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Template:Infobox Regions

Nobility of Gaxano

Lords of Gaxano

Former Lords of Gaxano

Current Lord of Gaxano


Knights of Gaxano

  • Henning II Mandul of the Lost Realm
  • Jenny Hashimashidas
  • Trithereon BloodPhoenix (Offer Pending)

Infrastructure of Gaxano

Recruitment Centers

Gaxano has two recruitment centers, both of which houses infantry.

Henning's Men-at-arms are decent quality infantry that have been available since an unkown date. The troops have been renamed by Baron Louis-Joseph in honnour of Gaxano's former lord. They have a training of 35 and equipment of 50 / 55.

Louis-Joseph's Halbardiers are one of the best infantry troops available in the duchy of Dyomoque and realm of Khthon. Their training of 50 and equipment of 35 / 70 make them outclass the former favorite that was the Heroic Shield Bearers. They were named after the lord who financed the construction of the recruitment center and found the proper personnel to train them, Baron Louis-Joseph Chénier.


Though palisades have been erected around the manor, nothing yet has been built for use on the battlefield.

Temples of Gaxano

  • A small temple of the Valentic Order (closed)
  • A small temple of The Blood Cult