McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/shield brother

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Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

The afternoon sun warmed her back as she aimlessly walked through Oligarch. A soft breeze gently carried a few strands of her hair and she shivered. It wasn’t the cold that made her shudder, it was everything going on in her head. She had first received news of Dulbin and now she worried that when she returned her new home would no longer be there. Second, she worried about Logan. She knew he was safe, but it had been a while since she received word from Sir Malcolm. That only confirmed her fear he was angry with her for not coming forth with an explanation for her strange request. Slowing her step, her eyes slowly lost focus and she returned to the previous night. And last, she had thought she found her sister at last… She could still hear Aewyn's irregular breathing.

“I believe this time, it is you who is mistaken,” she replied sadly clutching the pendant tightly. “Your sister may truly be gone for I am not your sister,” her voice dropped to a whisper and Kaylan’s heart sunk.

“But I don’t…” Kaylan began to protest with a shake of her head, “understand…”

“My mother herself gave me this pendant at a very young age, I have carried it since,” she informed and Kaylan’s eyes began to sting as she tried to conceal her unshed tears.

So many thoughts rushed at her, she could barely think clearly. Her sister was really dead, someone had found the pendant, and it had been given without knowing its true meaning. Or maybe it had been stolen, or sold, or… she didn’t even want to think of her sister’s fate. It simply broke her heart.

Shaking her head, she raised her hand to her wet cheek. “Dear gods, I have made a fool of myself, please forgive me,” she apologized and turned around running in the other direction.

Trying to forget the memory, she quickly wiped the fresh tear marring her beautiful face. The hood of her heavy cloak concealed her face and she was quietly grateful.

Now she had to write her mother a letter in response to her last, and she couldn’t bring herself to kill her one and only dying wish.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

After being introduced to the leader of one of the bands (who had wanted the silver to come from Malcolm himself) from the docks, Malcolm turned to find out whether Oligarch had any good spots for a quiet luncheon...Maybe if he wined and dined her first, he could get Kaylan to spill, and protect Logan's secret...

Malcolm was quite focused on this, which was why he was quite surprised when the cloaked and hooded woman practically bounced off him...Both sprang back, reaching for weapons instinctively, and dropped into fighting stances.

"What in the name of all gods-?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan’s fingers tightened around her long dagger as she held her breath, coiling to attack. How could she have been so…, the thought was left unfinished when she recognized his handsome face.

“Malcolm,” she said informally with surprise before catching herself and closed her mouth with a pop. Slowly lowering her dagger, she hurriedly wiped any evidence of her tears and blinked again.

“What…, How…?” she didn’t know what else to say and seemed to be struggling for words. Suddenly she felt a rush of immense relief but stopped herself from moving before she made a complete fool out of herself, again. There was still the matter of her secret lying between them, and possibly his anger. Therefore she quietly bit her lower lip, and waited, trying to keep her distance. Hoping he would disapprove any assumption on her part.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm relaxed as he recognized that voice, smiling and sheathing his weapon.

"I was hoping to run into you, milady Kaylan...Although, admittedly, when I was more properly attired for your august presence..."

A gesture towards his dusty and surprisingly plain black tunic was intended to hold her eyes while he palmed a small trinket, before bowing and offering it to her.

"A small token to beg you to forgive my clumsiness, milady."

He opened his hand, revealing what appeared to be a small, egg-shaped rock...Until his fingers shifted, and it opened, revealing the rock to be a tiny geode, the purple crystals sparkling in the soft twilight...Although not as much as the blue in his eyes twinkled while he examined her face. Her day had obviously not been pleasant...Eyes were red...And...By all the-Her throat was bruised?!? He had almost been too late...Only one reason for that...

His eyes shaded to grey in anger at the delays which had kept him from arriving earlier.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She watched the sparkle of the geode and a wisp of a smile formed on her lips. For a moment she was able to forget her heartache and timidly reached out. “It’s beautiful,” she finally said when she found her voice, and looked up. Confused by the seriousness of his expression, her hand stopped, and she slowly pulled it back. Maybe she had been right after all. Noticing the sudden direction of his gaze, she froze with understanding and her body tingled with dread. Using the excuse that it was somewhat cool, she tried to shrink back into her cloak. “I apologize for my informality Sir Malcolm, I was unawares.”

