Atamara Times/1st Edition

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< Atamara Times
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The first edition of the Atamara Times is sadly lost in the archives. The following is a reconstruction followed by different publications in the first edition up to the second edition. First published in the spring of 2003 as an article.

First edition:

Editorial Letter:

Greetings dear reader of the New World Times,

I have the pleasure to introduce you to the first edition of this great newspaper. For the last week I have worked hard to gather information for the first articles news of the paper. I have made one article and will post a few short news. But be assured more will come soon. I am currently writing on articles about the war between Falasan and the Cagilan Empire and the latest tournament in Icegate. The short new, well they always turn up on your desk when you least expect it.

I hope you will enjoy the newspaper.

Yours Erasmus Episcopus, Editor & mistery man Co-Editor


The Darkan War: Past, present and future

I once talked to an old war veteran about his lifelong participation in different wars. I clearly remember his twisted smile, mainly caused by a inch long scar in the one side, when I asked him what war is like. Just as clear is his short answer: “War is hell and heaven.” As I sat for long thinking about this (and I still do) he finally added more to the confusion: “War is birth, growth and death to men. War at first is constant fear of death but I know know that death will come to those who wait... I have seen angels sing illuminated in glory. I have seen the sharp blade closing on my eyes. But I tell you lad, no war is the same! I have seen green, shifting peasants fight mounted knights in armour. I have seen thousands of men slaughtered and young boys beat old veterans. But the worst wars I have seen are the wars of hatred - the worst is people hating each other.”

You might wounder why I am writing this in an article about the Darkan War. But those of you that have heard of the war know why. The Darkan War started long ago as a fight of power in old time Darka. The king was overthrown but escape to Azzal in the south of Darka. There he and his few loyal men managed to take control over the 6 southern regions, which eventually split Darka in two. For long there where only a few fights along the border, but recently the, now former, king of North Darka, Ozzy Osbourne, decided to open the war by attacking the south. Though this attack was fierce and long the South Darkans won and have by now retaken most of the long lost land. With the help from a few allies they have turned North Darka into the size of the original South Darka and are still expanding.

But what now that the great realms of the northeast have forced Eston, the most powerful of South Darkas allies, to stay out of North Darka. I asked Valgin, king of South Darka, that same question. He told me South Darka was winning before Eston entered the war and he revealed confidence in this being the case if the current situation kept the same.

But is it?

As it is now it is very much likely to stay the same. South Darka will probably take more of North Darka, but Valglin do not fell that they have the power to take Saler right now. But as North Darka shrimps to soon just two region it is very likely just to be a matter of time before North Darka gets financial or military support from it’s allies. Most likely it is that the vikings of the frostbitten north will once more flush down over the northern lowlands and cause terror as they go. King Adam of North Darka might just tag along on their quest for “the battle, the wine and the women” as Falcon ruler of the savagers from the Barony of Icegate express it. King Adam once told Valglin: "Ah trust me, I’ll fight you until either I stand at the palace in Azzal with your former wife, or you pry my sword from my cold, dead fingers" as a reply to a peace offer. Therefore one could say this is a very nasty war with no peaceful end. A war where military and financial support from allies will choose the winner and the, recently reopened, diplomatic channels are only used to send mud the right way.

This is indeed a war of hatred!


The short news of the first edition is sadly lost!

News and letters posted by others:

Short News

Hasland invades Tuchanon

In yet another turn of events massive Hasland forces, have met up with their advanced scouts deep in Tuchan territory. Rumors tell that riding at the head of the army is none other than Boeth himself, who recently made a public ultimatum to Lamar in an unrelated story. What appeared to be uncoordinated attacks is now looking more like a carefully planned invasion where misdirection has been used to divert attention from the attacking Callaway.
Anon (2003-01-23)

Callaway forces move into Tuchanon

Yet some more military action taking place in Tuchanon as Callaway forces marched into Aja through Jagla and brutally took control of the region. It is unknown to us what sort of retaliatory forces Tuchanon has mustered to fight Callaway off as we have not been able to contact Lord Mota, Ruler of Tuchanon.
MM (2003-01-23)

Lamar given ultimatum

Mere days ago the realm of Lamar was given a very public ultimatum to either sign a peace treaty to last a number of weeks, or face the focused effort of the Hasland realm. After furious negotiations Lamar consented to leave provided they were allowed to take the region of Upperfell to secure their gains. The agreement was signed by both Hasland, and Lamar. It remains to be seen what Kanzum's reaction to this unexpected step will be, but some say it may not be favorable as the deal was forced upon them. Rulers around the continent have been left to wondering why the Hasland King would take such a move. When questioned he replies only that several other rulers asked him to, and that he was a man of his principles. Strange words from an even stranger King who leads the third most powerful realm, and is allies with the first. (2003-01-23)

Tuchanon the New Worlds looting grounds?

