Abington Account/July2007

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Xuanye Titled Duke of Stoneville

In a widely-approved move, the king appointed Xuanye, former High Marshal and sole recipient of the Order of Abington, as the new Duke of Stoneville.

"Thank you everybody for your well wishes, and I hope to be a worthy Duke following Grand Poopah's footsteps," the ever-modest Xuanye announced.

Shamus' Negotiations Go Nowhere

While Carelia and her new allies continue to conquer and attack Redspan territory, the prevailing and arrogant idea held by the attackers is best expressed by, again, Kronos of Carelia: "Has Red Span proven that they should not be driven from these lands?" It appears that Kronos doesn't need a reason to betray, attack and conquer Redspan, he needs to be given a reason not to.

Talerium remains obstinate - they will plough through Redspan as a means to attack Abington. Tara remains committed to the Cagilan Empire's lead, who in turn is also refusing to consider peace. Diplomatic communication with Abington indicates that although Vengence is unwilling to be up front about it, an assault on Abington with, again, the intent of annihilating the kingdom is likely in the plans.

Takeover of Stargard; Looting

With over a thousand allied troops, Tara began a brutal takeover of Stargard, indulging in looting the population their news-paper claims to be liberating. Over three hundred peasants expressed their outrage in a hopeless series of skirmishes against the invaders.

According to our sources in Redspan, Carelia has performed the fewest incidents of looting - 12 as of this writing. This speaks volumes about the nature of the conquest by Carelia's allies.

Ash Sea Islands Honours Treaty; Rogeshore Given to Redspan

In a move that surprised some of the die-hard anti-Islander faction within Abington, ASI chose to honour their treaty by handing the region of Rogeshore to Redspan as prescribed. For those not convinced by the lasting peace established at the end of the last war, this helped to show the Ash Sea Islands as a realm unwilling to sacrifice honour for wealth or land.

Battles in Upperfell, Stargard

Battle took place in Upperfell, in which Carelia against the former allies she betrayed was defeated. A day later, Abington and Redspan temporarily retook Stargard from the combined forces of Tara, Cagilan Empire and Carelia.

Infiltrator Activities

Shamus, King of Redspan, was recently attacked by an enemy infiltrator. Less than a day later, the Empire executed Vos Estis, an infiltrator from Redspan, allegedly for the crime of attacking Prime Minister Vengence.

Meanwhile, an Abington trader burned down 1 bushel of food in Tara, and according to the Authorization Edict, was banished from Abington for it. Tara's Dictator reported that "Though we are on different sides of this war... I want to say that say that Abington has gained my respect in the actions regarding the rogue infiltrator. There is a lot of finger pointing going around this circle as of late, and I'd like to take this chance to applaud a noble action."

Peace Negotiations Continue to Go Nowhere

Shamus, King of Redspan, correctly ascertained stated reasons for the war against Redspan as being:

  • Infiltrator attacks on yourself and some of your nobles
  • Violation of a treaty
  • Insults from Tony

He then pointed out to Prime Minister Vengence that the infiltrator in question is executed, and "Your armies have pillaged my lands for weeks, and gained much gold from it, so I would hope that has soothed the sting of the insults." Lastly he asked, for a third time, for a copy of the treaty that was allegedly violated by Redspan and implored the opening of peace talks.

There have been no responses to either of Shamus's inquiries, from any ruler.

Battles in Upperfell, Ambernel

Talerium and the Cagilan Empire attacked and easily overran Upperfell. Less than a day later, Abington and Redspan counterattacked Ambernel and won; but a counterattack in Upperfell, facing additional Carelian invaders, failed. The hero Ingo, of the Cagilan Empire, was slain during the fighting.

A day later, Carelia, continuing it's dream of conquest, tookover Upperfell; several days after that, the invasion force overran Ambernel. Stargard remains occupied by over 1,700 enemy troops, but surveys of the citizens show that every one of them remains loyal to Redspan. This is no doubt facilitated by the brutal campaigns of terror and looting undertaken by the invaders.

Victory in Byblack

Abington and Redspan forces (est 22000 cs) launched and attack against the Talerium and Tara invaders (est 19000 cs) in Byblack and defeated them in a decisive victory as the invaders suffered heavy casualties that evening.

A particular Talerium noble, Xanio; a name that Abington nobles from the First War of Dishonour knows only too well, insulted Redspan by calling them Abington's "lapgoat". Some words were exchanged following the insult but overall all the nobles showed respect for their opponents.

Victories in Meldeen and Atblane

Abington forces; despite their decisive victory in Byblack showed no sign of fatigue. The Abington army swept across the region of Meldeen and Atblane and annihilated the small invasion armies in those regions.

Maldeen is in a state of chaos as the Taran invaders tries to force their values onto the once cheerful goat herders. The Dictator of Tara even tried to "auction" Meldeen, announcing that he would make the first Taran noble who could produce forged documents and bribe local officials the Lord of Meldeen. Unfortunately, this is something even peaceful goat herders would not fall for. Meldeen declared its independence shortly after the "auction".