Ash Sea Islands/Government

From BattleMaster Wiki Government of the Ash Sea Islands

By Royal Commission, this pamphlet has been produced to make Ashlantean government less opaque and to provide an insight into how exactly the Kingdom is governed. Information about former government institutions has also been gathered, for posterity.



High Marshal

Arch Priest

Royal Treasurer

Lord Steward

Government Bodies


The Witenagemot

King's Council

The King's private council consists of the formal members of government of the Ash Sea Islands (High Marshal, Arch Priest and the Royal Treasurer). In recent times it's advisory role has been eroded drastically by both the Senate and subsequently the Witenagemot. The King's Council still provides an important forum for the King in the day-to-day running of the realm however and also for each council member to liaise with one another individually. To-date no member of the King's Council has been denied a seat on the Witenagemot.



A body that has long been a part of Ashlantean governance, the Feudarch consists of the King and all landed nobles of the realm. Although a permanent body in the reign of King Doc's Revenge, in the reign of King Malice the Feudarch is more or less convened at the King's convenience. Although the Feudarch has no formal decision making role, it provides a vital link between the King and his Lords.


The Senate

Founded during the reign of King Doc's Revenge, the Senate was a council of realm elders who helped the King both govern the realm and decide foreign policy. The Senate did not remain a feature of Ashlantean governance much beyond the abdication of King Doc's Revenge and was disbanded shortly after the coronation of King Malice.

The Senate largely had a much greater role than it's successor body, the Witenagemot, in influencing realm affairs with reports of votes even being taken to help the monarch decide what to do. In spite of this though it remains difficult to make any fair comparison between the role and usage of the Senate with the Witan as both bodies have only been used under one monarch each.

The most notable difference between the Senate and the Witenagemot was it's composition. There were only ever nine or ten senators who were largely drawn from the old guard, consisting of largely former monarchs and long lived Ashlantean nobles. This is in stark contrast to composition of the Witenagemot which is much more diverse and is indeed a larger body. The Senate was restricted to a maximum of ten nobles.


In ancient times, the Ash Sea Islands was originally governed as a republic. Although the specifics of governance in that era are lost to the mists of times, it is likely that the ruler took on the title of Prime Minister like in modern day Republics and governed with the consensus of the various Duke's of the realm and other government ministers. It is believed that the Republic was eventually reformed into a Monarchy in a rebellion started by King Silver Stone, who had recently been defeated in an election. Sadly, the circumstances of the time remain lost to history.

External References

The Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot