Brennaborg Family

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Brennaborg Family
Fame 17
Wealth 2415
Home Region Sabadell
Home World Dwilight

The Brenna is a tributary of the Gelene river in northern Sabadell. The farms around where ruled by Gerhard the Lion, who was one of the trustees of Chief during the Everguardian Period. When chief signed an agreement with Everguard, the agreement was sealed with weddings – one of them being Gerhard’s only child, his daughter Irmgard, to a wealthy family in Gelene. After Gerhard’s death, his estate was inherited by his daughter. Since she lived in Gelene, she needed a supervisor and appointed her cousin, Reynold the Fox, as bailiff. He earned his nickname as a cunning defender of the border region – especially when operating behind enemy lines if the keep on hill Sabadell was besieged.

Reynold was succeeded by his son, Meginhard the Falcon, who earned his nickname as a scout to the Astrumese army. When Meginhard grew old and Westgard gained control of Sabadell, he decided to step down in favor of his son, Reynold the Boar. Reynold fought in many battles in the service of the house of D Luffy, but died in the year 52 at the Battle in Farrowfield. Reynold had had three sons with his first wife: Meginhard, Wikhman and Egbert. He also had a daughter, named after her mother: Adela. When his wife died giving birth to Egbert, Reynold remarried to Liutgard, a sister of his chiefest advisor Gerulf. He begat another son with her, named Everhard.

                                            Chief        ???
                                              |           |
                                              |       |-------|
                                              |       |       |
                                             ??? + Gerhard   ???
                                                 |            |
                               John D Luffy + Irmgard      Reynold
                                                           the Fox
                                                          the Falcon
                              |                               |                     |
             Adela + ------ Reynold ----- + Liutgard       Waldger                 Otto
                   |        the Boar      |                   |                     |
                   |                      |                   |                     |
    |----------|---|----|-------|         |          |--------|-------|        |----|-----|
    |          |        |       |         |          |        |       |        |          |
Meginhard   Wikhman   Adela   Egbert   Everhard   Redbald   Floris   Dirk   Wilbrand   Hildwina