Vix Tiramora

From BattleMaster Wiki


The Democracy of Vix Tiramora was created by Duke Meivmayr D. Lapallanch of Castle Ubent. With the help of the Kingdom of Caligus, the Duchy of Castle Ubent secured the city of Partora from the Kingdom of Perdan. After stabilizing his regions, Duke Meivmayr seceded from Caligus and named his realm Vix Tiramora and decided to choose democracy as its governing system. Despite its initial tension with Perdan, Perdan quickly became Vix Tiramora's fast friend after the ascension of King Odoaker who first contacted Vix Tiramora to raise the relation between the two realms.

Vix Tiramora began its first war against Perdan to test its strength. During this limited war, Perdan repelled and crushed the Vix Tiramoran army but by the end of the war, Vix Tiramora adapted to Perdan's strategy and quickly regained its lost regions. At the end, the war ended in a draw.

By the time Vix Tiramora recovered from their first war, Eponllyn began its war against Caligus, Vix Tiramora's only ally at the time. By this time, the position of Lord Vixir changed three times from Meivmayr to Daedalus then to Gustaf. It was Lord Vixir Gustaf who led the realm against Eponllyn. At the beginning, Eponllyn focused mainly on Caligus but they soon realized they had no chance of winning against Caligus until they bring Vix Tiramora down first. So they sifted their focus on Vix Tiramora which resulted in series of defeat from the less experienced Vix Tiramoran military.

Caligus quickly surrendered when Vix Tiramora's inner regions were attacked to save its ally. The war ended with Caligus losing one of its southern regions to the Kingdom of Fallangard which seceded from Caligus during its previous war against Perdan.


  • Alliances
  • Enemies

Three houses

