Suadurix Family/Cooidjaghtoilaght

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Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght, sailing for days, searching the sky's for a sign of her mothers island. Hoping a black bird would fly towards her boat. Knowing her father would never fail her. It had been over a decade ago, that her parents vanished, along with the guards send to protect them. She remembers her mothers face, and those last words she spoke to her.

The duke had been good for them trough all these years. It was with a heavy heart she left him. Even harder was parting with her brothers. But splitting up made the search much more easier, and effective. She had sailed for the far east of the islands, where she struck land in Niel. She disembarked, and went in search for the people living in this land.

Lord Vash, paladin primus of Sartania, count of Apasur

Her archers formed a Parameter around her. As a patrole they moved from the beach in search for life. On of her archers walking up front halted the group. He walked back to lady Cooidjaghtoilaght. “My lady, lord Vash, paladin primus of Sartania, count of Apasur.” A noblemen walked past her archer. He made a polite bow, and as a noble lord, he place a kiss upon her hand. “WELCOME to sartania Cooidjaghtoilaght its nice to meet you move to Niel our capital to refit cash bonds and recruit men.”

She needed a home while she made her search for Boght. “Noble lord, paladin primus, of this land Sartania; have you ever encountered a strange old lady, with ninetheen black birds around her? One black bird in particular, who she might had called Boght? The birds when death that change back in men? Eighteen soldiers, and one who is artisan and merchant called Boght. He is my father, and the old lady my mother. They where bewitched by my grandmother, an evil witch. Mother is a good witch, there would never be a reason to fear her, or me. She has no powers. The medalions she gave me and my two brothers hold all her powers.” A messenger later joined her, when she and her men where on the beach. “Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght? I have a letter for you.” The messenger handed her a letter baring the seal of lord Vash. The letter invited to the citty, and the realm. This letter has the seal of the ArchAngel family on it, and served as her credential papers. “Messenger boy? Where can I hire a scribe?” She asked the messenger. “In the fisher village down the dune road lives a girl, of your age, your ladyship; she knows how to read and write. She looks for work.” The messenger replied.


Afther having her things packed, and the boat secured in the dunes. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght went to the fisher village. The girl was extatic. A job, as scribe, for a noble born lady? This was a dream come true. Happy, she accepted the possition.

“What is your name?” She asked of her scribe. But the name was spoken in the native language. A language all islanders spoke. But even with her knowledge of the language. She, like her brothers, rather pretended not to understand enough of the local language, That way, they all manage to turn peasants their true names, into a name their hearts warmed up on; a name in their mothers language. She pulled the prentend trick on her scribe and named her, Ben'seyr. Of they went to Niel citty.

They had spend most of their day in the fishers village, and even spended the night there. When they reached by dawn of the the next day the citty gates. They where greeted by majestic four stories high walls, and one powerfull gatehouse. Two powerful towers build in along side one huge gatehouse. The gate was open, and small. Small in comparisment, to the rather large seize of its structure around it. Large heavy doors, a wooden fence, and an iron gate, all to keep enemies out. This was a citty more secure then a bank vault.


As she tried to enter the city. A familliar face showed among the crowd comming trough the gates. It was paladin primus Vash. He orderd that all cittizens of the realm in Niel, are to join him in a weird region, of wich the name she couldnt pronounce. Yet!

She orderd her men to turn around, and join the army moving out. “Ben'seyr, girl? Go to the citty and find out what our troop settings are? I think you will find them in the Generals bullitin. When you find them, join me at the beach!”

While she waited by the boat on the beach, a horse back messenger boy arrived. He is a cavalry officer. He brings an offer from his lord Jorge count of Irneas, an offer for her to pledge an oath of fealty to him. In exchange she would receive a 1% of his regions taxes, as payment to her for her service to his region. A companied by her slodiers and the cavalry officer, she returned to the citty, where she met first with her scribe, and then with count Jorge.

Sir Jorge, she came upon in the council hall of Niel citty. A majestic hall, with beautyfull wood carvings, and magnificent windows, with coat of arms aranged into the windows with collourful glas. Such beauty, only the prosperous could afford. All chairs look like thrones, and on the center throne count Jorge is seated. If a noble lord is given such seats in a citty council? What majesty might she encounter when standing before the Pontificate throne? Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght kneels before sir Jorge, count of Irneas. “I will to, my utmost power, with life and worldly possessions, shield the holy Sartanian faith and gospel, and keep and defend the churches and their servants, at their freedom and estate, stand aginst wrongs, and strengthen peace and righteousness, and protect fatherless and motherless children, virgins, widows and poor people, and be safe and true to my pontifex, and my country, and rightly hold and exercise my knighthood. God to honour, after my best power, so help me God.”

Placing his swoard on her shoulders, tapping each shoulder twice; he invites her to rise, once again, and face her equals. A knight of the realm, she became. “My lord, with your leave I shall join our Paladin Primus, in the region whoes name I can't yet pronounce. Your servent, my lord.” By these words she bids her new lord farewell, and goes to her boat on shore. With her boat she sailed by the shore line to the region she is send of to. The region south along the shore. There she plans to come a shore, and join the army for battle. At sea she can patrole the sea passage for any enmy ship, or boat, that would try to drop troops behind our lines. The journey would take most of the morning. By noon they would arrive.

Storm at sea

Her boat left the small bay of Niel, and headed for Mraulaxon. Going out of the bay was the easy part. But with heavy currents, and the wind comming from the wrong direction, they ended up dealyed, and forced to spend the night onboard. The voyage at sea did not go as well as she had hoped. The delay from yesterday had been only the prologue, to a much greater terror. A storm front had set up during the night and it was clearly moving south. Her boat violently swung across the waves. But strong as it was build, it would not sink. Fishers feared this weather, but only because of the dredded stairs of Mraulaxon! Warm currents from the south seas flowing between the islands, meet with cold water currents from the north. This made the bay of Niel a perfect hiding ground for ships, and for boats. But the cliffs called the stairs of Mraulaxon, these would now haunt her memories to. Her spirrit for adventure makes her able to deal with the fears, fear of death, while on discovery of this new world.

