Contéfigardo Family/Lyndara Contéfigardo

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Continent South Island
Family Contéfigardo Family
Class Warrior
Age 42 years
Honour 42
Prestige 15
Rank Knight
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]
Realm Sandalak
Character Description
A short, firey-tempered brunette with a small upturned nose. She\'ll pick a fight with anyone, and has the scars to prove it. None on her face though, she\'d kill ya for that if you did manage to mark her visage.

Preparing to Scout and Raid Deep Behind Enemy Line in Taselak

Roleplay from Lyndara Contéfigardo Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Sandalak (23 recipients) - 6 hours, 41 minutes ago

Lyndara Contéfigardo read the letter from Dekar O’Maxim to herself, occasionally murmuring quietly. “Thanking fellow nobles for their encouragement (mental note to respond to that)….some mention of more scouts….potentially sharing his spoils….hmmm what is this now? Stores of top shelf alcohol in Taselak he says?”

Suddenly, Lyndara sprang to her feet, gathering her loose curly auburn hair into a tight bun. Raising her voice, speak spoke to the man she knew to be standing outside her tent. “Guard! Send for Captain Lucinia at once! I know to where we march at dawn! The famous Sandalaki Wine Mixer will have a few vintages never before tasted by our people. We will be raiding the Taselakian wine cellars!” She finished her orders as she came striding out of the tent.

The guard turned abruptly and saluted her, then took off running through the camp, yelling, “Booze! We’re gonna go steal the Tassies booze! Hooray! Booze for all!”

Hearing the whoops and shouts of the jubilant troops, Lyndara smiled to herself. Crossing her scarred arms, she thought to herself about the recent events. Scouting behind enemy lines was nerve-wracking sometimes. The prospect of getting some of that dark purple nectar would surely motivate and encourage these winos who called themselves soldiers.