Seven Rivers

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Revision as of 23:03, 29 December 2020 by Tester (talk | contribs)
Melhed-icon.pngSeven RiversMelhed-icon.png
General Information
Seven Rivers lies at the center of Ar Agyr's bread basket. The land undulates slightly, and vegetation tends to spring vibrantly from the riverbanks and swamps. The region is cris-crossed with seven small rivers which prove a mixed blessing to the region's farmers. Frequent floods inundate the fields, but deposit deep layers of soil and provide plentiful water for irrigation. The local peasantry traverse the threading rivers via bridges only two-logs wide, which often send the imbalanced outsider careening into the water. Many farm barley, potatoes, and other hardy legumes that can grow late into the fall and store well through winter. The bulk of the peasants live either in solitude on their farms or in small agrarian villages scattered about the delta and upper plains.
Places of Interest
Udara Manor Grotto of Omar
An icon of Melhed's rule over the people, this manor is the traditional seat of the Countess of Seven Rivers. It is located at the confluence of the Udi and Kadara rivers. It is not a large manor, and tends to be quite cold, though it's location is framed most ideally by the running waters, sprawling gardens, and arboreal walkways. Under a massive dead tree hanging precariously over a bend in the Udi river is a haunting shrine to Aruman the Conqueror. A vast complex of caverns forbidden to commoners and the unworthy, it is protected by the Tandaros Sentinels. The caverns were formed by the Buli river thousands of years ago, which continues to run from the upper plains, through the innermost chamber of the Grotto of Omar, and out to sea.
Minor Houses
As part of the management of Seven Rivers, the land around each of the rivers is maintained by a lesser noble family.
House Kadara House Udarin House Buli House Shieldborn House Skinner House Kedri House Llorn
The Kadara Family controls the lands around the Kadara River. The remaining branch of the Udara Family the Udi River is named from. The Buli family controls the lands around the Buli River. The Shieldborn family controls the lands around Black Jaw's Ward. The Skinner family controls the lands east of The Braids The Kedri family controls the lands between The Braids, and the Kadara and Udi Rivers The Llorn family controls the lands west of The Fron
* Katria Kadara - The first born daughter of the current head of the Kadara family. (See: Soren Navaar)
Local Legends
Black Jaw
In between Black Jaw's Ward, The Sick, and the Kadara River is a swamp area home to a breed of black/grey wolves that are particularly vicious hunters. Locals that see them only mark the hungry growls and bright golden eyes of Black Jaw, the demon wolf that is said to make that area his home. The minor noble family that once took care of the swamp lands was slowly driven out by the wolves. Eventually, their family name was lost and they became the Shieldborn family. Their old estate is now known as Black Jaw's Conquest.
Bob & the Necromancer of Seven Rivers Necromancer of Seven Rivers
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Seven Rivers
New Ar Agyr
North Tundra
Farming, Trade