Unti Family/Nerta/A5S3

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Mielba's Story
Roleplay from Mielba Cordenata
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
From the journal of Mielba Cordenata:

The Battle at Seven Rivers

Dark, heavy clouds overhead, bluish purple like bruised flesh. The edges of the sky, clearer. Frayed wispy tendrils, tinged orange by sun rays reaching out from the horizon.

Flash. Bright white lighting. Cracks, spread. A sky broken like glass.

Thunder. Battle. Swords, teeth, and viscera. Humans, Monsters, and Undead.

Desperate cries mix with shouted orders. Mielba pulls her cloak tighter against the sporadic rain. The ground, wet and muddy.

Up the hill, a mob of monsters closes on its prey. A handful of men had foolishly, sought a tactical advantage from higher ground. But they were far from Bob. Mielba shivers. They will die soon, shredded to pieces by the devouring swarm

Her heart rends. Unbidden, a wordless prayer surges from her chest. Fury mixes with longing and thoughts of The Old Gods.

Immediately, the crowd blossoms open; grotesque creatures thrown outward from the centre of the snarling mass.

Another bright flash lights up the sky. At the centre, a lone, triumphant figure, frozen in time. Impossible...

Its silhouette betrays an otherwise human shape. Six arms, spread apart and outward in various positions. Two hands grip a spear overhead, ostensibly used to thrust the mob back. Another grips a dagger. The remaining three also extended, as though used to grab and push.

How beautiful...

The lightning ends and the world goes dark.

‘How beautiful…’” the mumbling man in patchwork leathers wiggles his hips in the hard chair in a vain attempt to get comfortable as Mielba enters her quarters. “With an entranced preface like that, I’d bet money that the next page displays a sketch of your paramour surrounded by hearts and roses. Ah but it’s only a drawing of the battle rather than Elios. How odd. I always thought you fancied him; or wait, is that ‘will fancy’? Hmmm…”

Veden’s bright eyes flicker along the page, but don't once rise to the reddening priestess. "You're pretty good you know, a real flare with the paints. One might think you were an artist first or something."

Mielba stalks across the tent to snatch the journal from the reclined figure, her voice tight, “For someone who can see into the future, you’re incredibly nosy.”

Vedens slips his feet from atop the travel desk and rises fluidly with a snap of the journal. Tossing the slim volume to the hard eyed priestess, he waves for her to follow, "Yes, yes, shock and outrage. Come on then, it’s past time for you to actually meet Nerta. She’s lovely, surly, but lovely. You two will get along famously, so much in common.”
Mielba Cordenata (Dame of Agyr)
Roleplay from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
The Streets of the City of Vore, Thalmarkin

Sir Ra Endymion Hwitt, General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur, and Captain of the Showboat was not in a good mood. In fact, as he made his way through the city his mood was down right dangerous. He didn’t consider himself a dour man, and could usually be found in good cheer and good spirit, but the situation with the monsters in Thalmarkin had become nearly untenable. The army was moving now, the effort to fight back was beginning in earnest, but it didn’t make the wound in his shoulder from that monster feel any better.

He hadn’t asked to be General, that “honor” had been thrust upon him by the King. He would have thought it was funny if he wasn’t the butt of the joke. But he had resolved to see the job through. He knew what it was like to be one of the poor and defenseless that were now packing the city, what it was like to live in fear of the hordes reaching their way outsides. Refugees from the countryside were flooding the cities of Thalmarkin, and his soldiers were having to gently force their way through the throngs of poor masses of peasants.

Some called out and begged for alms or food as his retinue passed, others cheered and gave praise for brave soldiers defending them. All had heard of the brave but doomed attempt to break the monstrous hordes attacking Qual. Those few that had been in the city when the forces had marched out now saw far less returning home.

Within the mass of humanity, a single clear voice could be heard among the din and clamour of the refugees, the voice called out, loudly and confidently,

“Do not fear, Brothers and Sisters! For the Old Gods stand with us! For what else can inherit the continent of the Old Gods but mankind? What creature is in spirit more noble or brave? In constitution more spirited and forthright?”

