Westgard/Hunting Campaigns

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Westgard takes pride in its continuous war against the infestation from the Netherworld. However, most Westgardians prefer showing it by hanging trophies on a wall instead of writing letters in a book. Nevertheless, records started to be kept during the second reign of Gheric Arylon.

Year 63 (2022-08-01 – 2022-10-23)

Lowry Cameron had abdicated a week earlier – voluntarily. Westgard had to define itself again, but a campaign to the north stranded in Forguthrie, costing the lives of many men. Lord Commander Sparticus II Bathgate decided that the Westgard Wardens were to be disbanded and joined to the Westgard Sun Swords.

Southern Campaign of 63 (Winter 13th – Spring 7th)

Sparticus II led a force of 340 men (5500 CS) against a large pack of monsters (76 monsters, 6400 CS) in Duil. He was accompanied by Aelius Rousselor, Klaus Raphin, Agatha Poe, Marcus D Luffy and Meginhard Brennaborg. Aelius took a Vanguard position and lost half of his men, but the monsters were routed and hunted to oblivion.

Another large force was spotted further south in Knyazes. Sparticus II considered going back to recover, but when he asked his commanders for their opinion, they expressed their desire to continue.

In order to surprise the pack in Knyazes, Sparticus II wanted to use the cover of the woods and first led his men to Dunnbrook. On their way Klaus was ambushed by a pack and his men routed. Although Klaus was rescued by his peers, he was wounded and could not join the fight in Knyazes.

In Knyazes Westgard had 260 men (4500 CS), while facing 41 monsters and 73 undead (5000 CS). When the beast threatened to clash into the Westgardian lines, Aelius leapt forward and his men took the full brunt of the foul beasts’ charge. Nevertheless, this earned the archers one more shot to take down the last monsters. After this hand-to-hand combat with the outnumbered undead commenced, bringing a smooth victory to Westgard.

The army went back via Grazne, where they were joined by Sonya Jimenez, who helped clear out the area.

Northern Spring Campaign of 63 (Spring 13th – 24th)

The last inhabitants of Aquitain had sought refuge in the old motte. They had sent a cry for help to Westgard and an army was dispatched. The strike force consisted of Aelius Rousselor, Meginhard Brennaborg, Klaus Raphin and Agatha Poe. The force was lead by Sparticus II Bathgate. They brought 240 men (4000 CS).

On the way to Ygg D’Razhuul the rear, lead by Meginhard, was attacked by a large pack of 38 monsters. Agatha was close by and came to the rescue, after which the two could continue their journey and join the others in Ygg D’Razhuul. There they met mainly undead, which proved no match for the battle hardened Westgardians.

While High Adjudicator Agatha returned to Gelene to arbitrate in a case, the army moved back to Aquitain to deal with the pack which had attacked their rear. The men were, however, worn out by the constant marching, so despite their only being 22 monsters (2000 CS) and 32 undead (600 CS), the battle resulted in relatively many casualties.

After a rest at the Brennaborg in northern Sabadell, where Agatha rejoined, the army moved on to Forguthrie (36 monsters and 68 undead, 3700 CS). The battle went smooth and there were no casualties. The army then went through Zereth, Aquitain and Ygg D’Razhuul, before returning to Gelene to repair and recruit.

Year 64 (October 24, 2022 – January 15, 2023)

Northern Summer Campaign of 64 (Summer 3rd – 14th)

Meginhard Brennaborg spotted a new pack in Aquitain from his estate in Sabadell. The Lord Commander Sparticus II Bathgate ordered him to attack and together they made short work of 11 monsters. Sparticus II then moved to Zereth, where he hunted down 20 monsters. Meginhard arrived in the evening and help finish of the last ones. Then on to Forguthrie, where they slew 16 monsters.

They waited a day for Aelius Rousselor to arrive and then went on to Jorradith. There they found 39 monsters (3300 CS), but those were no match for the Westgardian force of 180 men and the same combat strength.

On the way to Ienith, Sparticus II rode ahead to scout the area, but suddenly found himself surrounded by 40 monsters. Half of his men were wounded, yet he stood his ground. So when Aelius and Meginhard arrived, Sparticus II had already chased away his attackers. While Sparticus II was allowed to rest, his two commanders hunted his assailants down.

Meanwhile Klaus Raphin had arrived at Jorradith as requested by Lord Commander Sparticus II to keep a corridor open in case the expedition went sour. Lowry Cameron would arrive a day later in Forguthrie for that very same reason. Meanwhile Klaus immediately had to fight 20 monsters by himself – and also reported a fight the following day.

The army (160 men, 2900 CS) went on to Kaigen, were their scouts had spotted 40 monsters and 81 undead (5300 CS). While they attacked the pack from the east, they were surprised by other flags coming from the south: Avenor! Avenor consisted of Northon Agawolf, Nicoli Rasthaven, Jorge de Zueww, Halvard Gunhild, 220 men, 4200 CS. Despite a fierce hand-to-hand fight and 50 casualties, the allied forced crushed the horde. After the battle High King Northon Agawolf hosted a feast for the Westgardian expedition and shared scout reports.

Sparticus returned home via Asurbanipal, where Bramble Ramses, Clive Burep and Bardock Hall helped clean the way to Gaston Farms, where another great force was faced: 71 monsters (5900 CS). Westgard (150 men, 2600 CS) was again aided by Avenor: Bardock, Nicoli and Enlaw Lawson (170 men, 2600 CS). Together they rained down arrow after arrow, until Enlaw rushed forward to slay the last ones.

The army could then return to Sabadell, where they were celebrated by people from all over the province, but Klaus did not return. A few of his men returned three days later. They brought sad news. When they received orders to return home, they were pinned down by a particular ferocious pack of monsters and could not leave. On the 12th Klaus died heroically in battle. His men then decided to run for it, but only five of them managed to escape the monsters that were hunting them.