A fishers fleet of boats sailing from Niel got caught in the storm. Just like her boat did during this night. While sailing for open seas, she past a fishing boat in trouble. These old fishers their boat got struck by one wave to many, and consequently had taken more water on then their ships could handle. Passing the fishers she offers to lift them from the water. She and he men save the entire crew of the fishing boat. Greatfull the captain thanks her, “Mylady, I am for ever in your debt. You saved my crew and me from a career as fish food. How can we ever repay you?” She tells him her story, and asks if he ever knew of any myth, or legend about a women who could talk with birds, black birds in perticular. “Mylady, we know great many stories... Could you put us a shore in Mraulaxon?” The captain keeps evading her every attemp to learn more, as if he had a secret to keep.

The truth gets told

By morning the storm calms down, and they reach the Mraulaxon flats. A place of sand banks and a large quick sand beach, full of cockles. Fishers in hard and soul, they went a shore and began loading up on cockles, to have at least something to pay the bills with.

While on the beach she receives her order that they are to move out, to yet an other place of wich she has no clue of how to pronounce its name. The captain of the fisher crew, did give her some to brighten her day with. “Mylady? We have such a story. Long ago, eleven years it must have been. An old lady in a boat, much like yours; got caught in one of these storms. We fishers found her surounded by nineteen ravens. One raven acted like he had comand over the nineteen others. They where fiercely loyal and devoted, to the old lady and their alfe bird. We had never seen such birds before. The priests saw it as an evil omen. You have to understand, Sartania is quite frightend about religious freedoms. Long ago a lord named Hireshmont tried to set up his own cult here. Resulting in a conflict between the old Gods followers, and the Qyrvagg god of war Hireshmont introduced. I fear your mother shipwrecked on Niels shore, at the worst possible time. When the old followers of Hireshmont where bannished, she vanished in these lands. They blamed her for everything. As she was no noble, the lord of the land could not protect her, against the peasantry. Im sorry, but thats the truth! The peasants are devoted followers of the new church. The church its strickness about religion, is what caused the peasantry to persecute inocent old ladies, for just about anything. Folk beleived she was a curse. When she came, the fish stayed away...” The fisher turned away with a guilty look on his face. Now she understould why he wanted to be putted on shore, as quick as possible. She understould that she might end up called 'the daughter of the old sea hag'. While the captain walked away for her, she shouted afther him. “Could'nt it just have been, that you guys overfished the bay?” No answer came.

Eve before battle

As orderd she setted sail for that other region, with the difficult name.

Her boat left the flats, sailing for the bay at the border of Mraulaxon. She beached her boat on the beach in the bay. The storm caught up with them. Before the sea would get back as rough again as before. She used her head start to beach her boat, and drag it with her men into the dunes. From there she marched on. They would have still a seven hour journey ahead of them, before they reached the rally point. A border stone read, “Saex, 50 miles to Saex town. ...” She and her men crossed the border. They where silent. It became clear. This was realy happening. Their first battle. The kills... the battle... the dieng... the horror. They would try keep themselfs thinking of it, but it is impossible not to think of it. They would get into an actual battle. The fear was for real. Cavalry... during their training they heard of this type of unit. Their drill instructor used to say, “If they come, you'll know it! There is only one thing there is you can do! You see them comming! You run! Get behind the infantry! Give the infantry cover fire. Cause the charge, is allways fatal! You got a bow! They got speed, and eighter sword or lance! Your no match; dont freeze, run like hell!” They had not yet line up settings for when they came together on the field. They where nervous. But they kept their courage.

The seige of Seax

Around midnight they reach the gathering point. Here they spend the night. Paladin primus Vash gives the lines settings before everyone goes to bed. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght, has her troops up early. They take up thier positions for the seige. Paladin primus Vash gives the signal for the archers to pen fire. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght and her scribe Ben'seyr both take up a bow also. Twenty six shots where fired. The enemy hides behind its walls. One story high walls overloaded with troops. Twenty six arrows fire at them from lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts troop. The infantry moves under cover of the archers to the walls. Their second time they managed to fire thirty nine shots. The infantry reaches the walls. They suffer serious casualties. Suddenly it dawns on lady Cooidjaghtoilaght; she might not see her troops again afther this battle. Weird enough the cavalry charged against those walls. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght and het unit keep preforming their duty, and fire a fourty two shots at the enemy hiding behind their wall. Cover fire does not help the infantry. Finaly the infantry makes it across the walls. But they face a huge numbre of enemy forces. To become able to provide suport fire, lady Cooidjaghtoilaght has her men advance to get a better firing position. The enemy has our troops overrun, it became impossible at this point for lady Cooidjaghtoilaght, to gave suport fire to her own realms troops. Her arrows might hit her own realm mates. She orders the troops to hold their fire. The army has lost all its infantry. The archers have no where to go, no infantry cover. She has her troops open fire again. They fire thirty eight shots off. Suddenly their worst nightmare shows up! The gates open and the cavalry rushes out. Followed by the infantry. The enemy whipes out knight Sharwyns archers. The slaughter shockes lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts archers. The sight of the cavalry and infantry strikes fear in them. They fire off fifty five shots, and take a hundred eighty six arrows hits. The cavalry charges, while they try to fight the infantry off. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght retreats from the battle field. Her men all died. She writes a message to the lord of Saex, requesting permition to gather her soldiers corpses. She has the local undertaker hired for repatreating her soldiers corpses. This battle was a living nightmare.

Later the order is given to retreat back to Mraulaxon. She heads to the beach with Ben'seyr. There she sets sail across the bay with Ben'seyrs help. Silent moarning for the death of her men.

