Soulja Family/Valens

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~Valens Soulja~


Valens' History

Valens history is very short. He was born on the East Continent, but not very happy there he decided to leave. This was after his brother Cloud left, so his first thoughts where to follow him. He went to Taselak on the South East Island, but got there long after Cloud had left. Valens then had a decision to make, try to follow his brother's unknown path, or stay and fight for this new realm. He decided to see about this new realm and find out more about it. After a few weeks, he decided he liked things here. He was also appointed Baron of Saenna for his loyalty to the realm. Things are much different now though, Queen Penny has been killed and he is getting strong feelings that some do like him. Valens is now unsure if he wants to stay in Taselak, he is trying to give it as much time as he can but things are quickly fading.

Valens in Taselak

Valens likes to consider this his home, and was appointed Baron of Saenna as well, but lately he feels more and more like an outsider. He tries his best to help the realm but it never quite seems to be enough for some people and it even seems some people are working against him like he is trying to hurt more then help. Valens now has mixed feelings about staying in Taselak. Finally, tired of the way he has been being treated, Valens decides to leave the realm. Well not only the realm but the whole continent. He boarded a ship headed to Atamara, already decided on the realm of Darka.

Valens in Darka

Valens received a warm welcome in Darka. He is poor right now though, but has some advice and will follow through with what he was told. Hopefully soon he can be an effective member of the Darka military. Shortly after joining, Darka's banker was attacked and seriously wounded. This caused Darka to declare war on RedSpan. The war with RedSpan did not last long after Darka troops arrived and started looting their lands, destroying everything. Now moving on to a new war, the merc move out again.

Valens in Nighthelm

After moving out from Darka, Valens went to Nighthlm, a realm in the Far East. This however was not his first choice, as he first joined the Antoza Commonwealth. After a few huge battles, one was finally lost. Now sure what was going on, he soon found out his liege had used his region and joined Nighthelm. Along with the lord, all the knights went as well. This was not all bad, as Valens was finally allowed to start the life of a trader, which he had been looking forward to doing for some time now. He currently travels all around the continent looking to better his skills, and help feed the people of the continent.