The Giblot Gestapo Gazette/Issue 7

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Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Gestapo Gazette
Issue 07 Setting New Lows for Moral Integrity! 10 Gold
September Edition

Gander's Demon

Gander has become a demon!

By Kardon

After returning to society from Despyria's dungeon Gander has spoken of his dagger, Shan'naal. He says that the dagger was broken by Despyria and a small part of the demon blade was inside him. Gander now says that he has the strength of a demon and a huge lust for blood as well. The innocent people of Giblot now fear being even within the same mile of him for fear of being devoured by him. Now we can truly call Gander a demon, not only in name, but in actuality too.

The Demon Gander

Gander has gone Insane!

By Kardon

Gander was seen torturing a young wench from the Headless OT Tavern today. Eye witnesses say that Gander followed a young barmaid from the bar to her home where her loving mother was awaiting. After watching the young girl undress and dress Gander(with his demon dagger inside him) kidnapped the girl and went to the open fields just outside the city. Once there he tied up the young lady and took out his dagger. He then slowly cut away the skin of one of her arms and pushed the bone out of her arm. He then did the same to the other limbs. After he took all the bones out he edged his dagger inside her eyesockets and popped them out and with the torture completed our witness said that Gander began to drink the blood on the ground. From this we at the GGG can suspect Gander of being totally devoid of human standards and must be stopped. The witness also said that the girl is still alive, if only breathing.

Headball is Back
By Kardon

Dulthalos has once again accepted the post of Comissioner of the Giblot Headball League. After the poor managment of the league from Detinu, Dulthalos took back his position and gave this brief comment, "This is not how the League should be run." Dulthalos has promised us at the GGG that we shall have exclusive rights to the games and that the GGG will have plenty of stuff to write about when the league is finally up and running again.

Reporter Fired!
By Revan

Today we turfed Kardon out of his office at the GGG Headquarters. After a series of horribly good and righteous articles we decided it was time for him to go. Unfortunately with the absence of Lord Sera and Lord Gander from the surrounding area, Kardon is still alive and has setup his own rival paper! Rest assured however, the GGG will try it's hardest to bury the pathetic 'Fair and Just' News platform that the Tribune has set itself upon. Remember, for every copy of the GGG you don't buy, we kill five adorable little Bunny Rabbits! Mwuahahaha!