Kimura Family

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 06:52, 6 February 2007 by Fade (talk | contribs)

For years, the Kimura family has kept a sort of "closed door" policy. They kept to themselves on their small manor, refusing to get involved with the many realms and their wars. That is, until recently.

Always a troublemaker and trendsetter, Fade took off to the lands of Atamara to start a military career. After a time, the eldest of the Kimura children, Reiss, followed Fade to Atamara to seek her fortune, albeit in a different realm.

Not far behind them was Kiyo, who chose life in the Colonies. Older than Fade but younger than Reiss, he is cool and collected, rarely making rash decisions, and striking with military precision.

Latest onto the scene is Benjamin (aka: Benny the Bard). This colourful character has cast his lot in with the the followers of Da Great Goat... Only time will tell how this plays out

Recent Family News

1/19/2007 - The entire Kimura Family is outraged about Fade's execution, and all active militants have sworn an oath of revenge.

Active Militants

Kiyo - The Balanced

Reiss - The Flame Vixen

Benjamin (Benny) - Battle Bard

Past Militants

Fade - The Grey Vagabond (Deceased)