True friendship never dies

The sails raise in the mast, as local fishers heard of the the battle, and came to help her. She was found with Ben'seyr on the other side of shore. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght was crieng in silence. Holding close one of the blankets of her soldiers. She remembers them been given to her as her guard by the duke. She remembers their children, their families. How was she going to tell their wifes their husbands had died in battle. They did stould their ground bravely. Even facing cavalry. She finds among their stuff a drawing of a kid between the things of her soldiers. She now starts to cry for real. The human side of war emergess. Her mother insticnts awake. She did not even know why this war was been waged. But yet they all went. She did not understand anything of it. The fishermen looked at her with compasion. The captain thaught for a moment, thenhe said. “They faught for your mom, and your dad. They faught because they knew they are here on east island. They faught because they are heroes send by your parents good friend the duke. They know where ever they are, the heart of Sartania most go on! For this is the land in wich they dwell, for as far as we know. You must never let go of this land, untill you found them. If you remember them, then no matter how near or how far they are, your heart will go on! So once more you must recruite a unit, and go on fighting for Sartania.” She looks at the captain with tears inher eyes and, “Your right... Set sail for open sea! We are going back to Niel!”

She turns around and looks back on the bay as they sail for the open seas, “You will allways be in my hearts. I will never forget you guys, and what you all left behind for me. Im sure mom wont forget you guys eighter. My heart will go on for you guys! You will be my spirrit guides.” As she said this she grasped her medalion. The medalion lid up. Suddenly as the sun rose, 24 shooting stars shot across the sky. The seagulls flew with them to sea, like a millitary guard from nature. Huge wales swum next their boat, and the dolphins infront. Like such they made their way home, home to Niel. “My lady? Spring has come to guide you home.”

The fregat

On the way from Mraulaxon to Niel, Lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts boat gets a navy ship going for Saex. It sails under foreign flag. There is no time for them to evade. The ships first mate shouts over “Ahoy there! Identify yourselfs!” This time around Lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts good fortune was on her side again. “Fishers from Niel!” The good fortune that she had the fishers on board again. These guys who she saved, they came again to her aid. “Where are your nets?” “We lost them during the storm on our way over here! We lost some good mates of ours...” The captains bluf worked. The navy ship leaves them be. But to prevent further navy encounters, they decide to detour their travels and take the long route to Niel.

Afther a long night, land got in sight by dawn. She had sailed all night with the aid of the fishers. They where but all to glad that they did not have to travel home on foot. The boat got dragged ashore by lady Cooidjaghtoilaght and the crew of fishers, and Ben'seyr. Ben'seyr is but all to glad to have this journey concluded in her home vallige. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght made Ben'seyr even more happier when she decided to stay at Ben'seyrs parents house. The crew and Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght was so tired that they slept trough much of the day. Afther a good sleep they got up and made their way to the citty of Niel. On the road to Niel lady Cooidjaghtoilaght and Ben'seyr chatted about Ben'seyrs books among her personal items. “Ben'seyr, you look quite interested in reading.” “Yes mylady. I love my books, they give me great comfort on long journeys, or boring days.” “Do you have any favorite books?” “I have in my collection books on sciences, and arts. I like a good storybook now and then to.” “Your quite learned Ben'seyr. My father was a very learned man to. He knew how to read and write also. He was a peasant who became a wealthy merchant, artisan. My brothers and me where taken into the care of the local duke. He was good friends with my parents. When they vanished he took us in, and made us nobles. Its obvious that many nobles dont know how to read or write, and therefor need a scribe. But its also fashion to have a scribe. But I fancy having a good friend above fashion. When I first saw you, it was like I saw my own reflexion. Im without any title of sucsession from my parents. I am not sucseeding the duke. I make my own future, its not yet set for me. Maybe it is my desteny in life to make my own future, to pave my own path. My mother gave up everything she had in life to secure my future. Still its not finding Boght that will give me a future. Only the emotional security of a family. But I will have to build here my home and start my life here as a noble. That is what my mom and dad wanted for me in the first place. Im glad that I have both these chances in life. To find Boght and get a life here in Sartania.” “I got a mom... It sounds silly, and perhapse unappropriate, but you may share my mom.”Ben'seyr smiles. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght looks at her serious, and burst into a laugh. “You'll be my lady in waiting, lady Ben'seyr. Your mom will be proud of you. I wish my mom could see me now...” They arrive at Niels citty gate, and sign the entry register. Afther they search for the most oppropriaty Inn to rent a room at. Tomorow she will recruit a new unit of soldiers.

That night lady Coidjaghtoilaght tossed and turned in her bed. Restless as she was, fregats of a realm she barely knew sailing around her boat. She screamed and cried in her sleep. That morning she decided to make a full report to her liege lord the count. He would then decide if the information was any good to the general or not. Her lady in waiting, lady Ben'seyr was there with her. She told her lady in waiting to start writing a letter to count Jorge.

“My liege lord, count Jorge. While at sea traveling homeward to Niel citty, I encountered a navy ship, a fregat of a foreign realm on patrole of our shore. I can only guess what she was doing out there. She left fishers quite at peace. As we found out when we passed her, under pretence of being a Sartanian fishers boat.

When I came home to Niel, I heard reports of enemy infiltrators at large in our nations capitol. My guess is that this naval vessel dropped of Infiltrators on our shores, and remained out at sea on patrole while their passengers did their harm on shore in Niel citty. If any of them are still lurking about, I would say they are heading for shore to be picked up by their fregat.

Your servent my lord. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght, Knight of Irneas.”

A ladies hero

Consequently she had a messenger dispatched with her letter to count Jorge. While she sended out her messenger a message from Count jorge came, as orders. She read these trough with care and went out to recruite some soldiers. In the training center of Niel she gathered 25 Sartanian Temple Archers. These men would be her new unit. But her previous men where loyal to her from since she was a kid. They died for the duke, and her ladyship. In doubt of her leadership skills, she subscribed herself for a course in leadership at the academy of Niel. Her teachers estimated that her leadership skils where only about five percent of what they should be, if to be fully educated in the arts of leadership. But afther the first lessons they where happy to inform her that her leadership skills had improved.

