Avalon/The Graveyard/Lucius' Funeral

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Roleplay from Grim-Reaper Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients)

Its a dark day in Avalon. Rain keeps pooring down, its like the heavens themselves are crying. The nobility of Avalon stand silent near the open tomb, wich reads:

Lucius, Minister of Defence, leader of the Mounted Death, Baron of Wilwau and Hero of Avalon.

Grim-Reaper steps up to the little platform and tunrs to his fellow nobles."My loyal Tl's, no ... my friends. We came here today in Henhower to carry this great man into his final resting place. But allow me to speak a final wordabout him. Lucius was a man, a warrior, a hero and most importanly, a friend."

"I've met him a couple of weeks after Avalon was founded. he was an active member of our nobility, always full of energy and always had the ability to make us laugh and smile. He made us love him. He was always generous and never greedy, he never was ashamed to atmid his love for the herb and shared his expierence with herbz with the rest of us."

"In his time in Avalon i saw him grow, Starting with the position of baorn of Wilwau, then he became the Founder and leader of the MD. And atlast he rised up to defend our lands against Fronen."

Grim turned towards the body of lucius lying beside him in his chest.

"Lucius you were a man, a warrior, a Hero of Avalon and you were my friend. I'll miss you Lucius."

Grim stepped down from the platform and saluted one more time before the coffin. After Grim Scarlet came near the Chest.

"Lucius, when i heard of your demise I cried. And warrior women don't cry, they scream and laught, but don't cry." Tears again began to flow "I never feld this way before with a man, you were more then a friend, I..."

Scarlet, can't bring herself to saying what she wants, but then in a final wisper before before trowing herself into the Arms of her uncle she said"I love you Lucius" .

Kain stepped forward and saluted to Lucius.

"Lucius, you were my pupil, you sucked me dry of knowledge and I had nothing more to teach you. I saw you grow from a modest Tl to a bright star of Avalon. You were a mate of the Herb. You were... Troopleaders like you can't be found everywhere. And it has been an honour of serving with you. And to show my thanks i order the finest masons of whol of Avalon to contruct this sculpture of you."

Kain heads towards the large Statue covered with cloth. He pulls away the Cloth revealing a Hero on a grand Warsteed. Afraid of nothing, leading his troops into the fray. A everlasting memory carved into stone.

"And Lucius i'll make sure this ring gets into the hands of your famely again. Thank you for everything Lucius."

After Kain RIk Came towards the chest and said.

"Dearest Lucius, we might not have known each other well. But ever since i arrived here i always looked up to you. Yopu wer emy big example and i will be overjoyed if i once can become half the man you where. I'll miss ya buddy."

"Finaly Samantha came up and turned towards to crowd. I always tought Lucius was a man that would live for ever. To smart to be captured by death. Seems i was wrong. Lucius, you were an inspiering man, and to honour you I had a special thing made for you. A herb leaf entierly made out of gold together with a golden pipe. I will put them into the Tomb so ou can "enjoy" yourself in the eternity . Oh yes, After the service you can follow me for some after funeral luch and some homemade cookies. To give Lucius a final feast!"

One by one the other noblemen came near the chest and said some final worsd to the man they loved. Whe all have passed Kain, Grim , Hector and Michael carried the chest into the open tomb and closed its doors for ever.

The plaque near the entrence sais: Here lies Lucius, Minister of Defence, leader of the Mounted Death, Baron of Wilwau and Hero of Avalon.

Grim-Reaper Chancellor and Minister of Defense of Avalon