Ra heard the voice above the din and looked in its direction. There he saw a priest of the Old Gods, dressed simply in tabard and robe, waving a staff as he spoke to the moving crowd.

Ra nudged his Captain and only female member of the Boys, Leomona, and said, “Well it’s about time somebody started making some damn sense. Boys! Head for the priest, let’s hear what he has to say, I could use a pick me up!”

As Ra commanded, the soldiers made way for the priests, who paid no heed to the General of the realm before him.

“For what is more glorious in body and countenance than mankind? Glorious is man, strong and able, reaping the harvest and defending the home! Glorious is woman, graceful and fair, birthing future and keeping hearth and home? Both are resplendent in their forms!”

Heedless of Ra and his Boys, the priests pointed randomly into the crowd, “Rejoice for you are beautiful! Rejoice for you are glorious! Do not fear the Children, for we will overcome them!”

Ra smiled as he listened to priest shout, “Yeah!” Ra shouted, “He says what we’re all thinking! Hot damn, Priest, I like the cut of your jib!” Ra moved forward to stand before the priest, who finally looked the Knight in the face. The priest reached forward and clasped Ra on the shoulders firmly, as Ra motioned for his shoulders to stand down and allow the man to continue.

“Rejoice Warrior! General! And do not fear for you march forth with the blessing of the Wolf Lord, and you will smite the...!”

The priest suddenly stopped his shouting, and looked deeper into Ra’s face, who allowed the priest to continue, bemused with what was happening.

“No. Nooooooooo. You are something different. The Wolf Lord marches with them!” As he gestured to soldiers behind him. “You, General...oh Ephemeral Emperor! Oh Roof of the World! What a game you play now! Take this, General, and let the world watch you play the Great Game and know that the Twinkling Gaze is upon you!”

The priest shoved something into Ra’s hands, a book with the lore of the Old Ones, and a small game piece, a Queen from a chess set, made of beautiful white and black marble.

The crowd pressed in around them, the mass of mankind pushing forward, and Ra’s soldiers urged him him to continue. He nodded in agreement, and when he looked around again, the priest had disappeared, leaving only the book and the game piece in Ra’s hands.
Ra Endymion Hwitt (General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
Priests of the Old Gods,

Greetings, I don’t believe I’ve met any of you in any capacity so don’t hold it against me if I’m out of line in some way in contacting you.

I am Ra Endymion Hwitt, General of Thalmarkin, you’ve probably heard of me. I am contacting you regarding a rather strange set of occurrences that have happened to me recently and that have put me into contacting you.

Met a man recently, looked like a priest of this outfit and he said some things about Wolf Lords and Emperors and bunch of other stuff I didn’t understand, handed me a pamphlet which led me to a temple in which I had to pay money to be let in (nicely done that) so that they would give me more reading material and a contact list.

Funny thing though, fella that was screaming about the Old Gods in the streets gave me something peculiar and I’m hoping you can shed some light on the matter.

Priest gave me a chess piece, a Queen piece, made of white and black stone, polished to a pretty sheen, he said something about an Ephemeral Emperor playing a game with me and watching me ‘with interest’.

So I figured you all are holy folk, deal with a lot of nebulous half-prophetic ramblings and I’m really hoping you all can help me understand it.

Thank You In Advance,
Ra Endymion Hwitt (General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Ra Endymion,

Let me guess, the screaming man handing out cryptic words and gifts had a bright smile, a bit of a sway to his walk, wore a patchwork of leather and probably smelled faintly of stale wine. If that's the case, and from everything else you've said, there are a few possibilities but I'm afraid all of them are bad. Not in the 'you'll die tomorrow' bad, but more in the 'the Gods have plans for you' bad. Which I'd say from personal experience is worse.

The Senex says that chess pieces and colours have a long history with the faith.

The Dark Queen is the symbol of the Dark Mistress, goddess of the dead and protector of humanity. The White Queen can be used to mark the Ice Queen, but usually the white chess pieces are the symbol of the Wolf Lord, the god of life and protector of the monsters.

