Mysterious Ring of Allison

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Revision as of 00:08, 29 April 2018 by Tandaros (talk | contribs)
Type Ring
Discovered By Taran
Discovery Date 2016-11-10
Discovery Location Lloringel, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +7
Leadership +9%
Current Owner Aela

After searching the area for 2 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter several groups of monsters. You notice that they have a leader, an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever you want to call it. Because you are close to home and familiar with the lay of the land, you are able to use the terrain to your advantage. The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee. The big one is the last to fall, but after an exhausting fight you manage to take him down, too. In the lair of the big one, you find treasures worth a total of 2 gold, 7 silver.

You also find a unique item among the loot, the "Mysterious Ring of Allison".

The Ring was rediscovered in Sandlakes. Aela was investigating a disused monster burrow when a glint peaked out from a pile of detritus. The glint turned out to be the Mysterious Ring of Allison and, because it was believed lost to time, the prestige granted to its wearer has increased

Still sometime later Earnest found the ring by the wayside to [Region:Fheuvenem}. Not a stranger to such trinkets, Earnest examined the item more closely, taking it to market in the city to see appraisals and possible purchasers. There seems to be history behind this dusty old ring with the only engraving visible being Allison. Who could this be? Is it a loved ones? And if so, how much value can be extracted in terms of gold?