Unti Family/Philip/Act 1

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Message from Lutia
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
I'm sure your 'kind' offer for us to join your realm is going to be nothing more than scoffed at and spit on, and, truthfully, I would do the same.

However, it does not even merit that. I have been around long enough to know where I stand. Within the 5 realms in this North/ North-Eastern part of the East Continent, I know what each realm is about.

Sirion, as described by Oligarch, is a bunch of pointy eared elves with no sense of battle about them, and no matter how many regions they get, they will never match Oligarchs ability to wage war.

Oligarch, nothing but warmongerers. Described by Sirion as orcs, and save for the green skin, thats utterly accurate. Oligarch cares nothing but for war, and I have already vowed my life to standing atop the highest burning tower in Oligarchs capital, when someone, gods know who, but Ill be there, stride in and burn it to the ground

Avamar, Black Hand or not, your existance is a folly to everyone and everything around you, save for Oligarch, who is taking this opportunity to actually fight Fontan on even ground... smart bastards about war, those black sword-red bannered ones are.

Coimbra, deceased, had about 2 good TL's in it, and the rest were pride-filled fools. Had I been allowed to make a new realm there, perhaps this all would have turned out differently, eh? In any case, they were as foolish as Avamar is now.

Fontan, even though I may or may not agree with the obvious attempts of Alexi trying to get out of the peace accord previous leaders had set, the fact remains that, Fontan has been the most reliably honourable and valourous realm up to this point in history, and has a much better chance of restoring this name if honourable TL's stay there to return to the seat of a true democracy once again.

And that is what I have to say about all of you. Good day.

-Lady Lutia

Message from Amraedil
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
You have a really big mouth Lady Lutia... And it seems that your ambitions are too big as well as it seems!

I wish you every success as although I personally disagree with the first points you've made, your last one about Alexi and Fontan was completely true!

I'm afraid though that this pittyful dictatorisk will never allow the restoration of Fontan and he will prefer to go down with her rather than leaving somebody else to claim his position!

Good luck to your doomed effort though Lady Lutia!You are one of the most honourable opponents (maybe even more than Lords Lionel and Private) and well respected in Avamar!
Sir Amraedil

Roleplay from Naira
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
I found your summary of each realm fairly amusing lady Lutia.
I actually agree with a few of them, but your summary of Avamar had no real facts in it and only displayed the understandble dislike from our enemies. Do not fear, those feelings are mutual. Oligarchs summary was particially true but it is also the realm best decribed by the word "honor".

I do however feel that you, Lady Lutia, have a very twisted view of Fontan. The realm you call "the most reliably honourable and valourous realm up to this point in history" is also the realm who uses blackmail, torture, theft, lies and deceit, perhaps most of all the realms involved in this. The ruler who deceives and lies to his people, are no ruler to trust with your democracy.

with respect,
Lady Naira
Minister of Defense of Avamar

Roleplay from Naira
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My remarks about Fontan were of course all created quite recently. Mostly under Alexi´s rule. I wanted to clarify that.
Lady Naira
Minister of Defense of Avamar

Message from Lutia
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Under Alexi's rule, yes, that was the idea behind 'up to this point in history', meaning its been declining since son of patrick was leading.

Also, take not what I say about Avamar in stride with the rest on Fontan's view, but from a very personal vantage point, in that you are wholly resposible, no, sorry, Oligarch as well, for the death of my brother. Only now, and only through Fontan, will I ever be able to avenge him.

We will meet again on the battlefield.

Message from Lalakis
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm
I'm sorry for teh death of your brother Lady Lutia but if i rememebr well, it is Doc teh one you have to put the blame on...

2004-10-14 Sirius Killed as a hero in battle at age 22

Wasn't that the day you attacked Avamar having three-four times the defenders' strength after declining our peace offer? It is written somewhere to the history books published in East Continent. Oh, yes belive me I remember thsi date very well!

I'm afraid that your brother paid for his wrong choice as Alexi will pay for his...
Sir Lalakis
Prime Minister of Avamar

Roleplay from Arnaud
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Lady Lutia,

It was a nice description, but I just can't agree with you saying that: Fontan has been the most reliably honourable and valourous realm up to this point in history

My family had been in relation with Klaus, Mikhail, SoP and Alexi. And from what I know exept from SoP, Rulers of Fontan haven't shown much honour, negociating peace or non-aggression while holding a dagger in their back, spitting on agreement that were signed, working hard to find a way to break treaty. That's what my family had seen by being in relation with them. And Alexi behavior since he got elected had nothing to do with honor and valor. Hold your words and you will be respected, be reasonnable and you will be appreciated.

Finally, I do believe that democraty have his place on that continent but from all the information I got from my father and uncle maybe not the way Fontan is doing it.

Sir Arnaud

Rollplay from Philip
Lady Lutia; Lutia…. your name rings a bell…… Oh wait, Coimbra yes…
You were one of the rebels that resulted in the death of my brother, Antonio! I see you have gone from one dark deed to an even fouler one.
Know that my halberd is ready to put an end to your dark ways if you ever decided to face me.