Selfconfident, and happy she returned to her room at the inn awaiting further instructions from sir Vash or sir Jorge.

In her room she spends the evening. She can't help it. But in the silence of the night, she is drawn back to her memories of that day on the beach. That morning the fisherboat captain told her that fragment of her mothers story. She knew there was more. She thaught long and hard about it. If there are legal actions taken by the people, then there must have been documents left behind form it. She decided then to call it an early night and plans to call on her liege lord, to hear if he knows anything more about the sea hag story. People in the fishing community seem to prefere keeping it a myth. But why? The answers are for tomorow. Now she needs to sleep.

That morning she woke up fresh as a daisy. She gets freshed up, and got dressed. She has her breakfast out in the yard of the inn. She pays her due to the innkeeper, and goes with Ben'seyr in search of count Jorge of Irneas. She finds him at the pallace where he had just attended the meeting of the council. There for lady Cooijaghtoilaght awaits her lord in the great hall. Once his lordship left his meeting with the councelor. He left trough the great hall with lord Vash. From the looks of it, he and some other noble lords had been summond there by the lord paladin primus. She didnt think about what had gone on, but makes use of the time to politely approach her lord and requesting a moment of his time.

“My lord? With your permition i would like to have a moment of your time to discuss some matters of personal interest to me?”

While having a moment of her liege lord count Jorge's time, she reports the following. “My lord, I beg to report to you that I came in knowledge of my mothers history in this realm. A fisher who I saved out at sea, told me of a myth about an old sea hag. He said this women had 19 birds guarding her, when she shipwrecked a shore here. They blamed her for the fish in the sea leaving from the bay. The claims of the fishers and their demands made them a shamed for some reason. He wouldnt tell me anything more then that. I wish to report to your lordship, that this old sea hag as she was called by the fishers, is beyond any doubt my mother. My lord?”

She turns with emotional wet puppy eyes tocount Jorge and makes the following request. “My lord? I beg you to look for me in the archives on Niel citty, for anything that could help me find my mother and the 19 black birds guarding her? As your title and rank allows you to consult these archives, as me I am never going to get allowed inside the archives of the realm. Please, lord? It means alot for me. Afther what that evil witch has done to her, my father and their loyal guards. I want to find them... Forgive my weakness, sir? But please help me find out more about what happend to them?”

That night she receives orders from the paladin primus lord Vash to move out to an other region she does'nt know. Looking trough maps with Ben'seyr she finds the region and a decent route to this strange region of the realm. “We need desperatly a scout, lady Ben'seyr.” “Yes my lady, we do.” Ben'seyr looks woried at her ladyship, who stands by the window staring outside.


That night they checked out of their room at the inn, and left at once for the weird named region 'Nocaneb'. A journey wich took them the better part of the following day to complete. Without any incidents along the road, they arrived in time for their evening meal.

Nocaneb is a beautyfull but vunrable region. Eventhough protected by a mote and bailey, they where still an easy target for their enemies. This lady Cooidjaghtoilaght realised but all to well. As she had encountered their enemies at Seax. A formidable force, capable to take a region with Nocaneb's defences, without much effort.

She received finally some pleasant news. From count Jorge of Irneas. A good man as he spended in appearance some formidable time going trough those old dusty archive books, registers, and documents of an other sort and purpouse. He wrote her in his letter that he had found what she was looking for, and would share with her his findings as soon as he had arrived in Nocaneb.

With her worries about when the news came, turning into impatience, and anxiety. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght looks to game with Ben'seyr, and other lady like things to pas the time with, wishing time would just speed up, and letting it be tomorow already. It being night now again, she would end spending little time on sleep, and more on worry once more again. Worry for her liege lords safety on his travels to Nocaneb.

While asleep a thief sneaked into her room and tried to steal her medalion. But to the thief's shock, the guards of lady Cooidjaghtoilaght where alerted by his pressence and responded at once. The thief got away trough the window. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts men chased afther him. In all the commotion lady Cooidjaghtoilaght awoke from her sleep. In her night gown, with her coat on and a latarn in her hand she went afther her guards.

The persuit ended in the poor villages of the region. Just outside the stronghold. People where so poor they lived in their own filth. It left an impression with lady Cooidjaghtoilaght. The poverty, struck a sensetive cord with lady Cooidjaghtoilaght.

That night she told her men to fix up the neighbourhood. For eight hours long they worked their buts off. Unhappy with the late hours, they did their duty, and followed lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts instructions. The next morning she would bring them food. While giving her men a good well earned rest.

That morning she fulfilled her good intentions, and returned to the peasants with some food. Her men she gave some time off. They slept and there afther went to an ordinary bar.

The archieve file

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght went afther feeding the peasants to Count Jorge. “My liege lord? What is the great news you found for me in the archieves? The news you spoke to me of in the letter you sended to me?”

Her liege lord sended her the news by messenger. It contained all her worst fears.

A few days ago...

Jorge knocked with the predetermined twice hard, thrice soft pattern. Before long, the door creaked open and Jorge entered out of the soft rain. It was late, almost sunrise, yet the early light did not yet grace the morning sky. Truth be told, Jorge was glad to be in the presence of the grimy torch the man held before him. After the door was closed, Jorge was led down to the caverns which housed the old archives. Those documents deemed to be against the teachings of Sartan had been hoarded within this cavern for decades, escaping the torch whenever possible, awaiting an enlightened mind to read them. Those who served Sartan were never admitted, until now. The Count of Irneas had tutored under The Hammer. He had bested him in sport. This made him special. The Hammer owed him a favor. Earlier that day, Jorge received a message from him telling him to go to the old forge on the north side of Niel and the directions on how to knock. He had left his chambers immediately. Now, he was following this decrepit beggar, who was a heathen without a doubt. He felt like he was being led into a trap, but he also knew The Hammer to be an honorable fellow. Also, his knight had inquired... He had to oblidge.

