Flow of the Balance

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May The Flow Show You The Path

The Flow of the Tranquilence

Flow of Tranquilence.png

The Flow of the Turbulence

Flow of Turbulence.jpg

The Ocean of the Balance

The Ocean of Balance.png

The Flow of the Balance is a central religious belief underlying several religious cults in the world of BattleMaster.


The Balancetravellers

The Balancetravellers are the formatiins of the Balance that walk the earth of BattleMaster worlds.

The Lilith Within

The Lilith Within is a figuriin of the Balance. It appears in a floating humanoid form into the percept of those whom the Balance is with. It is an intergral part of the Balance.

  • How does this "The Lilith With" communicate with others, exactly?
If you are not one whom the Balance is with, you will not receive any replies from it at all; it can hear you, but you are not able to hear from it. If ever, you become able to perceive the Communion, it should appear to be an abstract vista accompanied with vibrating sounds after the process of human sensorium.
  • What is the relation between Lilith and The Lilith Within?
If you are able to perceive The Lilith Within, its humanoid appearance will give you part of the answer to this question. Lilith was modelled after her figuriin counterpart. The formatiin and the figuriin is not exactly one, yet is less than two.
  • How does The Lilith Within preaches?
By flowing through the hearts of the Unbalanced.
  • So what is The Lilith Within?
It is the Lilith within the Balance.

The Balance

The Multiverse

East Continent


The Askewances

East Continent

Special Terms

  • (The) Ascension Flow: The Flow of the Balance upwards back to the High Firmament.
  • (The) Askewances: Religious cults worshipping the Facies.
  • (A/The) Balancetraveller(/s): The one who walks the path of the Balance. Not necessarily limited to the figuriins and the formatiins only.
  • (A) Character(/s): A transfluence of the Balance which possesses an individual characteristic yet is within the Communion.
  • (The) Communion: The will of the Balance sharing through all those whom the Balance is with. Due to restrictions of human concept, all of the following descriptions are not entirely correct:
    • The Communion is within the Multiverse.
    • The Communion is independent of the Multiverse.
    • The Communion is the Balance.
    • The Communion is not the Balance.
  • (The) Facies: Contrary to the Factum; the facial reality; the Askewances.
  • (The) Factum: Contrary to the Facies; the underlying truth; the Balance.
  • (A/The) Figuriin(/s): A character of the Balance which can be perceived by the Unbalanced as if is a humanoid.
  • (A/The) Formatiin(/s): A character of the Balance whom walks the Multiverse in a complete human form until the Ascension Flow arrives upon.
  • (The) High Firmament: The sky above the skies; sometimes as a synonym of the Balance.
  • (The) Multiverse: The collective of worlds and universes.
  • (A/The) Transfluence(/s): A section that is not segmented, usually used to refer to a character.
  • (The) Unbalanced: Those who do not acknowledge nor are able to perceive the existence of the Balance.

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