The Free South Times/Issue:2

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The Free South Times
Cost: We're a low budget paper, so we must charge 1 gold per issue. Editors-in-Command: Amekal and Hireshmont Vellosspace Volume: 2
The Only Newspaper in the Southlands!
  • THE newspaper for the most recent updates on Riombara!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.

High Marshall Appointed!

July 23, 2006- Today is a great day for Irombrozia! Slomcha was appointed High Marshall, to lead our armies in glorious battle which Qyrvagg smiles upon. HAIL IROMBROZIA! HAIL KING MARC(May He Live Forever)! HAIL SLOMCHA!


July 22, 2006- Well, Rii fell within a day, because it was already being TOed. Discussions are going on within Irombrozia, and with other realms, on what our future shall be, weather we will be able to negotiate for lands, or have to fight for them. Just recently, I, Hireshmont Vellos, was made Royal Treasurer by King Marc, May He Live Forever. Thank you MArc, lets hope our fair realm can be kept running!


July 16, 2006- In a remarkable move, Prime Minister Delvin, following heightening tensions and treasonous comments by Duke, now King, Marc (May He Live Forever), REVOKED Duke Marc's claim to nobility. Following this Duke Marc purchased the lordship of Irombro. Exact details are unknown but it seems Marc purchased the city TWICE with saved up cash. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Only an idiot like Delvin could presume to challenge the claim of a KEITHSON to nobility. The Keithson family is reknown far and wide, respected, beloved, or hated, but ALWAYS as nobility. Anyways, back to the data: following this, Duke Marc seceded to form Irombrozia, and named himself King Marc(May He Live Forever). EDITORIAL COMMENT: THE GOLDEN LEGACY OF IROMBRO IS REVIVED!!! We shall right the wrongs done by the treasonous Rines Republic. Over scores of years they have gradually oppressed us southerners. THE UNION OF RIOMBARA IS ENDED. The Grehkian lands are in Luz de Bian hands, and Irombro has seceded, once again becoming independent and autonomous. Fwuvoghor has fallen and been given to Enweil, and the AThol Margos, former home of the ATHOL COLLECTIVE, which waged long and toilsome war with the Rines Republic, is the only of these southern city states still allied with the Rines Republic. Riombara is a mockery of the name. The Union is ended.