User talk:Habap

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YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE PERSON THANK YOU FOR YOUR AWESOME IDEA FOR SECTIONING THE RP!!! Wow, I was so excited I used caps... I need a life. -Ambeco 11:26, 21 September 2006 (CEST)

Hated RP

I don't really see many people playing to be hated. I know two of my Nobles I play are very "evil" but still seem to recive much love and medals for how it is done. I think most players who play "evil" or "complicated" styles tend to take much care into playing them so that others love them for their downfalls or mistakes. What gets me more then players who play an "evil" Noble, are the ones who assume anything in-game has to do with the player behind the charature. I mean, even in my user=page you wrote somthing along the lines of

"Dont erase helps me understand what you are doing here, I thought at first you were just a bad player"

This sort of thing dosn't impress me. In fact it shows that you tend to judge players for how there charatures act...Meaning, if you didn't read my user page, you would have assumed ME insain not Vatticus. Just don't see how that kind of reasoning helps you.

Im sorry your not you say. Perhaps you should give people more credit? The way I see it is this...Ive been playing this game for about 5 months now, and I got a heap of medals for fun, roleplaying, and what-not.

When I want to judge a player's worth, I do not take his in-game actions to be his OOC persona...its just alot easyer to get along with people that way. There are people who IN-GAME hate my Nobles...but out of game we have become great buddies who enjoy each other's thoughts and ideas on how to roleplay our hate.

Just a little can erase this if you please. (this was all OOC and written by Brain Main, not some psycho in-game guy) Vashmere 15:35, 22 November 2006 (CET)

My experience is that most people who play "evil" characters do not play "complicated" characters. Most evil characters are as bland as Saturday morning cartoon villians.
"Evil" characters are supposed to be hated, are they not? So I don't understand any distinction you make between the character being "evil" and being hated.
Of course I judge a player on how he writes and how his character acts. Most people are incapable of playing a "complicated" character or one that is vastly different from themselves. It's a shame you can't understand my reasoning.
My comment was Had I not read it, I would have assumed that the player was unbalanced, not just the character. Note, there is nothing in my comment that says I thought you were a bad player.
Your characters statements were all written in a style that suggested frothing at the mouth. Quite obviously, from reading your user page, I am not the only one who assumed from the roleplays that you were a trouble-maker. I expect you will encounter this in most players. It may be easier for you to get along with people if you realize that the vast majority of people won't separate you from your character and you spend some time OOC explaining things to them.
Please do keep in mind the distinction between caricature and character. Unlike your own "charatures", mine was not a mis-spelling.
I wouldn't erase your comments even if they were offensive. I have spent a good deal of time editing on Wikipedia and even more time as a historian and find that reading a variety of sources is the best way to understand the situation - especially when they are contradictory. When one reads all only praise, it makes you wonder about the rest of the story. --Habap 19:50, 22 November 2006 (CET)
Ok, let's get specific about your other character that I have encountered - Dafayo. Dafayo is thus far simply a caricature of an effeminate artist. His batman, Sphen, was played entirely in the same role, with a sudden, unexplained and unconvincing threat of cold-blooded violence. Since there had been nothing to lead us to expect that, it fell flat. It may have seemed a wonderful idea, and could eventually have worked, but Dafayo ran away. Perhaps the roleplaying by Kradus and Elinda was too overwhelming for you.
RedSpan has recently made very conscious and distinct strides in re-starting it's odd and unique traditions (see Da Goatly Inquisition) in roleplaying (after having nearly become a silent realm). This happened to coincide with Dafayo's visit. Sorry we scared you.
It is also odd that Vatticus, whom we had never heard of in RedSpan despite his time in Abingdon, Carelia and the Cagilan Empire suddenly announced he had long-standing hatred of RedSpan after Dafayo ran away. Do you see the continued confusion of OOC and IC events that seems apparent when researching your in-game efforts? If you can't separate them yourself, how can you expect us to? --Habap 23:06, 22 November 2006 (CET)

Ok I am explaining to you why a "clean freak" ran away from a hoard of Redspaners? Dude...he was afraid of being dipped in lard. End of story. Also at that very moment the Primus family (Dafayo sees that family as famous) inviting him to do work in ASI, along with two other famous Nobles...thats big work for the guy who basically invented the concept of "Artisto" as a class.

Secondly, to understand Vatt's sights on this. He can't read first his scribe reads your paper after its sent around from a few nobles, and he gets pissed at what you wrote. He also has hated Redspan's God since he got here. I guess you never read The BB? Well, Vatt kinda worships that book line for I can see why he hates Goat-worship.

