Talk:Contests/Dwilight Realm Banners/Finalists

From BattleMaster Wiki

I like Meandor's the best, with m2rt and grinninglemon's first one next - they seem more like real banners than some of the other more photoesque creations. --The1exile 14:14, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

I really like LilWolfs and Devercia banners. --Jaune

My vote goes to the Devercia banners for Morek and Madina and LilWolf for Pian en Luries. As for non-realmspecific entries, I like the submissions from Exclude and grinninglemon. -Andrasta 14:21, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

Well actually, it does say Springdale on i made it quite a bit smaller than it was to begin with, i guess it can be hard to spot. Althought i did say i could easily change the text on the front of the pic, im not sure it goes against the rules to say i can change something after its submitted --Exclude 15:33, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

For me it's, Metsamees. The first one which looks like a head piece and Meandors. Can't put a finger on why but, Metsamees is one of the few banners that look aggressive, a war torn realm, one that (hopefully) will add something to the island. As for Meandors, it's well crafted and looks like an effective banner, symbolic and artistic. Although it is some what comparable to Devercias, and as much as they came first, I believe Meandor has done a better job in making his banner more identifiable in comparison to Devercias. Oh yeah, but mines still the best ;-). --JonniT 14:35, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

I like Shenron's submissions so I'm voting for him. --Abdul Latif 14:53, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

If i am to vote for something else than my own, i guess i'll vote for Uceek's one. It really does fit for Pian en Luries --Exclude 15:56, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

I think Uceek's sword and rose is too good not to get in. Malitia 16:30, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

I like Excludes for Springdale, Uceek for Pian, Meandor for Madina and the orange one of Shenron's for Morek. Crazylozda 16:58, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

Hmm I like Devercia`s banners and Meandor`s banner --M2rt 17:04, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

Well of course i like my own hehe. i am dissapointed my original one didnt make it, but i can see why i wouldnt have made it.

As for voting and what not i must say i like Exclude's it has a nice look to it and the Icon matches well.

I liked the one devercia made for Morek. i think though that he could have done something else rather than put it on a pole, also i like the look of his icon but perhaps a different shape? something that would look a lil nicer under a realm name.

Shenron has a nice look and definitly matches one of the monarchies, But the shield edges look too sharp almost out of place, perhaps softening the edges a lil.

As for Madina, which is seemed to me very difficult to make a banner for, i liked Nosferatus's banner, its got the right idea and its pretty simple. however the name on the ship draws too much attention towards the right side combined with the sails it makes the picture unbalanced, perhaps centering the name or putting towards the Left side even more, or even taking it out.

I had likes the idea of The1exile's picture from the good submissions page, a shame it didnt make the specifications.

Best of luck to you all --Grinninglemon 20:13, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

A little disappointed that mine didn't get through.. any reasons why?

I really like the Pian from Uceek. Thegep 22:26, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

yours had a nice look before you changed the fist, when you added the gradient it become more of a focal point but overpowered the rest of the image somewhat. In my opinion it looked better before the change. --Grinninglemon 22:52, 5 September 2007 (CEST)
So did I, but I got a heap of private messages saying "It's a black hand! Everyone will only think of Avamar and the Black Hand!" I tried to explain that it wasn't, but I finally caved to pressure. Obviously to my own detriment. Thegep 23:21, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

The four I'd select: Grinninglemon's second (Madina), Exclude's banner (Springdale, in my opinion the best), Shenron's first (Morek) and Uceek's banner (PeL). In the light of seeing them on a realm description page and as small icons on the map that need to be easy to notice but not overwhelming, these four are the best in my opinion. Medium 22:41, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

I like the Icon within Meandor's; It is a very differant aproach from my own. I decided to use more patterns as most people focus on icons but Meandor's is clear enough and artistic enough to bypass the usually cliche.

Grinninglemon's sunburst also caught my eye.

BTW on the original submission page my icons are differant, and have been for awhile, than what is shown here, they are brighter and have been given boarders.

--Devercia 23:36, 5 September 2007 (CEST)

Borders on such small pictures doesn't really work that well. I actually like the icons in here better than the ones with borders..I assume Tom thought the exact same thing ;)