Selemnir Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

House selemnir.jpg

House Selemnir was founded originally in the badlands of Lower Tell in the cold northern regions of the continent of Atamara by Godric Selemnir, who had arrived there with a vast fortune. Godric spoke little of his origins, but was always a caring liege lord over the few peasants that lived off of the land he had purchased. He soon took a wife from the lower nobility, a one Lady Ophelia, and they started a family on their vast estates.

Forty years later, the family relocated itself far to the south of Atamara in the city of Riverholm. Ophelia, with the guidance of a then young Lord Feldric, her nephew, decided to move the estates partly because of the constant war that had gripped their home, and also because she wished to move herself and the now very elderly Godric to a vast city where they could live out their final days among those who could be hired to tend to them.

Since then, the family has continued to prosper, adding fame and wealth to their name. Their estates in Riverholm have grown to a vast mansion, and they have also aquired a small summer home on the coast. Sadly, the family now mourns the death of their patriarch, Lord Godric Selemnir, who has since passed peacefully in his sleep.

Selemnir Family Crest Banner3.PNG

Prominent members of the family:

Selemnir Family Tree


  • Fenwic Selemnir was a Captain in the battalions commanded by Godric, and soon became Godric's second in command. Through their years of campaigning Fenwic became Godric's closest friend and confidant, and after one particularly grueling campaign Godric adopted his friend into the family, raising him above his common birth and decreeing that all of Fenwic's line would henceforth be considered of Selemnir blood.
  • The mother of Alaina Selemnir is of unkown name or origin. When Feldric began his career in Abington he arrived with his daugther in swaddling clothes, and kept her largely a secret until his death. The identity of Alaina's mother died with him.

(Old Offsite Webpage)