Daubeny Family/Aeron/Misgendered

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(Warning, Slightly Erotic cause of Wolfvern.)

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 8 hours, 58 minutes ago Aeron threw his alchemy journal at Micah and screamed. “YOU TOLD ME SHE WAS SIR WOLFVERN!” The old man caught the small book and shook his head. “No, I told you she was the knight of Itau, you just assumed I meant Sir.”

Aeron shook his fist violently at the man. “OF COURSE I DID BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN AND SO I WOULD HAVE CALLED HER DAME!”

Micah sighed and bowed. Aeron sighed also and motioned for the old man to leave him.

He ran a hand over his face and groaned in embarrassment, he sat back at his desk and went back to brewing another new alcohol.

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes ago Misgendered

Corna made her way to Aeron office after receiving his apology. A man was coming out his as he grumbled under his breath. She approached the man while his back was still turned.

"Hello is this the office if Aeron Daubeny " she asked politely. "His it is but, his currently busy he just kicked me out actually." He replied begrudgingly. " Ah sad to hear that but, I have words for him for calling me a man through his letter. " She was stern.

He gulped as he tried to turn around but, was got a face full of breast. " Uhh.. umm you must be Corna Wolfvern I assume... well his right in there. Please go in." Shocked at how tall she was. "Thank you" she walked passed him and closed the door behind her.

"Aeron Daubeny I like to have a word with you."

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes ago Misgendered

Aeron heard the door open and shouted from his desk. “I’ll be with you with a moment, just got to finish this last mix.”

He poured a sickly black sludge into a peculiar metal contraption that began to violently vibrate before a clear crystal clear liquid poured out and into a cup. Aeron swirled it and took a small spoon and poured a red liquid into it.

The seemed to cool rapidly, a thin ice forming over the top. The young man grinned widely and took a sip. Nodding enthusiastically before standing and raising his arms in the arm.

“YES, I DID IT!” With a happy smile he lifted the thick googles off his head and put on pair of thin oval glasses.

He put the googles on the desk and turned to face the door, he noticed it was a woman, she was dressed in the garb of a knight. With long white hair. He noted with no small amusement she was his exact height if not a bit taller from the armor.

Aeron stepped forward and the most notable part about him was how despite his outwardly scribe like look he still wore full plate armour and with a build to match it.

His dark hair was tied back to prevent it from getting in his way whilst he worked, his piercing orange eyes held a curious look to them as he raised an eyebrow and then bowed.

”Good evening m’lady, I am Ser Aeron, how can I help you this night?”

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes ago Misgendered

She tried to open her mouth but was caught off guard to see Aeron statue. Same height, pale skinned and black harried her brain was firing off signals. The man look to be of stout buidl but, was contrary a man of science.

"I uhh.. unm.." she paused having to gather her thoughts. "I would like to know who of your service named me a man. As you can clear see I an a woman." She shyly boasted of herself. She spun slowly to show off her lean figure. "I may not be the biggest in either area but, I'm not a chihuahua in my shape." She looked for a chair to sit in once she was finished spinning.

"The man outside that was leaving I assume he is of your charge what was she grumbling about. " She looked back towards the Door. "Whatever it was he was most displeased. He was also shocked to see me. I know I get looks for be tall for a woman but, that was still weird."

"What did you do to that man Aeron"

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 6 days, 3 hours, 28 minutes ago Misgendered

Aeron seemed discomforted by Corna's shock when she got a good look at him, he instinctily brushed his hair to better cover his burn scar which took up much of his right cheek.

It took a moment before his eyes lit up in recognition and then embarrassment as Corna spun to show off her figure, his face going a bright red as he tried to stare. He pulled a chair from his work desk and slid it over to beside her so she could sit. "I..Dame Corna...well yes you are clearly womanly...I just...stars above."

Aeron covered his face with his hands and made a noise of embarrassment. He then looked at Corna's eyes and he offered a short bow. "Dame, I am so very sorry, the mistake was mine and mine alone, I write my own letters but I rely on my scribe Micah to help me fact check. He told me you were the knight of Itau and I assumed he meant Sir, I am sorry if I caused offense."

He raised an eyebrow. "I merely dismissed him for the day, the old man doesn't like it when I do so but I felt the need to be alone for a time." He shrugged. "Probably didn't expect the subject of our argument to show up right after, we got into an argument due to my accidental calling you Sir."

"You aren't off uncommon height from my homeland so I doubt that caused his shock, in fact my niece Aerin would be your height."

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes ago "Well as long as it's been addressed that's good enough. No need to grumble over it." She layed her face on her hand. "Somethings just require a little more attention in the future. However we are human so you can only do so much. "

She adjust she sitting before continuing. She lowered herself a in the sit. Back still touching the rear of the chair but, now she's feeling cocky. She widens her legs and rest her chin on her hand. "Oh you mentioned your relative Aerin shares my height and it's not uncommon. You come from a big family then literally. Though is he as handsome as you. Pale skinned, black harried, same stout build and man interested in other than a sword." A grin faintly grows. " If this Aerin is of similar to you to.. hmm I wonder. What he would be like." She slowly get out her chair and approaches Aeron. She gets close enough to touch.