She looked around trying to think of an excuse but when her blue eyes returned to his, his only focus was her. The intense gaze making her feel trapped, yet worth more than any priceless jewel he would magically produce with a sleight of hand. “I have to… it’s hot… no it’s very cold,” she corrected. “And my men are, I have no idea but…wherever they are I’m sure they’re worried or hungry, or both…” she shook her head listening to her owns words, wondering where in the world they were coming from. She knew they made absolutely no sense but she couldn’t seem to stop her rambling. So much for not making a fool out of herself.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm frowned. She was still trying to hide her secrets...And it was going to get her killed.

"Informality is not the problem. Your suicidal desire to keep the fact that you have been attacked is what I take offense to."

She was looking so small, so...Gah...Maybe...He tossed his unencumbered hand into the air with a look of frustration.

"I mean, honestly woman, I can't sleep with you if you're dead now can I? Honestly, I must insist that you allow me to help. My sex life shall not be denied!"

Malcolm kept his expression flippant, but he prayed that she responded as he hoped...Seeing her looking like this...hurt.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Her blue eyes grew as round as they could go, and then quickly narrowed. The intense blue turned grey and her face reddened with anger. “How dare you!? You pompous, spoiled, belligerent, egotistical…you… you…” she trailed off running out of words and fumed. “Am I so cursed all I’m reduced to is being every man’s play thing?! Yes attacked!” she raged and pulled back the cowl and cloak showing him every inch of her neck. “For the same desires you seek! I imagined you different, but now all I understand is whether friend or foe, you are all the same!”

Her body trembled and she wiped the tears of frustration from her cheeks. How she hated being there at that very moment, and finding out that what she thought may have been something was a disillusion on her part. “Argh!” she huffed and turned around.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Yes! She was hurt, but not broken...

"Lady Kaylan...Honestly...My last showing was poor enough, I'll admit...But do you really think I would play the game that poorly?"

He slipped quickly around to her front, lifting her face to look into his eyes.

"I was worried about you, Kaylan. You small. I...Don't like seeing you small."

His blue eyes searched hers, trying to show the fear that had laced him at her earlier appearance

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Her eyes completely filled with tears, clouding her vision. She had every intention of pulling away from him but his soft touch made her stop. Her swollen lips trembled and she let out a small whimper. He gave her a concerned gaze and his demeanor was now completely different towards her. Gods, she wanted to tell him everything, only then realizing in her anger she had. She couldn’t even speak…

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm almost bit his lip in frustration. She'd snapped out of it, and then crawled back in...Gods, she was just so...Made him feel...His hand slipped around to tangle in the hair on the back of her head...And before he even realized it his lips had found hers.

His eyes widened as he came back to himself. This was...going to be interesting.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She unconsciously relaxed, her eyes closed to release her tears and her mouth slowly parted to welcome him. The sweet savor of his soft lips against hers was so exquisite, her heart began to race and her skin turned afire. She fleetingly lost herself in the moment but before she completely lost all of her senses pulled back, now slightly out of breath. Trying to recompose herself, she lowered her arms, which had mysteriously found their way to his chest. She was now torn between being angry, relieved, or… she wasn’t even sure what the last emotion was but it was quite exhilarating. Once again she was speechless but her head wouldn’t stop. All she could seem to do was stare at him.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm looked down at Kaylan, and found her equally surprised. At least they were on even footing...

"I...Forgive me...I was...You just...There was just so much pain in your eyes...I couldn't..."

What was this? Had he been reduced to some babbling simpleton by a simple kiss and a pair of doe-eyes? But...There was just something about those eyes...And the pain they held...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

What was she doing?! In a moment of weakness she had given him exactly what he wanted without so much as an ounce of resistance, or was it what she wanted? She didn’t even know what she wanted anymore. All she knew was that she could still feel the warm ethereal impression of his mouth over hers and couldn’t stop thinking of it. His stammering caught up to her and she frowned at his sudden uncertainty. She almost smiled to save him the uncomfortable sensation but then the though of what might happen to him if she continued on this path occurred to her and she froze. She refused to let that happen, she would not!

Knowing this was going to hurt, she straightened and turned her hands into fists hoping to give herself strength. “You have gotten a taste of what you seek Sir Knight,” she said flatly, “know that it shall be your last.” With those words she threw the hood back up and walked away. She slowly ran her fingers over her kiss laden lips and sighed despondently. Why did he have to be so perfect? “And I’m NOT small!” she cried over her shoulder.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm shook his head quickly, clearing out the lingering haze from the kiss, and his fists clenched in unconscious mimicry as he followed Kaylan.