Hour after hour passed as they descended and ascended passageway after passageway. Luckily, they always took the left turn, it wouldn't be hard to get out in a pinch. Finally they reached a heavy iron door. The guide knocked over the table near the door and crawled into a small passage way. In a few seconds, the door was opened by the little fellow. Jorge followed him inside to view a lavish library of scrolls and bound parchment. Shelf after shelf for almost as far as Jorge could see. He was immediately humbled by the sight.

For hours more Jorge poured over scroll after scroll, until he finally found one containing Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght's mother's fate. The scroll reported:

“A corrupt priest of Sartan had been fishing illegally and had brought the fishing population down very low. However, a lady possessing a black bird was shipwrecked not long after the shortages of fish were being recorded. Taking the black bird as an omen, the peasants turned to the priest for guidance. The priest accused her of witchcraft. Apparently, he accused her of turning her husband into a bird and killing all of the fish. She was exiled and the peasants passed the story around as the tale of the Sea Hag. However, the truth of the matter is that a witch had changed the lady into an old hag, her husband into a bird and had sent a gale after her to land her upon the beach in Niel. This greedy priest is a heretic and abuses his power!”

From there on, Jorge ignored the rest of the writing. It seemed that the author was only intent to cause problems in the priesthood. But he had found what he was looking for. He was half tempted to throw a torch down on the heretic documents, but the information held within was priceless. As he had already proved, it wasn't all heresy... He followed his guide back to the surface and grabbed an hour of shut eye before meeting with the council in the morning. He would send word to Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght soon about finding this information. Hopefully it would be adequate, he wasn't positive he could rish a return to the cavern...

With this news she received, Ben'seyr later found her ladyship crieng on her writing table. She was so hurt that during the whole day she had not left her room at the inn. Crieng the whole day long.

Those who where concerend about her ladyship where told that she would be fine again by tomorow.

A broken heart

The next morning she got out of bed, got dressed and silently moved around trough the streets looking at stores. She returned to her lodging place and remained there for a the rest of the day. At the evening she orderd her men to go out and help the folks in that poor neighbourhood. Afther letting them work for four hours she gave them a rest for four hours, sending them to the pub. Her treet. Then she whent to her bed.

Her men where getting quite used to all that civil work. One of lady Cooidjaghtoilaghts lieutenant even turned it into a training session. The cook stering the cauldron made a training of this for lance, spear and staff fighting. The painting job he made into a training session for sword fighting. Tatching roofs became a hand to hand combat training and the paving of the streets is made into dexterity, speed, agillity and focus training.

When the sun had set behind the horizon, a tired, hungry, dirty unit of soldiers returned to the stronghold. There lady Cooidjaghtoilaght had a dinner prepared for them. As dessert the pub awaited them, where she had arranged for them to drink all they like. But first before they could eat they had to take a bad. She runs a clean unit.

Her unit spends the next morning resting out. She herself slept untill an hour or two before noon. Afther lunch she planned to leave with her unit for Niel.

Ben'seyr remained in Nocaneb with a fast horse untill the orders of the general came. Ben'seyr didnt knew what to think, but lady Cooidjaghtoilaght has acted strange since she received the news from his lordship count Jorge. Its like she knew the future before it actually happend. Wisely she did not tell anyone. She didnt want people to think of her as they did of her mother. She been like isolated from Ben'seyr. But Ben'seyr and she being close friends now, new she had a strange gift. Also she knew about the medalion containing magical powers. One night she caught lady Cooidjaghtoilaght coambing her hairs while speaking to the mirror. No one was in the room with her. She sensed some how Ben'seyrs pressence. 'She hears voices in her head, her ladyship.” She told the healer later. Her voices had told her that noon to save 12 hours for the journey to Niel, as the general was going to order her that night to move to Niel.

Worried Ben'seyr sat in the bar. She did not drink, and tried to stay sober. But then out of the spring rains came in a messenger from the general asking for lady Cooidjaghtoilaght. “She aint here no more, sonny! She left this past noon, shortly afther lunch!” The innkeeper told him. “Mylady is not well... Her mother ... she received news of her... Bad news im afraid. I fear she might not be herself quite longer then I had expected.” “Good! The general his orders for your ladyship! Make sure she gets those!” Surprised and curious she opens them, and reads. “Good god!!! She did ... Her voices ... Its all true!” “Good god lady! Do you realise you just broke the law? Your not to read a noble borns mail, or top secret orders!” But Ben'seyr rushes out afther her ladyship. In Niel citty lady Cooidjaghtoilaght recruited nine extra archers and sets of for Nocaneb again. Paid and their equipment repaierd, her unit was ready for an other couple of days in the stronghold.

The voices

Morning comes. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght is only hours away from ariving in Nocaneb. Ben'seyr spots her ladyship passing out. She manages in a nick of time to keep lady Cooidjaghtoilaght from falling of the back of her horse. She halts the troops on their march behind them. The healer rushes to the front. The standard bearer hastes to the rear where the beasts of burden where with the bagage train. He got from the donkeys the medical kit from the healer, and hasted back to the front.

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght had a premenition during the time she was passed out. In her premenition she saw Sartania. The villages overrun by warlords, hunger, desease, and death. The government is devided, the nobles are at war. A voice speaks trough all this. “When Qyrvaggs day has come, blood shall flow in Niel. The priesthood shall fear. The innocent shall burn, and the guilty will walk free. In a War in wich the enemy is unknown. Qyrvagg will be feared, but will be not be pressent. In their hour of need the priests shall find Sartan unwilling to hear their priars.

