Reding Family/Charles

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Personal Ensign and Portrait
Family Family
Age years
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]


Coming in at 5’9” in height with average build, Charles has the physical attributes expected of a loyal, calm, steadfast warrior. While no towering intellectual, Charles thinks fast on his feet and learns at a surprisingly rapid pace. Most of his noble peers regard him as possessing a generally friendly, respectful disposition. As the first public figure from his family, Charles has gone to great lengths in building relationships with his fellow nobles to build a good reputation for himself and his heirs.

Personal Story

Ascent to Knighthood

Power was shifting, and Margravine Evelyn Challon knew it. Madina Gardens, her fief, was no stranger to constant warfare and monster incursion. The burning fire of war had definitely taken its toll, wiping several of the Gardens former towns from the map. While devastating overall, even the deepest adversity may bring golden opportunity to some. In the wake of the annihilation of the western towns Larafa and Gofau, the formerly small village of Madriona had rapidly expanded filling the void. Previously too small to bother with, Madriona’s new dominant status would need addressing. Someone would have to keep an eye on things.

Enter the Redings, local Madrionan nobles who until recently had only been minor players but whose wealth and holdings had grown noticeably with the village’s expansion. As people of great influence in the town, they would be useful for filling the regional leadership vacuum. After approaching the house’s aging patriarch, he had suggested his nephew, Charles, up for the task. Although young and inexperienced, he did have basic military training and could prove a useful knight. Thus knight him the Margravine would and grant him an estate controlling the western villages. In exchange, his family would provide the initial troops and funds for him to serve as warden of the Gardens’ western march. And so began the public career of Charles Reding, first of his house to join the ranks of BattleMasterra’s high nobility in 26 YD.

Dwilight Monster Invasion Begins

Charles’ first mission was clear - carve out a good reputation for his family. Interested in a military career from a young age, he used his new found position to found the Crimson Guard (known as the Crimson Warriors initially) and funded this new military outfit with family gold and local tax revenue. The timing of his knighthood proved most serendipitous as shortly after joining the ranks of Fissoa’s Privateers, the great monster invasion of Dwilight consumed the provinces causing chaos throughout the realm. Armed for battle and eager to prove himself, Charles led his infantry, sword in hand, against the monstrous beasts. Fighting alongside his fellow nobles, he slayed everything from Panamanian manticores in Lugagun to giant trolls in Maraba and even undead legions on the very doorstep of his own Gardens’ estate. His dedication to duty and fighting prowess caught the eyes of several important people within the realm, and Charles was awarded the lordship of Panabuk by His Grace, Duke Skyndarbau Melphrydd in the summer of 27 YD.

Pronounced Viscount of Panabuk

The first of his family to ever hold a high lordship, the new Viscount Charles was naturally thrilled to have finally made it to the ranks of the landed nobility. Little did he realize the trials of being a landed noble would prove even more challenging than the most ferocious monster melee. Panabuk, having been severely hit by the recent monster incursion, was all but in ruins. The population had been reduced to 1/6th of its original size, virtually all of its major infrastructure was gone save its military recruitment center which collapsed days later, and the roads in and out of the county were nothing short of a disaster. Undeterred, Charles organized the local ducal militia provided by his liege and retooled his combat troops as a local police force to maintain control of the region. The first months of his lordship proved quite rocky as peasant riots regularly prevented him from holding court, and the growth of regional loyalty and population size remained abysmal. However, his extensive measures to restore unity to the land combined with a local natural disaster eventually shifted public opinion his way. During this time Charles also began his conversion to Verdis Elementum, reconstructing the former temple in Panabuk, after conversing with Fissoa’s High Chancellor who was also a high priest.


Battle for Maraba Aftermath, Dwilight Monster Invasion

Charles awakes, eyes blinking at the roof of his tent. His first thought, “How did I end up here?” Straining his mind, thinking back he remembers the battle: the blood red sun setting over Maraba’s sky, his men charging toward the rampaging troll battle line, steel clanging upon scaly flesh, clubs swinging sending men airborne, the sounds of a downed troll’s dying screams, himself at the center of the maelstrom. Ah yes, it had been a good fight! He remembered getting in a few good stabs but then a sharp pain at the back of his head, then black. Remembering this he feels the back of his head flinching at the touch of a large painful lump, his movement alerting the healer and guard attending him. While the healer rushes over to assist him sitting up, the guard runs out to fetch his captain returning in moments with his commander in tow. “Good afternoon, Sir Charles, welcome back to the land of the waking,” his captain states.

“Rufus, what happened out there? I remember charging the troll lines giving those beasts a what for then nothing.”

“Villainy sir. While we were engaging the main horde, another smaller band of trolls snuck around and flanked us. In the ensuing chaos, you took a glancing blow to the head at which point I sounded the retreat.”

“Did we win?”

“Aye, those trolls were no match for the might of Fissoa. Those few monsters that survived the battle were destroyed the following morning by your fellow nobles. With regards to our own men, nearly half our unit was killed, but most of the survivors are no longer in the healers’ care and fit for duty.”

“Very well. Rufus, start rallying the men. We’ve got work to do.”

“Sir, are you certain, you did take quite the blow?”

“It’s a bruise, Rufus. No more deadly or disabling than a paper cut. Now get my troops moving! And you there, guard, send in one of my scouts. And where the hell is my scribe? Nap time is over. We’ve still got an invasion to stem!”

