Lapallanch Family/Josh

From BattleMaster Wiki


  • Something you thought would be valuable, but it turned out to be just a random piece of junk.
  • A set of bandages and alcohol, not to drink but to clean out wounds. This will improve your chances of healing from serious wounds, but will be used up in the process.
  • The hide of a bear, useful as a blanket.
  • The bark from a very old oak.
  • A statuette carved from wood, depicting a local deity.
  • a golden idol of a long-forgotten god
  • A simple bracelet made of bronze.
  • A small amount of incense, which you can burn to get some good-smelling smoke.
  • A weird stone of no apparent use. However, you have heard that eight such stones form a magic circle in stories and legends. Inside that circle, portals to other places or even worlds can be opened, or closed.


  • A small tent, large enough for one person and his or her gear.
  • A set of bandages and alcohol, not to drink but to clean out wounds. This will improve your chances of healing from serious wounds, but will be used up in the process.
  • A piece of honey, you can use this to regain a bit of fatigue.
  • The claws of a mighty eagle.
  • Several pieces of a battered and broken armour. Whoever was wearing it at the time it suffered this beating certainly did not survive. No use as armour, but maybe a smith can use it for raw materials.
  • a golden idol of a long-forgotten god
  • Some bee's wax.


  • An old tent, dirty and with a few small holes, but mostly still useable.
  • A simple bedroll, used to sleep on the floor.
  • The crown of an ancient king. It is broken and in pieces, but you can still make out how beautiful it used to be. Well, barely.
  • A piece of moonstone.
  • a golden idol of a long-forgotten god
  • A piece of flintstone, very useful to make fire.
  • A small piece of amber with some kind of insect inside.