War, hunger, desease and death. In a desperate attemp to stabelise the situation the palladin primus will rally the nobles for war. They will come to seek the enemy within. Religious persecution shall follow swiftly. The noble borns will fight. The priesthood quivers. The day is without gods.”

She comes to, gasps for a air. Afther a deep breath she decided to report what she had seen to the one lord she thinks she can trust. Fearing religious persecution if it leeked out. She turned to her liege lord Sir Jorge and to Paladin Primus sir Vash in a letter. Explaining all she had seen. Only Ben'seyr knew, further no-one. They would end up beleiving it was just one of those female things.

That night she had Ben'seyr deliver the message herself, in person to lord Vash and sir Jorge.

This morning lady Cooidjaght arrived in Nocaneb. To her surprice the innkeeper had kept her room available fo her. All her civil work made her quite well loved by the locals. This encouraged her to contineu her good work today. During the day and a good part of the evening she had her troops help the local population. A good nights rest, and a early pay day gave her troopers the reward they deserved. She herself spended alot of her money on food and healthcare for the poor.

The Angel of Nocaneb

Today Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght awoke late in the morning, afther a late night helping a peasant baby getting into this world. Sir Sito had heard of her civil work in Nocaneb, and invited her to dinner at the temple of Nocaneb. The pontifex, his holyness Edward, and his brother Christopher would be pressent at this most prestigious dinner.

Sir Sito-5th born son of Ibladesh who began his fight in Falasan. He later moved to Arcaea to assume the Dukeship of Nocaneb. When Apostles of the Ibladesh faith seeked the gods within the Far East, Sito was pronounced the firsr General of Sartania. He now resides as the keeper of the Temple in Niel after his military junction, following a long and colorful rule as Pontifex. His aspiration is to spread the Church of Sartan across the continent.

The dinner was that night. As a lady and knight of Sartania, she was honor bound to appear at this dinner. The whole day she spend deciding on what to ware to this dinner. “What you think of this Bensey? You think it would suite for a dinner?” “Hm? I dont know Cooidy dear... Its just not you. How about this one?” “Oh NO, Bensey! I just could'nt, it is to exposing.” “Hm! Well His holyness his nuns where more revealing clothes then this.” “How about this one?” “Good, good. But arent we a bit to pritty in it, for his holyness? A man of his virtues, he could be offended by so much beauty. No modest, but beautyfull. A bit of colour, but not to be going al Black and white, or grey.” “How about this then?” “Pritty, but his holyness might be reminded of Qyrvagg. It looks like tree birds of the Qyrvagg symbol.” “Oh Bensey! What am I gona be without you? Your such an angel! What about this one?” “Oh dear Cooidy!”Bens Seyr laughs. “Now you surely look like a Witch's daughter.” Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght laughs now also. “How about this one?” “Hm? You look like a boy in a dress.” They both laughed and gigled. While going trough her wardrobe before picking a dress that made her glitter. She caught her first sweatheart with this dress. She was stunningly beautyfull in it. A little trick she had learned as a girl from her mother. Being her mothers daughter she had inherrited magic powers asswell, but was never trained in withcraft. So she used only the little magic tricks her mom taught her to make her looks stunningly beautyfull, using magic. Her mom would become her magic tutor once she found her parents. She did not dare going self taught on this, as it could lead her down a path that would lead her to the dark side of the force. Caillagh was a mistress of the light.

The Ax

During the night before leaving for the dinner, she finds a note pinned to her rooms door. Under the dagger hung the following note: “Lady,

I mention no names within this letter. However, I have received rumor of a storm stirring in sartania. If you know of this brewing, respond through secure channels. If my suspicions are correct, you know something, and I believe I may be of assistance...

The Ax “

She wonders about who might be writing this. Tauching the note with her hand, she received a stured image of a messenger hooded pinning the letter on the door a while ago. His aura inprint left him vissible. But he clearly knew he was dealing with a witches daughter. He had a charm around his neck, that protected him against his Aura leaving to much prints behind on his letter. He was the messenger or the sender. His face was hooded. His dagger left him more exposed, as he tauched it longer. He baught it that day in a street from a venter on the market place.

She knew if she found the venter she would know more about this mystery man. Searching for clues in his aura, she sneezed. There a hand, a male hand, a lords hand. She smelled the dagger. Was it from its former owner. Or was it the Aura of its other owner. Knowing that these questions could bring her to find clues of an other person, and ending up confused. She focused on focusing. She received a sense of the aura of the owner who owned it before the venter baught it. It was from a man in Niel. He wanderd the streets of Niel stabbing whores. She finds traces of one of the female victems. She screams and drops the dagger. She's lucky she is still a virgin.

She replies to the strangers message: “Dear sir, Your awhere that I saw you in my visions, and that my voices told me of you. Sadly you have not given me a face to reply to.”

As instructed she left the message pinned with the same dagger on a designated inn in town's door.

She heads for the temple acompanied by Ben'seyr, who has become more like a twin sister, who loved very dearly. The two girls where like two sisters, and there feelings where the same towards eachother. Ben'seyr would go trough hell it self for her. Only lesbians loved eachother more then these two girls did. The two girls both grew up with only brothers, so naturaly they where drawn towards eachother as sisters in friendship.

The dinner

At the temple she came to halt to admire the beauty of the whole building. It was in the pastory accros of the Temple's right wing. The lights of the pastory where on. She walked up to the pastory. An like a lady, she stopped gigling with Ben'seyr, who she gave one of her dresses and bewitched to make her as breath taking beautyfull as her ladyship. At the Pastory the chamberlin answered the door. Stunned, he stould there, while the ladies walked past him. He huried to open the next door for them, leading to the dinner room. There she saw the guests rising from their chairs. The ladies where offered their seats. Their hoast offerd the ladies a toast in gratitude for honoring him with their pressence. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght thanked them for honoring her and Ben'seyr by inviting them over. She turned then during the apperitive to his holyness the pontifex. “Your holyness? I was wondering. If a lady in the heart adopts a lady as her sister, is it then possible for her to adopt her trough legal means as her sister? What does our holy laws say about this? Can a girl do that?” Ben'seyr looks pleasantly amazed at her ladyship, and then winks a few tears away with her hanky. “Thats the most beautyfull thing anyone ever could have wanted to do for me, my lady. Thank you.”