"Would he like to "  she grabs the collars of his shirt and twists them tightly. It slightly Jerks him out of surprise. Her voice is slow and seductive " Try some of your experiments on me ... something a little fun. Or made that's to forward for him." She let's go of his and steps a few steps back. She undoes one of her straps and twists and strings them around her wrist." Maybe this is more his style. I can go both ways though. Dominate if he want and submissive by choice. " 

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes ago Misguided

Aeron leaned against his table as he gave his only chair to Corna, he gave a sparkling smile. "Well I am glad this matter has been resolved then." He noticed Corna widen hers legs and put her hand on her chin. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh yes, my niece Aerin, she would be about your height I would reckon but most of my family are tall yes." Shock crossed his face as Corna as she mentioned handsome. "I, well I suppose she would be considered attractive yes but I only ever met her once and she was wearing a helmet most of the interaction...wait did you just call me handso-" He felt his cheeks burn up as Corna grinned and got to closer to him, close enough that she could easily reach out to him." He felt himself push further back causing the table to make a clacking noise as the wood met the stone.

He flinched when she grabbed his collar and then twisted it, jolting and causing his glasses to slip down his nose and tilt slightly. He blinked rapidly and then almost squeaked in embarrassment. "E-experiments?"

She stepped back and undid a strap, wrapping it around her wrist. Aeron just muttered. "Stars above...I...wow..." He pushed his glasses up and let a a shaky sigh. "That is...the first time...anyone has ever been so...forward." He looked at the Dame standing there obviously expect him to do something.

He was clearly taken aback, he ran his hand through his hair. "I didn't expect this outcome, I thought you were going to punch me or something not...this." He was blushing furiously.

"I truly don't know what to say m'lady, in all my years of experiences and travels this has never happened before." He put a hand to his chin and began muttering to himself. "Do I kiss her? Is that too forward, I don't want to make it weird. What would Micheal do? He's better with women, I got it."

He nodded and took a step towards Corna. "Hypothetically, considering my family's...reputation." He sighed and leaned forward taking his glasses off and placing them on the desk behind him. He timidly placed his left hand just above Corna's hip, he tugged lightly and pulled her closer, he gently brushed her cheek with his right hand and with a shaky voice said. "Then I should do...this."

He kissed Corna passionately on the lips, lowering his right hand to pull her tightly to him. After a moment he pulled his head back and gave Corna a sweet smile. "At least, I think that's what they would do in this situation."

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 12 hours, 56 minutes ago Misguided

She was shook. Brain fried for several moments. She hold still held the same pose that when their lips touched. Eyes widens and arms limp. When she came to her sense she knew this relationship was going to go 1 or 2 ways. Though he needed some encouraging push in the right direction.

"Uh well Aeron I didn't you actually make a move on me." She readjusted herself and freed her wrist. Biting her lip and a smirk of playfulness. "It was for first time to kiss a woman I see. So let me help you." She grabbed his hands and placed on her bottom and the other on her back. "Like this grip my rear firmly like you don't like to lose it. The other hand it for support, caring ,and endured. That's how you start then look into my eyes." Silver and gold were the colors of her eyes. Her left silver and right gold and together they were beautiful. They looked into each other eyes and unconsciously started to sync into the same heartbeats. Her hands slowly made way from his back to his cheeks. "Now you go in." They shared another passionate kiss though this time she took the lead. She guided his movements and the speed it happened. It lasted no longer than 10 seconds though to her it felt longer.

She pulled away and bit her "Now thats how you do it." Taking her thumb she sweep of the saliva that was running off his cheek. Rubbed it on his chin a second before then pushing into the ebbs of his lips. " Must be going now. This was fun and unexpected." She turns away to leave and opens the door"Oh and Aeron call me Mistress.. there's more things I wanna teach you." The slowly closes the door behind her.

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 9 hours, 53 minutes ago

Aeron was worried as Corna seemed frozen for a moment or two. “M’lady Wolfvern?” When she seemed to come to her senses.

Corna bit her lip and smirked, stepping forward and guiding Aeron’s hand. His face became even redder if that was possible as she told him to squeeze her rear.

“B-but that’s most inappropriate.” He muttered, though he complied and grabbed her rear with a firm but gentle hand. The other hand he left in the small of her back, holding her gently to him.

He looked into her eyes and felt his panicked and flustered heartbeat slow.

He allowed Corna to guide him into another passionate kiss. He lost count of the seconds as he stood there uncaring for anything else.

When the contact broke Aeron could feel his heart beat flutter and felt a most curious feeling surging up through his chest.

She dabbed at his the side of his lip and then dabbed it on his chin. She pushed on his lips and he could feel his eyes glaze over with a look of shock.

She smiled and sauntered away, Aeron nodded and shook his head. “Yes, this was...fascinating.” She left and Aeron waited until the door closed and she walked away before mumbling.


Aeron’s head was awhirl with thoughts that he had not expected nor experienced before, he threw on his cloak and rode out from the city.

Leaving a note on his desk. He wrote: Gathering ingredients, be back soon.

From Aeron