Knight of Honesty,
Count of Montijo

Roleplay from Eilonwy
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Lo! For there is hope!

Even in darkness, a light shines. Lady Lutia shines forth the light of the Virtue among the people of Fontan, and she has the Valor to speak her mind, and the Honesty to say what she believes, and yet to admit that her view may be colored. In her Honor, there is hope for Fontan.

Let us rejoice in this, and sorrow that we are forced to come to blows with one that we might otherwise find common cause with. Perhaps, together, we shall be able to make Virtue rule in once noble Fontan, and shine it even into the darkest depths of Sirion.

Dame Eilonwy Evans
Knight of Justice

Roleplay from Philip
Well said Dame Eilonwy; though I must say I find myself hesitating to show Compassion towards the one who has so wronged my family. -sigh- This is a good example of why we need many Knights; sometimes one can be little too close to the problem.

Knight of Honesty
Count of Montijo

Roleplay from Eilonwy
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Indeed, Sir Philip, indeed.

I do find it heartening, however, that both you and she are Honest enough to admit that perhaps you may be prevented from seeing with clear eyes by family matters. It show uncommon Honor -- from the leader of the Knights, I would expect no less, but from a noble of Fontan, I was surprised, if pleasantly so. Seeing such displays of Virtue can only serve to embolden all our faith in the Virtues.


Roleplay from Naira
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Considering Oligarchs long history, I cannot say that they have always kept to their agreements as I do not know. I do know, however, that Lysander is known for keeping his agreements. Avamar has a rather short history, and I wonder, what agreements have they not kept? So I see your claim that neither of them are "never" keeping their agreements as completely false.

The part of the Avamarian infiltration are just propaganda and I am sure Alexi used all his brain power trying to find an excuse to break the treaty. The result was "Avamar is rouge, all deals with rouges, you can break". Simply another excuse to break the treaty.

The facts are that all Fontan "excuses" to break the treaty doesn´t hold up. They broke it and as the treaty said, all will side against them.
What are these, the second time they promised not to enter fontanese lands? Thats more lies. Do me a favour and just ignore all about the politics that you have heard during Alexi´s rule. You might know alittle truth, but its so heavily stuffed with lies and deceit.

with respect,
Lady Naira
Minister of Defense of Avamar

Message from Intro
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This will be all I say on the matter,

I must say it is refreshing to see another perspective on the diplomatic relations between Avamar and Fontan. Unfortuantely, I must corrent several of you by saying that Avamar has kept all its promises while Fontan has broken all (concerning Avamar and Oligarch) of its.

You feel you must gloat on the battlefield? Is this what the Fontanian democracy practices? You set aside the fact that innocent civilians are being affected by the inability to solve tensions bewteen realms diplomatically?
This applies for Avamarians as well, those who gloat on the battlefield should be fined if not banned. For it goes against the fundamental principles of Avamar.

I also feel I must enlighten certain troopleaders of Fontan by telling them that Avamar has several allies. Alliances who were not merely forged for the sake of a military benefit. They have on several occasions illustrated good will towards Avamar while also supporting them diplomatically. All those who, according to several troopleaders of Fontan, "dislike" Avamar, are those who declare war to satisfy their own personal greed; They consider the innocent civilians irrelevant, yet all those realms dare to speak of equality?

I greatly admired Klaus, Son of Patrick and Mikhail(?), as even when lowering the diplomatic relations between our countries they would have a reasonable, rational reason. While I unfortunately must say that the current chancellor of Fontan has instead simply wanted to declare war ever since he was elected; And with him several other troopleaders who simply wanted war.

On the matter of spies being sent to Fontan, I wish that you inform me; How are people within the borders of Fontan that wish to make us informed of the situation, as they consider it strange that Avamar must suffer from the inability of Chancellor Alexi; are spies from Avamar?
And why do we not discuss the spy from Fontan that was in Avamar for quite a while?
OOC; I'm not sure what happened, he deleted the account when he was accused of being a spy. Was he from Fontan?

From what I notice on the battlefield, I see no honour from either Oligrach, Avamar or Fontan. This, for the battle is not an honourable one, it was merely initiated to satisfy the needs of nobles in Fontan, Sirion and Old Rancagua.

Those who realize the wrongdoing of Fontan should feel free to join our realm, but understand that you will be under close supervision during your stay.


Roleplay from Eilonwy
Message sent to: Everyone in this region
Ah! We are all shamed by Intro’s adroit words. As much as I am held in high esteem for my eloquence, Intro has hit upon the heart of the matter more truly than I. His words speak sooth, we do not hold a monopoly on the Virtues, and even we deviate from our most high held ideals, even as other realms may stray from their own.

In sooth, from all that I hear, Fontan stands for high principals, and once shone with its high ideals, but as of late, it has fallen greatly from them. So to, is Avamar itself capable of falling, though I pray I may never see the day.

