Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 10

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Price: Free Editor: Landesred Stromsfiordspace Issue: No. 10 - 20th April

Printed in Ash'rily for the glory of the Islands


The random state of war declared by Abington against Ash Sea Islands was rescinded today (26th) by Abington. The whole affair was rather odd and left troop leaders in ASI shaking their heads. The general response on the streets seemed to be some variant of "Whatever mate". Sources say that the situation is back to what it was prior to the declaration with both Abington and ASI still bound by treaty.


ASI nobles had less than one day to celebrate peace before Abington, another member of the Triple Federation, declared war. The declaration came unexpectedly after the signing of a peace treaty with Abington's federation partner RedSpan. ASI nobles were looking forward to a time of rebuilding and had no reason to expect such a development. The nobles did not react with much surprise. It is no secret that a large number of nobles at the end of the last war voiced that they had no faith in Abington upholding an agreement.

The reasons apparently given for the declaration defy reason. It has been reported that Abington's leader first stated that ASI had established an alliance with Cagilan Empire and that this deserved a preemptive strike. Preemptive defensive strikes seem to be the modus operandi these days as ASI has suffered two, and the Triple Federation is known to have planned the same against Tara prior to the current war.

ASI prepares again to go to war to defend itself. There is little apparent concern amongst the nobles as it seemed almost inevitable anyway. Nobles are aware of Abington's wealth and the likely outcome of fighting such a wealthy neighbor, but they also remember how Abington had to call on two other realms to come break the deadlock in the last war. They seem confident that, even if ASI goes down, they can give Abington a bloody nose.

This paper will post breaking news when Abington attacks.


Various nobles complained that a RedSpanian guildhouse still exists in Sullenport dedicated to their Goat diety. Quite a bit of hostility was directed toward the guildhouse until it was ordered stopped by King Doc's Revenge. The King ordered that the guildhouse remain unharmed and that RedSpan had followed its commitments and that ASI would not behave poorly in return.


Apparently the Abington is deathly afraid of ASI and must take preemptive strikes to grab land IN CASE ASI might someday think of destroying weak Abington. ASI must be destroyed because of what it MIGHT do to Abington.

At first it was the alliance with CE that was used as justification.

This is not an honorable basis for calling forth war. Abington does not get to veto or pre-approve the diplomatic relations of other nations on Atamara. Abington is not the boss of Atamara.

It was later said that when Abington was called on this, that Carriantor claimed that war was declared because the ASI King "dared" him to do so. Ah yes, ASI dared a realm greater in wealth, population, and geography to declare war on it the day after it finished another conflict. After months of fighting without letup, ASI dared Abington to keep it going. This sort of thin veneer of an excuse is not the action of honorable diplomacy. If Carriantor has thus imagined a dare, we point out that one was not made. If this is not satisfactory and Carriantor insists that we made a dare anyway, then we withdraw it. If this is not satisfactory, then bring thyself forth thugs but without the fig leaf of any just or honorable cause.

What good are treaties with Abington? They will either say they never existed or make up something out of whole cloth, or say they need to preempt your attack on them, and go right back to war with you. Only yesterday in this space it was reported that ASI would hold up its agreements with Abington. The next day, Abington feels the need for a preemptive strike against us because they are afraid we won't. So be it. If Abington's word is no good then treaties are impossible with them. Let us fight to the death.

If Abington wishes to destroy ASI and seize its lands just because it wants to increase its power then it should just come forth and say so. These pitiful excuses it makes up to justify its actions are unworthy of anyone claiming to be a great realm. If it wants to do a land grab on ASI then it should just belly up to the bar and admit it. That at least is understandable. It is brutal, but it is better to be brutal and honest than brutal and weasel-like.

Its obvious that no matter what ASI does it will be taken as an offense to Abington and its incredibly sensitive leaders. Since that is the case, we prepare to receive them as best we can. Negotiating with powerful bullies is futile. Better to die under a bully's sword than live under his thumb.

King's Statement

No King's Statement at this time.

DISCLAIMER: Ash Sea Chronicle is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of Ash Sea Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editor.