Time after time now Tuchanon has had to fight off massive invaders and looters! It is unclear as to why almost every realm in the New World seems to think they own Tuchanon and just as unclear is why the King Lord Mota seems to have taken NO measures at all to stop these actions from continuing.
MM (2003-01-23)

Hasland invades Tuchanon

Recent events in Tuchanon have been reported to most of the known world. For those of you who have not yet heard the news, Tuchanon has managed to inflict enough losses on the Hasland troops to maintain control of their capital, though Callaway forces now seem to be taking up the role of occupying the capital whilst they take away more and more regions of Tuchannon.
Anon (2003-01-28)

Tuchanon Surrenders

Tuchanon recently surrendered to massed forces of Hasland as they entered the capital city of Tucha earlier this week. Citing the futility of fighting any further pit viper handed over command of the city to the Hasland king Boeth. In a letter to all of the rulers of the world Boeth pledged his realm to a period peaceful neutrality filled with festivals and a series of domestic projects to enhance and build up his newly conquered lands.
Anon (2003-02-10)

Callaway forces move against Lamar

After a heated exchange between the Lamarian ruler and that of Callaway, the forces of Kanzum's northern ally attacked the city of Stargard defeating the militia there utterly. Combined with the Lamarian defeat in Sullenport nearly all mobile Lamar forces were slaughtered in one fell swoop.
Anon (2003-02-10)


The war between the CE, and Falasan continues in a dead heat as both sides manage to inflict enough losses to secure regions from further disaster. These two evenly matched foes seem intent upon only each other much to the delight of the rest of the world who surely must fear their might. As Hasland continues to grow it remains to be seen what will happen between what is becoming more and more a tripolar world.
Anon (2003-02-10)

News from the North

The Barony of Icegate suffered a massive defeat at the hands of combined forces of both Darka, and Eston just yesterday yet reports say that new troops have already been mustered and march on Eston's core regions. Either the Barony had been stocking up on golds for some time or other outside influences have been helping them. Either way the world seems to have taken a backseat as Hasland pledges to remain neutral to both sides, and Falasan seems too disinterested to do little in the way of helping their northern ally. The savage realm of Icegate continues to fight on however despite several disadvantages at home.
Anon (2003-02-10)

News from the South

Abington continue to displays its greater economic wealth as their forces continue to grow at a frightening pace to the Ash Sea Island leaders. Eventually through sheer exhaustion one side will lose, unless the aggressor makes a mistake that costs him dearly.
Anon (2003-02-10)

Lamar Counter Attacks Callaway

After the deafening blow dealt to Lamar by the Callaway/Kanzum Aliiance, it seems Lamar has changed it tactics to a guerrilla war of harassment. After the goodwill gesture of returning the once proud city of Stargard to it's rightful owner of Kanzum, Callaway seems to be in a hysterical shock from the take over attempt in the city of Nida (Callaway's western most city). Spectators are wondering where Kanzum is in all of this. Sources say Callaway's ally is occupied with rebuilding its battered realm.
Anon (2003-02-15)

Barony of Sale?

Exactly what happened in the north? Was there a rebellion or is Barony of Icegate setting up a buffer against...? What could frighten Falcon enough to do that? And how? (2003-02-16)

New Developments!

In the south Callaway has lost a few of their regions and may lose several more in the future. Lamar has seemed to become even more organized than before. Now it seems Talerium has decided(or encouraged by Lamar) to have some fun with the forest realm by plundering some of its northern regions. Is this a new strategy by Lamar to bring in its allies and conquer this realm? Will Callaway bring its own set of allies in including Falasan and perhaps the newly formed Southasland lead by Tokanon? If Falasan joins in will the Cagilian Empire fight another war with Falasan to help out its ally Talerium so soon after peace has been made? Will Kanzum withdraw its support from Callaway and perhaps help Ash Sea Islands with the land hungry Abington? These questions may be answered in time by the events that unfold before us. If push comes to shove the New World could be facing a large alliance war that would include two of the superpowers and perhaps the destruction of one or more realms or even the formation of another superpower.

In the north,it appears that Boeth has decided to split his empire up forming the realm of Southasland on the land which once belonged to Tuchanon. It seems Sale did not last long enough to enjoy their freedom. Icegate has been fighting their hardest to hold off the invaders of Hasland. What's this another Barony formed? Makar has managed declare its independence claiming a total of four regions so far. Whether their independence was formed from a rebellion or a last ditch effort by Icegate to save some of their land I cannot say. Will Makar join Hasland if Boeth has his way with Icegate?

In this New World of ours it seems times are changing right along with borders. Who will come out ahead and who will come out without a realm? Time will tell us all that we need to know.
-Oddshoe (2003-03-11)

Letters to the Editor

The Tuchan War

I have been taking the time, to peruse this lovely document that you have so kindly produced and found a number of inaccuracies. The Tuchanon forces in fact did not defeat the Hasland troops. Rather they allowed the takeover of Aja as Hasland forces returned to cities to repair, and recruit more men. The large reports that all commanders receive about new troop movements are evidence of this. All things come in due time, and the end of the Tuchan realm is one such thing. The Tyrant who sits on that throne will perish, it is just a matter of time.
Signed, Boeth King and High Protector of Hasland (2003-01-23)

Why in a single document?

Dear Editor, Why do you produce this paper in a single document, it is a bit confusing to see which are new news and which ones are old. May I propose that you change this page to be a list of current editions, and put each edition of the paper on a separate page?
Signed, Anonymous Reader (2003-01-28)