At the dinner the confersation goes back and fourth. The cook made a exceptional dish of roast duck, with gravey, and vegatbles. Followed by desert. A vanille pudding with raisins. A truly expensive treet. Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght returned home drunk, and gigling. Both Ben'seyr and Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght where drunk.

They returned to the inn and fell asleep. Not seeing the dagger pinning yet an other note to their door.

Fishing for names

When she awoke during the day to puke as a result of the alcohol consumption of last night. She found the note pinned to her door. She read it. “Lady,

It is a deliberate act of hiding my countenance. Let it suffice that you know me and trust me, as well as the other way around. I hear rumors against the church. I seek either refutation or confirmation from a trusted source. Know you anything about these rumors? If you know anything, pass it on in confidence, nothing you tell goes beyond myself and like minded fellows...

The Ax “

Before she replies the sender, she gets her finest clothes out and puts back on her casual dress. She decides to seek out the venter who sold the dagger. At the location on the market square, she places her hand on the ground to sense the treces of aura. With so many people walking past it every day, she seeks the familiar aura. She tauches with her other hand the dagger to find the matching aura. Zoned in on the venters aura, she tried to get more information of a possible location to where he might live. To her disappointment the venter came from Niel Citty. But the efforts did not go to waste. She get into a trance and saw this famous ax fellow.

In his black cloath the ax his face remained vailed, but his deeds revealed.

The voices told her: “The ax is on a junction point in his life. He will not decide untill he knows more. The names and information he seeks from the virgin, are the same she is seeking from him. The qeustioning remains without result. The secret devide is awaiting the ax his choice of side, before they forge a plot.”

She takes her quil and writes the ax her reply.

“Sir ax,

There is no rebelion by my knowledge going on. I received no names only images. It is very unclear to me. I seek knowledge of what this devide is all about, and all caused by. Then I can speak of knowing any names. If I would give you a name by that time, is not sure. I do not know how I can give a name of such a person, if im expected to give my trust or the names of others to a person who hides his identity from me.

Personally it is good that I do not know your name yet, as I am sure I will have to report very soon to my lord how come that I have notes pinned to my bedroom door in plain view of everyone. Soon you might not be the only one suspecting me of owning a list of names of conspiritors, when you keep asking me in such public way.

I have only knowledge wich is superficial, not personal, or indept.

This is what a vission and my voices told me of you: 'The ax is on a junction point in his life. He will not decide untill he knows more. The names and information he seeks from the virgin, are the same she is seeking from him. The questioning remains without result. The secret devide is awaiting the ax his choice of side, before they forge a plot.'”

She took a good look at the handwriting and the cloath in her vision. The hand of the author had a seal ring with an ax in it.

She used his dagger again to pinn the letter on the door he had asked to pinn it on.

Afther having pinned that letter on the inn door where the illusive ax asked her to leave it pinned on. She returned back to her room at the inn. Ben'seyr had woken up meanwhile. Freshing herself up. The ladies got ready for an other day of doing charity work for the poor and misfortunate. Orders had come, but lucky they only where for 31 men strong units, and not for the 39 men strong units. That morning she found no note pinned to her door. Everything remained uneventfull today. Beside the civil work she participated in. Afther yet an other day of working to help the poor and needy, she returns to the inn and goes straight to bed, exhausted of the whole day working.

That morning she received a report from the local bailiff. “Your men visit the castle and spend time with the local ladies.” “OH GOD NO!” She yelled. Afraid they might have made arses out of themselfs, and she facing harasment charges, or rape charges from the ladies of the castle. “Dont worrie. It where the washer wemon at the castle. It is laundry day a Nocaneb castle. Your men behaved as gentleme, but some of these ladies might have been a little to familliar with them. Could be they will end up nine months from now with child.” Ben'seyr siad trieng to reasure her ladyship.

That day lady Cooidjaghtoilaght spend helping the local peasantry without the aid of her men.

Finaly the day of taxes came. Her men where complaining about not having been paid yet. So she moves them all out to Niel citty. There she will collect her pay from the realm for her unit and upkeep as a noble.

This morning she payed her men in Niel citty and headed out to Nocaneb right away. But she did fail to pay her healers. They would not be all to happy with this. Perhapse she will have to do payed work in Nocaneb. That would dishonor her. But she had no choice. She has to be in Nocaneb where no bank is, meaning no nobles can send her any financial suport.

In Nocaneb, she finds little time to look for work. Her unit of men complain of having to work whole day, and her healers complain of not been paid. Treatning her to desert her and her men. All this gives her such a headache, that she locks herself in her room and sees no-one the whole day long. She hopes they do walk out on her and her men. That way she is rid of these healers with their hunger for gold.

The next day her healers did abandon her as she expected they would. That same night she found an other mysterious message! This was slided under her door.

She gives her men orders to do civil work and them time of to wander of relaxing. Or in their case, courting the wemon at the castle. To her delight her men finally came to her today with a request for permition to mary these girls they courted. They had pregnated them, and she found it only civilised that they should take up responsabillity and mary the girls. She gave them instructions to hold the wedding in town and payed for a full feast for the peasants. As a gift she gave them 4 hours of honymoon, before having to return to active duty again. Enough hours to consumate the mariage, all over again.

Afther the wedding she reads the mystery sir Ax his letter a day afther receiving it.


I wish your support in a quiet matter. May I assume you give it freely?

The Ax Jorge Fowl“

Afther reading it she is stunned. “My lord...” Ben'seyr comes and looks. “Bensy! The Ax is my lord Jorge!”