The Ephemeral Emperor is rarely depicted with chess pieces because chess is about rules and he's all about breaking them. Either way if you've caught the eye of the Secret Catcher you'll probably be very lucky, or 'hilariously' unlucky. Of all the Gods the Twinkling Gaze has the strangest sense of humour so I'd expect chaos.

I wish I had good news Ra but sadly you're not the first singled out, nor will you be the last. No doubt the Ephemeral Emperor has something planned for you. I just hope we can figure out what before it's too late.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
The Quest
Letter from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in Argyrian Academy
Scholars and such, I have found another Dragon's Tear, have four of them now, which gets us closer to the goal. Do we have any others at the moment, or have we not recovered from the explosions in Keffa yet?
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Vankocuf's Tale
Letter from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Nerta the Weaver
Priestess Nerta Unti, What is this Old Guys religion about?
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Marshal of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Vankocuf Felsenbach
Greetings Vankocuf,

I had just been sharing information about this with another form the Daishi faith. Here is what I told them:

The Followers strive to display the excellence of the human spirit in all they do. We call for unity among humanity in the face of the monsters, and encourage each Follower to find their own path to enlightenment. This personal character has created a wealth of myths, lore and practices which I invite you to consider at your leisure, but I could certainly explain one or two that catch your eye.

The Old Gods themselves are tied intimately to the land of Beluaterra and each Follower tends to be drawn to the one that fits their personal situation. Those inclined to strength of arm will call to the Wolf Lord. While the quick of wit turn to the Ephemeral Emperor. The clandestine look to the Masked One. The thoughtful and the dreamers are touched by the Ice Queen. Though it must be said that the Dark Mistress is by far the most popular as she consistently offers solace and aid to humanity.

Above all we seek to claim Beluaterra for humanity.

I encourage you to read over some of the old writings as they may explain more, but either way I'm happy to field any question you may have.

Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Nerta the Weaver
Can I choose one of the gods as my patron?
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Marshal of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Vankocuf Felsenbach
You certainly can. The faith is quite personal and each Follower tends to be drawn to the God that fits their personal situation.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Mielba Cordenata
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Warriors! Who is yet in need of financial aid?
Mielba Cordenata (Knight of Agyr)
Letter from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Nerta the Weaver
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Marshal of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Mielba Cordenata
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr

Mielba laughed and began writing. “Very well, Sir Vankocuf. I have sent you 150 gold, enough to cover your expenses and enough to buy your membership in the First Bank of Agyr where I have deposited an extra sum, if you need.

I am impressed by your fervour and courage. Therefore, I hope you consider membership with The Academy and The Old Gods- if you are not already involved- so you can find a greater support network and resources to sustain your valiant efforts.

This is but a recommendation, however. Should you be disinclined, fear not a retraction of my support. You fight the Evil; therefore our goals align.

May the Gods smile upon your works.
Mielba Cordenata (Priestess of The Old Gods, Dame of Agyr.)
Roleplay from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Nerta the Weaver
Along with 150 gold, I found a letter from Mielba Cordenata.

The Old Gods. I was once interested in them while talking to Nerta Unti. When I searched books about the gods, too many of them were brought up. I don't have time to read all these! I need to go smash more monster skulls!

Maybe I will write a letter to Mielba explaining all this.
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Marshal of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Arms crossed and leaning against the entrance to Vankocuf's pavilion, the cloaked woman gestures with her chin, "No time for reading but lots of time for killing. Sounds like someone who gets things done. Come on, let's see what you can do."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Nerta the Weaver
Let's see how good a servant of the old gods is!"
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Marshal of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Chuckling warmly the woman waves Vankocuf toward the yard, "Keep it friendly lad or I'll have to be gruesome and no one wants that."

The twittering melody of songs birds sees Nerta cock her head and idly wonder where Wren was right now. How life takes strange turns.

"So you're not one for reading but you do enjoy the killing. Sounds like Vanquisher material to me."

Nerta rubs at the wooden grain of her spear and pulls back her hood, "Though I heard you got snagged by the armies of the Dread Necromancer. Glad you escaped before you got to Sunken Alluran."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)