User talk:Danaris

From BattleMaster Wiki

Response to your critism

First, I delete it to keep it clean. I heard your response and never relized the preview button. You are not the ruler of Battle Master, and therefore I do not have to keep my page cluttered with "dude... uh, wow dude, like, eh stop doing stuff dude."

So, therefore, I delete it, and will continue to do so. I got the comments, and I followed them. -- Peter Kolak

I apologize.

However, when you've been getting exactly the same criticism from several different people for a while, and you don't take it, and then you just delete the criticism, you must admit it sounds somewhat childish. If I were you, instead of simply deleting it, I would replace it with something saying, "Yeah, yeah, I found the preview button and I'll use it from now on"...or something like that. apologies for the nastygram, but it is best to respond to criticism before deleting it. --Anaris 18 October 2005 22:40 (CEST)