Lapallanch Family/Guide + Thoughts + Etc on the Military Aspect of the Game

From BattleMaster Wiki

Basics for Marshal

Know your army

  • Simply checking on everyone should teach you a lot. Send each member a letter or two to get to know them. Order your nobles to move to a certain location to see how active they are. You need to know who you can count on.
  • Check to make sure everyone has what they need to have. Any campaign requires people to stay on the field for a certain period of time. Make sure everyone is carrying enough gold to pay their men for the duration of the campaign. You don't want your troopleaders(TL for short) to lose their men even before they fight their enemies. - wasted gold/time/opportunities
  • Make sure to have your active nobles well equipped for anything. They should be the ones most well funded.
  • Make sure to make everyone carry 1 scout per 15 men, 1 healer per 15 men (max of 6~8), and 1 banner per 20 men. If you need to besiege a fort, then make sure to order your men to carry 1 siege engine per every 20 men (only for infantry, mixed infantry, and melee special force units)

Learn Unit Settings and Unit behaviours

  • Read through other guides offered by Wiki to learn more about unit behaviours of each unit type. Melee special force units act like infantry while ranged special force units act like archers. Once you learn how they work, you can either use custom settings to create your own unit settings or you can just use marshal settings offered by the game. Marshal settings offered by the game are generally good so if you are not familiar with all the settings, just remembering a few basic settings can help you organize your army better.

Basics for General


  • Know how much resource your realm has. Gold/Combat Strength/Recruitment Centers/Food
  • Know what regions you can and you can't hold. Don't just chase after your enemies whenever they show up to loot your border regions.
  • Know the geography of your realm. If your realm has choke points, use them - put militia units to defend the region easily.
  • If you can hit your enemies harder than they can, you should go offensive.
  • Try to think ahead of your enemies. Where do they want to strike/what is their goal for their current campaign.
  • Prioritize vital regions. Try to keep them defended. If you can't then try to either make your enemies pay or focus on defending what you can.


  • Similar to the above. Know your resource, capability, etc...
  • Know where you need to attack and your goal should have a purpose.
    • 1) Important RCs in the region
    • 2) Highly productive (gold or foodwise)
    • 3) Geographically important
    • 4) Good for boosting morale - region symbolizes something
  • Try to force your enemies to attack where you are. Attacking is almost always more disadvantageous than defending.
  • Use takeover to your advantage. If you've arrived in a fortified enemy region first, then start a take over to deny your enemy of the fortification.
  • When you are attacking a fortified region, MAKE SURE to bring enough siege engines. If you don't have enough, don't bother attacking. You will only get slaughtered unless you outnumber your enemy's infantry 3 to 1.