Talk:Contests/Dwilight Realm Banners/Winners

From BattleMaster Wiki

Triple hurray for the winners! Medium 18:34, 3 October 2007 (CEST)

First of All: Huray I've won and Huray to the others that have won, let us work together to make Diwlight the coolest and creative Continent ever. But Secondly, what now? I would like to discuss the posibilities of my character and specialy in the RP context I had in mind, I hope there is room for some quistions before where droped off. --Vlad 23:44, 3 October 2007 (CEST)

Yeah, I had a really cool RP for my hero character =P. What's gonna happen with that? -- Shenron 12:25, 4 October 2007 (CEST)

Why don't we create a background story for Dwilight based on our collective hero Characters? We each throw in our characters' bios as well as some story elements then when its all done we can conbine and edit it in the background story suggestion page [1] here are my elements:

The Guntor Kings; Apathetic Masters The Guntors are the indigudous people of Dwilight. They are known for the grey skin tones aswell as their distrust and disloyalty. Before the people from the eastern continants came, they lived disunified in non-familial, despotic tribes constantly battleing each other. In later centuries, kingdoms emerged all over Dwilight and the Age of Apathy began, lasting for a mellinia, the Guntors got on with thier lives with little concern. Migrants from many of the contanants trickled in and were seen by the guntor as inferior. The Easterners led many rebelions due to the exploitation of the Guntor.

Springdale; Icy resolve:( left vague) of the 4 nations of Dwilight, Springdale is known for its resistance of Guntar overlordship during the Age of Apathy. Although it was a constant strugle to keep itself Eastern from both inside and out, It's prolific fields remained apart from tight fisted Guntor hands.

Pian en Luries; The Ignored Ones: (left vague) Pian is a harsh land, protected by mountain, sand, and unfriendly neighbor from the clutches of the Guntor. The Guntor have made a place for themselves in Pian but it was by merit, not hostile force. The Guntor here are so in name only, as most are so interbred with the Easterners.

Morek; Celestial Rise Morek was ruled harshly by the Guntor and rebellion was commonplace. The guntor treated the foregners as filth and cheap labour. During one rebellion an omen was sighted, 3 red stars shown bright in the western sky. The major faction of the rebels placed these on their banner, and defeted the Guntor at the village of Armstock. The story spread quickly and soon the whole region was in rebellion. after many victories the state of Morek was established, and the bloodstars evolved into a psuedo-religion, made holy and consitered good luck. now that Morek is on its feet, it seeks to make its way west, twards the Bloodstars, to some yet unknown holyland.

Medina; Glorius West: Medina was established after the Guntor had fallen from power for the wayward migrants from the east that continued to flood into Dwilight. It now seeks more liveing space for its people by opening up the west to Colonization.

The BloodStars; Fall of the Guntar: THe age of Apathy came to a close as a strange constellation appeared in the sky. 3 red stars peirced through the night sky. THese stars did not move across the sky like the others, but stayed over the western lands of Dwilight. Due to their static nature they are not vissable from the other parts of the world. The Bloodstars as they came to be known wax and wane unpredictably, usually appearing twice a year. some while after their apperance, many Guntor went mad. Some became so insane that the ones inpower could not contain them and the Guntor kingdoms collapsed into many minor factions. Those in the eastern island were absorbed or repelled by the Easterners. Most of the mad Guntor are now dead and the Guntor are slowly comming back to power in the west, soon to feast on the vacuum of power.

Deverka "the cloudly" Cryfdwr: Deverka of the Cryfdwr family was a migrant from Atamara. Born an albino he has become known as "the cloudly" among the people of Morek. During the great rebellions he held the village of Armstock agenst a greater Guntor host, rallying the local villagers with the image of the Bloodstars apon his coat of arms. He professed that the Bloodstars were an omen that he claims to be a devine sign that Moreks time to rise had come. He is now hailed a national hero by the people of Morek. Deverka's Black and gray coat of arms has been adapted by the people of Morek to green and red, and made the national colors. --Devercia 01:30, 5 October 2007 (CEST)