She takes Quil and paper, and writes a reply at once. Wich she has deliverd in private, by a messenger.

“My lord,

I did'nt knew you where the Ax. Offcourse I am your knight, I will allways serve you my lord. But What side has my lord then taken?”

She seals it and sends it off. Forgetten to sign the letter with her name.

The whole day lady Cooidjaght spend traveling. In some discomfort due to it being that time of the month for her discomforts.

The travels where somewhat delayed due to it. But she stuck to the travel shedual, as she only had little time to make it back to Nocaneb. Time was of the essence. But personal hygeine was also very important to a lady of her status.

By nightfall the stone marker of Niel citty finally got in sight. By dawn she would have reached the citty.

While on the road her liege lord still managed to send her a reply to her letter.


When can you join the rebellion?

Jorge Fowl The Ax “

Despite her travels, she has Ben'seyr reply him.

“My lord,

I could join your rebelion if I where to be informed about what its all about, and against what foe we are rebeling?

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght.”

She knew it to be against the priesthood, but she needed comformation from him that they where on the same side, and had also the right people by their side for the rebelion. Therefor she played still her cat and mouse game. As she couldnt take a side in public not yet anyway. This would be to dangerous for her. She might find out personally how it feld to become a persona non grata in her new realm.

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght has been on the road since yesterday. It has been raining since last night and she is all soaking wet. Hoping that she will arrive soon in Nocaneb, she contineus her journey.

She received again a letter from her liege sir Jorge. “Lady and gentelmen.

The time has come. Join the rebellion if you are to follow me. I shall call for the uprising at the most oppurtune time. If you are wondering what we are rebelling against, it is the dogmatization of the government here in Sartania. Nothing about who you are matters. All of the old people get respect, it doesn't matter if you do Sartan's will or not. If you are old, you get to be an official in the government. This isn't right! We need to boot out the old government! We need more fairness in the appointments! Join the rebellion and wait for my word to strike!

Jorge Fowl Hero of Sartan” It becomes clear to her that this rebelion isnt anything she wants to be part in. She has come to this realm to find more about her parents. Taking part in this rebelion would not serve her. All these reasons lord Jorge gives for a rebelion she can not verify. Voices and visions are one thing, but they are not quite substantial evidence in a court. The people she saw in her vision where realy the opposite of the government. Could Jorge and the rebels actually be these people.

Today is the day of truth. Early in the morning she arrives in Nocaneb. The innkeeper kept her room vacant for her. Then some disturbing news comes.

She receives a letter from lord Jorge, and simultaniously a letter from lord Vash.

She opens the letter from lord Jorge first. “Lady,

I had counted upon your support. Is it not clear that if you remain shackled with our current regime you will never grow to power? Our realm is surrounded by allies. At the conclusion of our war with Arcaea, we shall become a stagnant nation. You shall have no power, not a voice anyone would listen to. If you join the rebellion, you could learn about your family and be allowed to practice the arts you have inherited from your mother. I promise you a better life if you are to join the rebellion. I do not make idle promises.

Jorge Fowl The Ax “

She then opens the letter from lord vash. “Im wrighting to everybody here who doesnt have a position or a title.

We have all gone threw hard times and you all have shown you are pretty active and care about this country that you wont to help this country grow you want to be apart of this country. Latly you have probably heird alot of things and rumiors. Im going to tell you all right now you dont earn things by taking what looks like the easy way out. That will get you what looks like a position faster but really it wont you will find out you were just used at the end. Its easier to just throwing in the exstra effert it takes to show this country you have what it takes to become a lord or run for general or bankers or become a bishop. If you want to be any of those things i would tell every one of you right now all you have to do is talk thats all you have to do get known post reports of what you do for this country. Because i write all of yours names down that do these things like scout reports or showing you do civil work or buro work or priest work and when the time comes and we need a new bishop i throw your names in anybody here that scouts or gives reports or just plain shows thats there active and care about this country. Showing you have a opinion that you want to make a diffrence in this country. Im not saying who but some of you want to take the easy way out want to throw everything you have done for this country all the time and effort you put in. You just want to throw it all away. My question is is it worth it? To those that want to become lords a general a banker a judge maybe ruler somday you wont get that by trying to take the easy way out. So i stand here not as your general but as yalls friend hard work, time and showing you care for this country will get you places way faster. This is all i will say to the people of sartania you are our future no matter what.

Vash Paladin Primus of Sartania, Count of Apasur“

She compares the two letters. She hears the town bellman anouncing trough the streets.

“Lord Jorge count of Irneas! Still in jail! Afther getting caught insighting a rebelion!”

She puts her hands to her face and shouts. “My poor lord! In jail!”

She writes a letter to the Pontifex of Sartania. Also she writes a letter to Sir Jorge in his jail cell. She learns from the innkeeper that lord Jorge was placed under house arrest at the inn he was in untill the court decides on his faith.

She has a messenger extra paid to bring him a letter.

In a public letter she request her liege lord released from his house arrest.

“Your holyness pontifex Edward,

Your holyness, I read in the stars last night that my liege lord Jorge has been working as a secret agent for Lord Vash and the government to seek out potential rebels inside our realm. I must say his first letters made it sound to me like he was the leader of the big opposition. But the real opposition are just two minds in the government. Bishops! My vission according to my voices is about a Bishop devidence. The big Bishop Devide is not the work of lord Jorge.

He is not a treath to this realm. I have read many of his letters as the ax, and he is not a traitor. I can show you his letters I kept them all. You can see that he was collecting names. If it wasnt for my voices informing my of lord Jorge his work for the government, I would not have known.

It is true I would follow my liege lord as I would follow my husband in marriage. I am a Lady of my word, when I vowed fealty to my lord Jorge I stayed true to my vow. I would have followed him, like a lamb follows her sheperd.

Please review the evidence? I shall make it public known all the letter he sended to me.

Lady Cooidjaghtoilaght, kinght of Irneas.”