Talk:LoF's true belief

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Revision as of 21:25, 20 September 2006 by Dave (talk | contribs)

Ooh, sounds ominous. Now what would TL's of, I believe, Caligus and Perdan, know of the beliefs of LoF? --The1exile 15:18, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

  • Who sais I speak in the name of Caligus and Perdan? I am but the starter of this page, because I happen to have an account already and great credibility in the EC. Truly, if you are intrested you should wait some more, it could take a while though... Foreign Curs 15:23, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

And I am but slightly dead. My curiousity is simply aroused. There are others on the EC who have accounts (hence the proliferation of the generations of journalism). --The1exile 15:34, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

Is this IC? --The1exile 19:35, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

  • Yes this pages are all IC Bart 20:08, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

This is considered as a leaflet, say 'a small newspaper' if you want. It's just as legal in the game to have this as a newspaper. Every message in it is recieved IC, every word in it is spread IC under the name of the Leaflet: 'LoF's true belief' Foreign Curs 20:11, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

It's mostly a load of bollox. So many lies in there, the basic facts are completely wrong. what can I do, but listen to bull sh-t? :/ --Dave 03:02, 19 September 2006 (CEST)

Because it is true, how can you forge over 200 messages that SParky openly admitted that were indeed true and correct? The fact you find this bollox, is the fact that you will not accept seeing anything but bollox everywhere you look. Foreign Curs 19:14, 19 September 2006 (CEST)
Was that an IC comment or an OOC comment? lol, are you saying someone took the time to forge, what, something like 120 messages it looks like? Thats a whoooole lot of time for a game. Not just that, but they do a superb job of emulating speech variation and writing style variation between the various players. I can understand if that was an IC comment, but it looks like an OOC one to me... Vellos 03:49, 19 September 2006 (CEST)
Its legitimate. There is nothing ooc about scribing a conversation in a council and creating a leaflet.Ark30inf 05:43, 19 September 2006 (CEST)
Actually I was referring to the statements about the religion. They are ALL FALSE (I sent out a list of reasons why to each Ruler, but I have no idea if anyone has bothered reading it). Whatever Sparky has said to the Outer Council is not in question. He is not even a "full" member of the religion though (he has no rank). It's wrong to assume that what he says about the religion is true. I pretty much never discuss religious things outside of the full members of the religion. To find out who those are you need to join the Temple of Light yourself.--Dave 23:25, 20 September 2006 (CEST)
Bollox? Really? Then you should probably ask Sparky and the other outer council members why they are spouting so much garbage. Sparky has admitted that all of those messages are real, and that he stands by all his comments. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself. He has publically stated that all of that is freely available to all LoF nobles. All you need to do is ask. So, if you don't believe what you see here, just ask Sparky. FYI - Here's Sparky's comment on this leaflet, too: "First of all, I want to state that I stand by everything that I have said, also the things that were highlighted." "On a little sidenote, LoF's Outer Council is open for everyone, thus everything that is posted there can be considered as public." So, there you have it. Those are your leaders talking. Not us. If you don't like it, then you do something about it. --Indirik 04:29, 19 September 2006 (CEST)
Sparky is allowed to have his opinion about the religion. He has said his thoughts, but they are mostly discussions. Also, more importantly Sparky is not really involved in the religious aspects. He is the General, and has not chosen to become a full member of the religion. If you really want to find out about the religion's idea you need to speak to the judge Hannibal (who is the spiritual leader in theocracies), or other senior members. --Dave 23:25, 20 September 2006 (CEST)

While the messages are all real, some are taken out of context, and the anonymous source has inferred and taken implications that were not meant to be taken. The first being that LoF wants to "own" every temple on the EC. Never once was that said, and if you read LoF's beliefs and history you will see that only the Akesh Temple is mentioned. So basically, every point that Mr. Anonymous tried to make was false.

OOC:Indirik, before telling someone about what their leaders are saying, might want to do some research on who that user is ;)--beijarfamily

Out of context? How can an entire conversation be taken out of context? This is a conversation that was spread about a few weeks, if you can take a few weeks out of context, there isn't any context. BTW: LoF does want to own every temple on the island, as you can see, Sparky specifically mentioned Chaos Temple like three times. The point is "Beijar": that indeed the Chaos Temple isn't mentioned in their belief, but yet Sparky does mention it as an important part of their religion, see where I'm getting at? Foreign Curs 19:14, 19 September 2006 (CEST)
Sparky can say whatever he wants. He is not a full member of the religion though. His main objectives have always been geopolitical and not religious. He may be on the council, but that doesn't mean he's high up in the religious order. In fact he's right at the bottom.