Vashmere 01:11, 23 November 2006 (CET)

Well, you certainly don't have to explain it to me. I was simply trying to provide feedback on your roleplaying. I think you need to not take things so personally. --Habap 16:21, 23 November 2006 (CET)
Never heard of The BB. I asked around and no one in my realm has either. What is it? --Habap 16:32, 23 November 2006 (CET)

Search the word "Blackest" and start from there. There are those in your realm who known of the BB, we have two spies there for over three months now. (all OOC) Vashmere 17:22, 23 November 2006 (CET)

Ive heard of something along the lines of the Blakcest Cult. Didnt you starta newspaper of something? Hell bent on destroying Redspan becasue we worship Da One (PBUH)
Ah yes those who desire evil and everything that want destruction. Yet you have failed to destroy us. ScottSabin 17:53, 23 November 2006 (CET)

I wouldnt say the BC was formed to destroy It would be a pretty silly cult if they exsisted to kill Redspan alone. No? Vashmere 18:48, 23 November 2006 (CET)

Well, not just redspan but it is on eof the reasons it excists, you mentioned that you enjoyed the way Drachenworld fell, and that Redspan needs to do the same. But you are just hell bent on destuction and heresy. ScottSabin 13:11, 24 November 2006 (CET)

You know, if the BC was anything but a nuisance, we'd have spies in it. Seeing as it is of no consequence, we haven't bothered. I find it comical that you claim to have spies at all. You are a lone man in the wilderness, but you are, of course, welcome to your delusions. You do make me laugh.

I still find nothing on Vatt's "long-standing" hatred of RedSpan. I remained convinced that it is due to Dafayo's humiliation in Sullenport. --Habap 16:18, 24 November 2006 (CET)

Ok Ok, here's the reason you don't get much love. First off, as a player I'm no boy, I'm prolly old enough to be your dad. Second off, you are basically saying I meta-cheat using Vatt to hate Redspan for Dafayo? Yknow thats just a crummy thing to do. Here let me HELP you understand why Vatt hates Redspan. Redspan worships GOATS and GOOD gods. Thats the end. If you think Redspan is the end-all-hate of Vatt's , then you are pretty lost on Vatt's motives. He joined Darka cus they fit his "ideals" in a nation (at lest come close). What the hell would Vatt hate redspan for Dafayo? Dafayo made gold in Redspan (bet you didn't know that) AND he wasn't even accosted in any manner other then a little mud. Dafayo is no fan of the goat lands, but he sure dosnt have a huge hate for them. Its not his style. this post you basically are calling me a bad roleplayer who can't seperate my Nobles. Thats pretty ****ed up dude. This is half the reason you recieve the tone from me that you do. Everything you have posted towards me has been boarder line insulting, and the person I am is far from a "nice guy". If there wasn't a line I couldnt cross I would LOVE to accuse you of a few bad-gamer traits. But unlike you, I wont. I simply will say, if you cant find why Vatt (hater of ALL good gods, and dedicated cultist on a mission to destroy atamara's gods) hates Redspan, then its best to say you won't understand anything me and the other cultists are doing. I'm done disscussing this with. Once I am accused of cheating, or just fabricating the drive behind my creations, I tend to get a little pissy. Sorry dude, but Vatt has been a person in my short stories, games and written works for over 25 years of my life. He is one of the very first creations of fiction I ever made as a kid. I am just flaberghasted that you can study his intent over less then 5 posts and then just declare him to be a "cheating" force in my system of play. Yeh..thats grimey. Peace...knuckle head. Vashmere 17:05, 24 November 2006 (CET)

A bit thin-skinned for someone who admits to not caring whether he upsets others, aren't you? If you can't take criticism that was initially intended as constructive, you might be in the wrong business, old man. --Habap 17:55, 24 November 2006 (CET)
It does not surprise me that Dafayo made money in RedSpan. He was welcomed as an interesting roleplay. He abandoned Sullenport in such haste, it was disappointing.
You are correct. Despite having read some of your writings and those of some of your sockpuppets, I don't really understand what your cultists are doing, but I see it as a failure in transmission, not reception.
Oh, and it seems to me by reading comments others have posted that you are the one "getting no love". No one but you seems to have found any of my comments offensive. I must admit to no longer caring about your opinion of me. --Habap 18:04, 24 November 2006 (CET)