Ikalakian Times

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png News from the glorious realm of Ikalak
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator and Editor: Kainaq Issue Number: 3
Three realms now remain, only one can be victorious, there can be only war.

Editorial note: Articles from other realms will be welcome, more information is available in the discussion section

Previous Editions

Ikalakian Times First Edition

Ikalakian Times Second Edition

Ikalakian Times Third Edition

= Sandalaks Return? =
Date: October 30th, 2006

In an unprecidented act of treachoury and deceit Hvrek Lord of Dakan, stepped down from his lordship position abandoning his people before unscrupoulously gaining access to documents apparently giving him a lordship. Since none of his family have ever held any claim to Sandalak city these documents were clearly forged. However before anything could be done Hvrek succeeded Sandalak City in an attempt to form his own realm. Ibyp, Adrelhia and Unlib all alligned to Sandalak all followed his will. Ikalaks responce was immiediate uproar with many calling for blood and urging those from old Sandalak to stay loyal to the realm. Currently only two others have joined Hvreks mad quest for power - Valdemar and Eien. There lives are now forfeit along with Hvreks. However this is merely a delay, already Aldrelhia and Ibyp are being retaken and Sandalak is occupied by Ikalakian forces. This act will get Hvrek no where and i should he survive i doubt any will take him in for fear of him attempting this again. Truly he has become a doomed man. In less then 12 hours since there is already a 100 gold bounty on his head and infiltraitors are already after him. This man has no honour. Should he escape he should be killed on sight lest his influence grows to cause such damage to your realm.

Jair, judge if Ikalak eagily awaits his death and is not willing to wait for him to be captured and is moving on Hvreks position with the intent to duel him till one of them falls by the others blade.

Magic and Mayhem!
Date: October 30th, 2006

After yesterdays fraek fog and thunderstorm believed to be caused by magical weapons weilded by Taselak troops resulting in the death of the great hero of Ikalak - Moonglum. More unusual happenings have appeared. Today every single noble found themselves unable to move to a different region, unable to fight there enemy or even to hunt them down. The only thing that did suceed was a brutal takeover of Lestem from Toren. Perhaps the gods themselves are angry at us? Is an island constantly at war to much for even themselves to control? Only time will tell if these strange occurences will continue. Taselak have blamed Ikalak for the goings on claiming that obviously Sandalak city was flooded with witches and warlocks csting spells esulting in there defeat. The simple truth is one can not hope to beat an army behind a moat with a palisade wall with only ONE siege engine. Taselak should review there tactics when assaulting walls and perhaps relise that all these strange events could be related to there magical weapons they seek to use? As far as this editor is aware Taselak are the only forces on the island currently weilding such weapons capable of casting dangerous magiks such as these.

Current politics
October 30th, 2006

The political balance in the South-East Island has changed dramatically in the past month with death of two of the greatest heros of the first SEI war and the appointment of two new rulers. Zack the Great was elected priminister after Moonglum stepped down bringing with him new ideas and changes in the hierarchy of Ikalak. Mischa was declared Queen of Taselak after Penny was killed in the heat of battle.

The death of Moonglum duke of Sandalak - former Priminister of Ikalak; struck down by a freak lightning bolt has the realm currently in mourning wondering if there is a possible way he can return; and Penny - Queen of Taselak dieing in battle to a massive Toren army that outnumbered her own in strength 2-1. This had led to Mischa taking the throne and Penny's sister Yanzi arriving on the Island challenging Phear - Pontifex of Toren to a duel to the death in honour of her sisters name.

Mischa Queen of Taselak was not elected for long however as Cronus was elected King of Taselak earlier this week. We will give you more details on this when we are better informed.

Taselak Tribune
Date: October 30th, 2006

The Ikalakian Times welcomes the Taselak Tribune to the list of official papers. Although there are technically 5 papers only the Ikalakian Times has covered this war... Until now; with a new layout and at least 3 editors, Taselak has finnaly created its own paper - a paper that looks quite competetive but is already contradiciting itself.

The editors are still confident that our proud realm will stand fast against the hordes of enemies, and we hope that many nobles will be able to join in the celebration of the finest and, above all most balanced paper to grace the South-East Island. Written by: Jet on 30th October '06 Iniatially this looked like a fair comment to make as no great political biasism was in the paper, however it seems another editor has withdrawn that statement... This newspaper would also like to clear one thing up. We are TOTALLY biased towards Taselak and have no pretensions otherwise. For an unbiased read, please go elsewhere. Thank you. Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

Reguardless, i hope you continue to write your contradicting statements Jet and Dennis as well as your interesting if slightly fanciful articles about your view of this war.

Recent events on the South-East Island
October 30th, 2006

Huge battle in Sandalak - Taselak vs Ikalak - Ikalak victory

Ikalak takes Saenna and Yayhan

Taselak takes Seggelin

Huge battle in Moeth - Taselak vs Sandalak - Taselak victory

Taselak takes Falens and Lesthem

Ikalak takes Sandalak city

Huge battle in Endelee - Taselak vs Toren - Taselak victory

Mischa elected as Queen of Taselak

Huge Battle in Sandalak - Ikalak vs Sandalak - Ikalak victory

Penny Queen of Taselak Killed in the battle in Endelee

Huge battle in Endelee - Taselak vs Toren - Toren victory

Zack the Great elected Priminister of Ikalak

Foreign views
Date: October 31st, 2006

From an Toren Noble, The war seems to be going along fine. We are regaining regions lost, but some wonder where is Ikalak? They haven't done very much to help. We await you!