But still, in this we can see that there is not so much difference after all, as one might have us think. And by the light of the Virtues, mayhaps Fontan will stand for old ideals once more, and even if then fair Avamar and noble Fontan be not friends once more, they shall at least have the respect of brothers for each other in their struggles, and may act with Honor both.

If Oligarch is warlike, I cannot in sooth say, yet I know that they have always stood by and protected fair Avamar, even when others would not. It is said that actions speak louder than words, and in sooth, when one’s actions shout one thing, it is hard to hear the words that whisper another. Mayhaps harsh words can be heard elsewhere of Honorable Oligarch, but in Avamar, their very actions sing forth praise of their Honor so loud, if deafens all else.

I hold hope that there be some Virtue in all realms, showing us the path to trod, but shadows come to all, to trick us from the path, and so, as Intro has said so well, let us not gloat over killing each other, but rather be saddened that such violence was necessary, and burn with righteous fury towards all that has taken our fellows from the path of Virtue, and seek to extinguish such things, that the Virtues may be our guide when dealing with each other.


Message from Lutia
"One of the Rebels"?

Philip, fool of a Knight, how little you truly know of the events that took place surrounding the death of your brother!

And how dare you swear vengeance on me for his death! You want to know who killed your brother, your noble brother Antonio, whose valour I had never seen equaled, save from my own brother? If you shall blame someone, it shall be Oligarch, who swept in unnannounced at the last moment to try and cut off the returning Coimbran loyalists, instead of trying to place blame on one who still remembers your brothers name and fights for him, and many others who have fallen to Oligarch. You see, Philip, I have heard about your ways from your sister, and trust me, should me meet on the battefield, I will do your whole family justice by taking you out myself before you are allowed to further besmirch their honour.

Out-of-Character from Eilonwy
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm

  • gets popcorn and sits down to watch*

Oh, this is good RP going on, very interesting. Oh, wait, I'm part of it, I can't just sit back and watch. Nuts!

Eilonwy is so much fun to play. Much better than writting horror stories of how Morvawn kills an old man as part of a contest to see who shall be the next region lord of Upasael . . . crazy Highlanders.

Roleplay from Philip
The screeching sound of Philip’s armour and his billowing cloak fill the air as he turn quickly to face Lutia. His head down and cocked to one side, Philip remained as like a statue for minutes. Finally he straitened and a noise so out of place amidst the sounds of the dying and the crows could be heard; laughter. It was small at first, a chuckle like many Avamarians had heard before, but soon it expanded, drowning out all other noise and filling the field.

Stopping Philip spoke, “So this is the best you could do. You excuse your part in my brother’s end and blame Oligarch. Further compounding your error you decide to attempt to sully my own honour on the words, if you’d have us believe you, of my sister. There one problem with this plan, I have no sister. In fact my family is almost devoid of female members, be it sister, aunts or cousins. If there are any women bearing my name they are doubtlessly a recent addition and can’t speak of my character, or even speak at all. So either you have decided to lie very badly, or… someone is posing as a member of the Unti family....”

Pausing for a moment Philip seemed lost in deep thought; continuing greatly calmed he said, “Considering your eloquent words I find it unlikely that you are so foolish as to invent a relative, so the question then is; who is the imposter?” An instant tone entering his voice Philip turned to face Lutia directly again, “What can tell me of this ‘sister’, her name, description, where is she now?”

Count of Montijo

Message from Lutia
Lutia notices the battle has ended around her, and the only enemy that remains is the one before, the so called Philip that was spoken of by Lina, but never described in detail. She realized that the man was either uninformed, or insane. Either way, she had no need to stir up family trouble.

Then again, if the position were reversed, no doubt Lutia would want to know about her siblings, and how much harm would it do her friend Lina if her sibling found her out? Or was it vice versa?

She stood firmly, several meters away from this man, tall and proud, and perhaps insane as well. Her armour complained only a bit as she shifted her weight from battle-ready to more relaxed. She let her sword-arm drop to her side, and spoke to the Knight Philip as she did.

"If your relative has not spoken to you, then perhaps it is not in my business to say such things," she paused to consider this, "but then, it was always my belief that business unsettled is business best settling at present. If you seek more information about the one that calls you her brother, seek Lina. Lina Unti, formerly of Fontan. I hear whispers of her presence among Oligarch now, but more than that, I cannot say. Farewell."

With that, Lutia returns to the rest of her army, and her home in Fontan, wondering what may come of this incident...


Roleplay from Philip
His attention immediately captured by both the name and the place Philip hardly noticed the Fontanite leave. Gazing far into the distance, as if he could see the walled city of Oligarch from the battlefield in Oporto, Philip mussed aloud, “Lina, here, and in Oligarch no less. Well if it is who I think it is, this could cause much trouble. Hmmm Either way this shall require investigating.” Remembering the Fontanite, Philip caught a last glimpse of her retreating form off in the distance, “I will have to learn more of her as well.”

With much unsettling news to sort through the Knight turned to head home.