? Of course not! We're Atamarans, we don't DO kindness. Instead we left him hanging, even several nobles of high standing, whose names will not be mentioned to protect their reputations, merely gazed uppon the sight of the Taran with his face trapped between two horse arses for a few moments before exiting the stable to continue on with their day. Sad yes? Worry not, poor Aeth was eventually cut down by some kind soul, though not kind enough to break the skull-crushing fall into a pile of dung...

Even though the CE tournement would go on the smash the attendance record of that ASI tourney and the badger hordes would go on to make us all laugh cry and curse in place of human entertainment, those days will be forever etched into the tourney books as a great moment in history. That's all for today class, carry on!

Questions Left Unanswered
Another poll for you fine people based on unfinished discussions. Tell us what you think!
  • Sword or Joust, Which makes a better single-event tourney?
  • Who would YOU put your gold behind in a sword match? DRP, DrSeptre, Moses, Gabriel (tough call isn't it)
  • Does age really matter when it comes to skill?
  • ADOPT AN ASHLANTEAN MEEPRER!!! (...where's the question?)
  • How much are you willing to pay in entrance fees before you stay home on principle? Just testing your limits...
Phoenixsmall.png   The Winners Circle    Phoenixsmall.png
Sir Gabriel Bachelor has yet to comment, it's coming soon!