Leonidas Family

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The Family Leonidas

Poena Est Terrenus ; Superbia Est Eternus.

The Leonidas Family orginates from the Andurus region of Atamara, know for its constant warfare and dyanmic political changes. The family itself has remained as minor nobles that inhabitated the orginal estate, Leone Salone, a modest 30 acres of farm land that was as unremarkable as the wheat fields that had littered the land. In all fairness this same minor status has protected the family line from the machinations of greater nobles. Though sadly due to war, civil strife and poor finances the family line has fallen nearly into obscurity. Victor Leonidas, the last know and acknowledged noble in the region passed. He left the estate to his sons to be split up as they made their way in the world restoring the family name and bloodline.

The Brothers Leonidas

Nickolay Leonidas: The Aspiring War Hero.

As the youngest brother, he was the most doted upon. His constant curosity and desire for adventure had been a constant headache for his mother and father. Of the three brothers he has chosen to stay behind and uphold the family duty. Though he has no formal military training his is being mentored by several nobles. He hopes to prove himself to his peers and his older brothers. He currently commands the Regulators.

The Regulators

The Regulators served as the family's bodyguard and police force in times of peach, and were soldiers in times of war. As the final act of Victor Leonidas, he appointed the Regulators to serve and protect Nickolay. The regulators themselves are made up of veterans, policemen, woodsman, and bodyguards, their varied skills provide Nickolay with fairly competent bunch of warriors.

Cervantes Leonidas: The Aspiring Noble.

The second oldest brother. At a young age he quickly concerned himself with the ways of noblity. His attitude borders on practically snobbish, though it belies his cunning in courtly politics. He many young nobles he was sent to a foriegn military school in his case the Kunstakademie Kriegerisch Aufklärung, a harsh place were his social skills allowed him to claw his way to the top. He currently commands Cervantes's Fist.

Cervantes's Fist

At first Cervantes's "regal" ways did him no good, he was a fish out of water in the halls of warriors. Though his cunning mind quickly grasped military affairs as apart of noble life, eventually he rose nearly to the top though he could never defeat his brother Keffer. By the time his school career was over he had control over the worst bullies in the academy, who were reffered to as Cervantes's Fist. Upon leaving the followed and they have been bullying people on and off the battlefield ever since.

Keffer Leonidas: The Fallen But Noble Duke

Keffer was the golden boy, pride of his parents and the instructors at Kunstakademie Kriegerisch Aufklärung. He was a gentlemen, tactician and warrior and seemingly the best choice for the next Duke of Andurus. Sadly this was not to be, rumors of a child out of wedlock and a near marriage at sword point and what followed forced him into exile in the Far East. It can never be said if the child was of his loins, for that answer is now beyond men. Upon seeing her potential husband flee, the maiden in question with child in hand plunged herself into a deep empty well outside the church. Her death angered her poweful noble family and forced Victor to tearfully send his beloved son away or face having to give him over to toture and death. Keffer currently commands the Crimson Men.

The Crimson Men

News of the maidens death quickly reached the estate. Not wanting to see his son die, and believing his innocence, Victor prepared to send his son into exile. But his son needed an army to protect him and help make his way through the world. With what precious little time they had, Victor and his son proceeded to the dungeon. There they found the condemned men waiting for the hangmen to come. It was that Victor could gaze into the souls of men after so many years of judging the characters of those he commanded. It is said in that dungeon that Victor pressed into service the men who shared the same fire in their eyes his son had to redeem his name, to remove the stain placed upon their name. They took up crimson armour, a symbol of the stain of blood upon their names. Many were fallen soldiers, murders, thieves but they all sought to redeem themselves in service and death. They sought to find salvation through martial deeds. While they have little to no formal military training, the desire for redemption compensates for this and drives them to find forgiveness on the battlefield.