"Indeed? You would prefer to be taken by whom ever is seeking you than allow any assistance, from one who has offered it free of charge? Of course, I have heard of women who prefer to be taken thus, but you hardly seem the type..."

Malcolm gave a low snarl. His last comment had been over the line, but that just made him angrier...

"For the love of all the gods, woman, use your head! You don't dare keep anyone close, you are in enough danger that the last attempt came close enough to succeeding to leave a mark, and you expect me to believe you do not require any help?"

He rounded in front of her again, his face twisted with worry and anger at this stubborn, idiotic, ridiculous woman...Whose kiss still made the skin of his lips tingle...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

He stood in her path and she was forced to stop once more. His gaze bore into hers and she narrowed her eyes in return. Did he not understand she was trying to keep him safe? “Use my head? USE MY HEAD?!” she cried out. “Do you not realize I am poison? Do you put so little value on your life?” She was desperately trying to push him away but he refused to go. They were attracting too much attention already and she looked nervously about. Her eyes returned to his and her voice trembled. “If I am captured I survive to live another day… but you, if you are captured then… then…I shall not want to breathe another day…”

Realizing what she said, her mouth closed quickly and she shook her head at her admission. What was he doing to her?! Now not only did she appear like a crazed lunatic, but he would think her a lovesick fool. She needed to get away and fast, she needed to disappear.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm was...stunned. Did she truly...? No, no time for that now.

"Kaylan. If you disappear...No one knows of the McDowell family, but...While House Bedwyr is not particularly renowned on the Ancient East, no member of my family can go missing without a great deal of attention being brought to bear. And...I am not without resources. I have no real contacts to speak of, but unless your attacker is a Duke or someone with even greater power, then I will stake my word as a Bedwyr that I can and will protect you. Why, the gods alone know, but I will...And even if you have attracted such a powerful foe, I would not count me out of the fight."

He reached across, holding her shoulders firmly while seeking to do the same with her eyes.

"A warrior may try to fight her own battles alone at terrible risk. But any soldier knows to ask their shield-brother for aid. Let me be your shield-brother!"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

He was right by the gods he was right and she was an idiot. She knew better, she had been taught better and she was letting her heart make her decisions for her. Her father always said people had at least a moment of stupidity a day. She had just wasted a lifetime’s worth. So much had happened in one day, she had no idea if she was coming or going.

Now she didn’t know how to react, having made such a melodramatic fool of herself. Such promises, and she truly wanted to believe them. Let me be your shield-brother! His fingers tightened with emphasis at his last words and she gave a small nod. She wanted it, but she was so afraid. Her eyes displayed the terror at the very idea and she looked deeply into his eyes. She gave another nod, this time he couldn’t miss the action and she took a deep breath. “Yes Malcolm, you can…,” she let the words trail off and bit her lower lip, unsuccessfully trying to avert her gaze from his. Deep down she knew she had to take a different tactical approach and try to protect him and herself the only way she knew how, by distancing her heart…

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm smiled.

"Good. Now...I have a few safeguards around, but I'd prefer to discuss them...More privately. Too many eyes and ears out here...Do you have a place in the capital yet?"

Too many tangled feelings still, but they'd have to wait...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She shook her head and slowly moved out of his grasp, taking a light step away. “No,” she informed quickly, making sure no matter what happened it would be easier for her to leave than him. She looked around again, and pulled the hood lower it was most likely futile, they had already attracted too much attention.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm nodded.

"Come with me, then...I have a place in town, but we can use the Viseu wing of the palace...There are a few suites reserved for the knights to use when they need them, and being behind the walls and guards of the palace seems a far better idea tonight..."

Malcolm offered his arm, unsure of what her response would be...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She examined the proffered arm and finally laid her hand over it, “lead the way Sir,” she said softly. He nodded and began to walk away and she followed. The more they walked, the quieter she became. She was silently lost in thought, thinking of her nightmarish Demons. Her eyes lost focus and she replayed the entire evening in her mind, the heated argument, the blazoned kiss… the wonderful… she diverted her thoughts with a small shake of her head and focused on the road ahead. What was she going to do? She could feel his warm presence beside her and with every effort kept herself from indulging in its comfort.
