Talk:The Kalmarian Chronicles/Edition:14

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Revision as of 10:52, 13 February 2007 by CitizenKane (talk | contribs)
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What about me?

I feel slighted, you guys didn't quote anything from me... ~pouts~ Anyway... Those are some good quotes. Real classics. I don't think they'll have the impact you thought, because, well, pretty much everyone on the island feels the same way about you guys. --Indirik 06:37, 4 February 2007 (CET)

Does anyone buy this?!

You really like to manipulate things to suit your own agenda don't you? I particularly like the quote from poor old Genghis in which you cut off his last line questioning who actually said that quote. It was Genghis Khan, not the Genghis from Perdan. Nice propaganda though, too bad no one buys it anymore.

 Letter from Genghis   (7 days, 4 hours ago)
 Message sent to everyone in your realm (110 recipients)
 "The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their    
 wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."
 err..Was it really me?
 Sir Genghis (Knight of Aix)
 [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

No Genghis, it wasn't you, but Kalmar Islands will try to lead everyone to believe it was!

--Thegep 08:15, 4 February 2007 (CET)

-Yawn- once again a filthy move of the Islanders to make themselves look like the innocent victims of this war. Just remember this: no matter how many armies that march against you, no matter how many realms that join in the crucade against you: it remains a crucade and your corrupt government must and will be overthrown. No excuses. Van Peteghem 09:25, 4 February 2007 (CET)

hehehehehe. Wow, Perdan bought food from another realm!! God, you know you're grasping at straws when THAT is news. I thought making sure your peasants didn't go hungry was something good for your realm?

I also find it funny how KI and AS are only separate realms when it is convenient for you lot. What makes you think Fontan and Perdan are working together at all? Fontan on a completely different Island! There's absolutely no coordination whatsoever between the two realms. IF you wanted to bitch about five-versus-one, you shouldn't have separated the realm just so you could better handle the monsters. Hynes 00:20, 6 February 2007 (CET)

It is also very funny that Sirion, Perdan, Fontan, Itorunt and Old Rancagua try to persuade the rest that they don't work together when everybody know what's going on. The same old story doesn't sell good anymore. Find something new, you become boring. Beg some more to Sirion they could give you a region to be happy. If Perdan and Itorunt wasn't on Kalmarian soil, then Sirion and friends would have been kicked from Avamar Selective. So Perdanites; How many peasants did you kill today?

Jan --- aka the Chief

I don't think we killed any commoners today. After your priests incited a couple mobs to acts of rampant destruction, there weren't any left for us to persecute. All of this concern for the peasantry... Disgusting, really. You soil your nobility by associating with commoners. Yet another reason to remove you from the Islands. --Indirik 15:17, 6 February 2007 (CET)

Well, Jan, it's like I said: If both of your survivals required working so closely together, you shouldn't have split your realms. And we are not coordinating anything with Fontan nor Sirion. We have not even had any communication from either realms' leadership. We are only coordinating with Itorunt and Old Rancagua, to a much lesser extent. Anyhow, your very basic argument is flawed. Kalmar put their peasants in harms way, sacrificed them, so you puppets and your Avamarian controllers could hold onto what you stole from us. Suicided them against us for no other reason than spite. Rallied them to riot without the proper training nor weapons with your priests. You are the only ones guilty of genocide here. Hynes 18:54, 7 February 2007 (CET)

" of Perdan's unsurpers..." Riiiiggggghhhhttttt! Because Avamar would know all about usurpation wouldn't they! Perdan has more right to be in those lands than you do, and I damn Avamar for causing so much destruction. Genocide. Thats what you have done, you could not allow yourselves to simply give back what was not yours, and now you have caused the deaths of thousands. May the East Continent hunt every last one of you down for your evil. --Bob (Wenliang) 2:20pm, 8th Feb 2007 (AEST)

Yes, you are right. It is much better now that it has been decided to turn the Islands rogue. Besides they had been such a threat to your realms that they ought to be destroyed! I only find it funny how much Old Rancagua's and Perdan's military power suffered to gain...rogue Islands! CitizenKane 11:52, 13 February 2007 (CET)