Dwilight Monster Migration, The Iceglow Approaches

SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!!!!!!!!!!! Charles is awakened by horrific sounds coming from outside his window. As his eyes squint open his mind is immediately filled with anger. Days of putting up with rioting peasants at court and insurrection in the streets while rushing to prepare his devastated lands for the impending autumn harvest had left him high on stress and in no mood to have his sleep disturbed. This anger vanishes though as the grogginess wears off and he recognizes the ominous nature of the sound. Thinking his manor under monster attack, Charles grabs his sword and rushes to the gates only to find, well, nothing. “Where are the monsters?” he shouts to the guards on the manor walls.

“There are no monsters, my lord,” his captain Rufus calls down from atop the gate.

“Then what in the Gods’ names is that infernal racket?”

“Oh it is monsters, my lord, but they aren’t here. Something has gotten them all stirred up out in the Pananont.”

Sigh…the Pananont…the wild lands forest separating Panabuk’s southern farming estate Southfields from the northern Skyfields estate. Because the woods had been unsuitable for farming Charles had excluded them from Panabuk’s newly drawn up agricultural estates. That, though, hadn’t stopped them from being a constant thorn in his side. While not profitable to the province, those woods did serve nicely as a hiding place for monsters, undead, and brigands crossing over from the lawless dense woods of Panafau and Lawataling to terrorize his lands. “What could possibly be goading them to make that noise?”

Rufus replies, “I don’t know, my lord, but I suspect it has something to do with that,” pointing upward. Charles mouth drops open in utter amazement as he gazes up, beholding the vast transparent curtains of greenish-purple light rippling throughout the night sky. Suddenly, silence, darkness…both the monstrous light and sound cease at once. Next, off in the distance, a rumbling punctured by the cracking sound of trees and underbrush. “The monsters appear to be on the move my lord. Heading west from the looks of the breaking trees. Wherever they’re heading, they seem in quite the hurry. Not even trying to hide their movements.” What this all meant, Charles hasn’t a clue, but he knows it definitely can’t be good.

“Rufus, double the guard for the evening and be sure to alert me if any other strange events should transpire.” Charles returns to his room, but this time not for sleep. Grabbing some parchment and quill he sets to work.

“Divine” Intervention, Panabuk’s Return to Stability

For almost a month Charles had endured Panabuk’s hatred. While no serf would dare violate his noble person, it was clear the peasants seethed with rage. Having been abandoned to die at the outbreak of the great monster uprising, the people of Panabuk harbored no love for the continent’s southern realms. While their anger remained mainly directed at D’Hara, Fissoa as a close ally was also despised. At every walk through the local village, the streets would clear with his approach. Angry stares pierced like thrown daggers from the windows. At every court held in his manor's main hall, shouting and fighting would collapse the proceedings. The angry mob undermined his rule at every turn.

But no more! Sitting on his throne as the guards ushered the last of the peasants from his hall, the young Viscount relaxed back into his chair contented with another successful day of governance. While his generous government policies may have helped shift public opinion, Charles still couldn’t really believe the circumstances surrounding the true catalyzing event. Virtually no taxes, strong immigration of loyal subjects from his former knightly estate, and even using almost the entirety of his remaining personal savings to rebuild the local Verdis Elementum temple - nothing seemed like it would move these irrational peasants. Well, almost nothing.

Last week as his troops were shutting down the anarchy at another failed court session (this time being held in the newly rebuilt VE temple shack to protect his private manor) the seemingly impossible occurred. Overwhelmed with frustration at the chaos before him, Charles had looked up at the emblems of the elemental Gods and screamed out to his chosen patron, “Radenem, God of Courage, Lord of Earth, what in the name of all that is holy will it take to quell these obnoxious rubes and hayseeds?” Then… KAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ground shook violently, a loud roar deafened the air, grown men were thrown to the floor, furniture flew across the room, glass blasted from the shattering windows. Charles himself lost his footing. Then dead silence…

The Viscount quickly climbed to his feet, surveying the scene. “Guards! Clear the temple! Everyone outside now!” Following the exiting mass, Charles eyes looked the town over as he crossed the temple threshold. The damage was clearly minimal, as one would expect for such a rural place, although the shock remained pervasive throughout the community. Noticing the rising whispers of the loitering peasants, Charles took charge quickly. “People of Panabuk! Return to your homes! As of now the temple is officially closed until further notice! Guards, disperse the crowd!” The obvious question dominating his slowly calming mind, “What the hell just happened?????,” would have to wait though not for long.

Later that evening while overseeing repairs to his manor grounds, a two man patrol from the local ducal militia would arrive, Charles' desired explanation in hand. Apparently, a large, old manure fertilizer depot slightly to the north, which had become damaged and dilapidated from severe neglect, had somehow caught fire and exploded. Having witnessed the conflagration from afar, the two scouts had gone to examine the site before reporting directly to him. Definitely a lot more mundane cause than some of the supernatural explanations floating around the village, but who was Charles to say what started the initial fire at that exact moment, especially when the rumors surrounding the incident were painting him as having divine favor. Charles naturally thanked his visitors, gave them some gold to hold their tongues, and sent them on their way.

Divine or not, this incident had finally opened the peasantry to accepting his rule. Charles, not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, quickly exploited his newfound authority to impose the right of high justice on his lands. At last, Panabuk would know order and begin to grow once more.