Curs Family/Writings

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By the hand of Cartor Curs

Ceremony of Duke Dzikun of Domus
A dark fog approaches
As Cartor announces
As Cartor announces
A bunch of red wax and a ring
A duel stirres up dawn
Erica of Domus#1
Erica of Domus#2
Erica of Domus#3
Eagles Reach in memory
The execution of Alan Capashin by Cartor Curs
The Wedding - Vlad, Veni, Revelation, Gwynyth, Cartor

By the hand of Foreign Curs

Pitifully a lot were lost over time, here are only fragments.
Foreign leans over his desk once again
Foreign came back to Clarissa
Foreign's amnesia
Foreign looked melancholic
Foreign's trip

By the hand of Martana Curs


Player's note

Perhaps you have noticed that I've got quite a list of roleplays gathered up during the two years I play this game. For those who are interested: I'm currently writing a book based on the life of Cartor Curs in an angelic context. Just for those who like my roleplays!