Metsamees Family/Fenris

From BattleMaster Wiki

"Fenris" Rainor Metsamees

Born couple of minutes later than his twin-brother Raimond.
Mutch like his brother Woodsman, he to went to woods to hunt and philosophise.
He trained and studied with his brother.
They were ecuals in strength and wisdom.(Woodsman was alittle bit stronger cause he was older to.)
And he was also abaut same height and body building as his older brother, how ever Fenris is black haired and has green eyes and shaves his beard from time to time.
As Woodsman joined the army of Eston, then so did Fenris, but he joined army of Tara.

Soon after he joined the army and got a troop to lead, he discoverd that he had some sort of ability to hear the call of wolfes and that he could understand them.
Well so he described. Soon after that he was sure that it wasnt delusion. Breefly after that he went to the wilds and never returned or have been heard of.
His troops gossip that he went with the wolfs and became one of them, or that he became a werewolf.

A little time ago he did show his fase on Beluaterra in the realm of Plergoth for a little while, but has vanished again, untill now when he apreard in Old Grehk. Seeking to end the existance of defiling, unnatural beings sutch as the undead, that taint the land and nature. As sutch it is spoken that he has taken the role of a Woodlean a druid warrior from Metsamees ancient mythology also referd to as warriors of nature, who defend nature and hunt the unnatural and also bring balance to nature, by killing those who are to plentyfull
although some tribes of Wendol were sayd to have lost theyr way cause they sought to end human existance for they belived human to had become tainted thus unnatural.