New Westmoor

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New Westmoor.jpg

 Allegiance changes in the south 15 November 1013

The region of Akesh Temple has changed hands to Perdan after the politicians were bribed and some murdered by Perdanese in a coup. With Akesh Temple Perdan now has a clear door into Caligus' east.

In the south the city of Itorunt changed hands to Eponllyn. There's still no news on the political tensions between Eponllyn and Perleone. The Armonian nobles seem split on which side to join. Interestingly enough Queen Sophie has held onto her position as Queen of Armonia even though she has no territories left and no subjects.

 War! 12 November 1013

Nightmaree Aroo the king of Perdan has issued to Caligus a declaration of war on the nation for various food and diplomatic reasons. The full letter can be read on our letters page. Although a formal declaration of war has not yet arrived to all rulers of the continent the message to King Albion of Caligus was very clear in that war was coming to Caligan soil. Shortly after a battle as seen in regional news took place in Winkamus the Caligus region bordering their capital Domus. If Caligus does not have sufficient strength in Domus to defend against Perdan then they could be in big trouble.

Meanwhile in the south Armonia has been completely absorbed mostly by Perleone but also Eponllyn. There has been no recent news from the diplomatic tensions between Perleone and Eponllyn. I'm sure there will be lots more news coming from across the continent so hold onto your horses!

 The end of Armonia? 10 November 1013

Today Armonia elected a new Queen Sophie Kelly to the position of ruler over Armonia. Unfortunately for her she may well be known as the last monarch of the realm as all but one regions left Armonian rule within the day. Itor Boss surrendered to the Eponese takeover which was underway while Priotness willingly changed allegiance to the realm of Eponllyn. Armonia's capitol changed sides to the region of Perleone leaving Armonia with the sole region of Aeng. This could well be it for Armonia unless a miracle happens.

Naturally as one might expect things have been heating up on the rulers channel between the kings of Eponllyn and Perleone. It has been rumored that the king of Fallangard has agreed to stay out of the conflict for the time being. King Garin called on King Nigel of Perleone to travel to Itorunt and hand over the city to Eponllyn to which King Nigel responded in as many words "why should I do this?" (see letters page for complete letters). This could well lead to a war between the realms of Perleone and Eponllyn.

 Duchy Chaos! 6 November 1013

The Duchy of Xavax today left Armonia and joined the realm of Perleone! A noble who wished to remain anonymous sent the following message relating to the situation:

Letter from Intarex Tibro Count Jedson and the Nobility of Perleone

I am Duke Tibro of Xavax. I will be blunt since the flowery words belong to my cousin the Priest. It has become evident Armonia is soon to be no more, and as such, I was ordered by the king of Armonia to secede. It was decided the Kingdom of Perleone was the best choice for the nobility and peasants of Xavax. Your Kingdom has a reputation for respect noble conduct, and we of Xavax have much to offer, not least of all our loyalty. Right now we are in a hard way due to war and starvation, but once we rebuild we shal be a productive member of the Kingdom.


Intarex Tibro Duke of Xavax

November 6th Sucession.jpg

As can be seen on the map posted above the four regions comprising the duchy of Xavax are now part of Perleone. This cuts Fallangard off from Armonia and temporarily prevents takeovers. There hasn't been any word yet from the rulers of the realms involved.

Obsidian war progresses

This news is a few days now but we received this message from the emperor of the isles:

Letter from Epoch Shadowbane The war does not go well, as any current map can show...which is pretty much as expected to be honest. I had hoped that the islands would have done better but against a larger force it was little else but hope. While it hurts to see the land I lead the OI forces into to take back when I was still the realm's Shogun being taken from us in this maner, but at least at the end of it all the islands will have regained some of it's lost honor by standing on our own and accepting a one on one battle with Nivemus.

Epoch Shadowbane Emperor of Obsidian Islands

 News from Fallangard 2 November 1013

After some conversation with fellow ECDA member Brutus Bhranthan over letters we've got some news from the war down south. Brutus is the high marshal of Fallangard and responsible for Fallangard's armies on the battlefield. He generously allowed this paper to be privy to some interesting facts relating to the current situation. This letter came in just before the most recent battle in Ejarr Puutl.

Letter from Brutus Bhranthan Lord Mathros,

Some news that i might share is that our King has been horribly wounded on the way to Enubec 5 days ago. We have no conclusion on his health, he had been in a critical state for 4 days and now seems to be stable. Our King is strong yet there is no sign of recovery yet. This also explains Fallangards lack of reaction towards Armonia's proposal and other diplomatic activity.

This means Fallangard will pick its new King. Although this will most likely not change much for the realm general direction, our King is the founding father of this realm and his family tied deeply into the rule over our lands. His and his family's claim is the strongest. Unfortunately his only Relative, Sir Eleran, has also been wounded ever since, protecting his uncle.

We will know more in three days.

Concerning the war, Fallangard has successfully looted several Armonian regions, including Itor Boss, Enubec and Betholm. Armonia has thus far attacked Ejaar Puutl once with a great minority of troop strength and is doing it again right now.

Signed and Dictated,

Brutus Bhranthan High Marshal of Fallangard

What would be interesting to find out is how many of those troops in Ejarr are militia and how many are actual soldiers or peasants. If those were all troops then Eponllyn is making a very good showing for this war. Secondly if those were all troops and Armonia new they were there why did they order the attack? 500 men is quite a substantial difference in a battle.

Next I'll try and write to OI to see what they're up to. I haven't heard any news out of them lately. They had some small success last week if people remember that battle which according to the peasants involved Perdan. Upon further investigation though that Perdan unit consisted of 3 archers and was not a deciding factor in that battle. Nivemus followed that up with another battle which went in their favor so really there is no reason to believe that the north western war is changing tides. Nivemus is still making fast pace in conquering the peninsular. It remains to be seen how much militia is in Kazakh the old Sultanate capitol and whether or not they will be able to breach that any time soon.




Regional News
12 November 1013

A new war is breaking out Perdan has declared war on Caligus.

Battle in Hagley (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 200 men

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Winkamus: (rogue), Perdan vs. Caligus Estimated strengths: 2070 men vs. 640 men The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Partora, Margrave of Partora, were led into battle by Marshal Saul Claireborne. The Perdan's Crimson Wing (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Nalle IceBeard. The Caligus Fire Phoenix (Caligus), sponsored by Aedan Pendragon, Duke of Domus, Margrave of Domus, were led into battle by Marshal Nanaki Murasaki. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, Banker of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Aix, Margrave of Aix is spotted wearing the Valiant Vest of Perdan. Nanaki Murasaki, High Marshal of Caligus, Count of Abadan, Marshal of the Caligus Fire Phoenix is spotted wearing the Battered Breastplate of the Vulcano. Jenner Kirt, Knight of Viseu was captured by Mikial Rasthaven's unit. Alexandre Leuin, Margrave of Akesh Temple was captured by Blythe Claireborne's unit. Rotting Corpse Baceolus, Knight of Domus was captured by Belisarius Cato's unit.

Attacker Victory!

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Hagley. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

10 November 1013

Region Changes Allegiance message to Everyone on East Continent Itorunt has changed its allegiance to the realm of Perleone. The region used to belong to Armonía.

Region Changes Allegiance message to Everyone on East Continent Priotness has changed its allegiance to the realm of Eponllyn. The region used to belong to Armonía.

Region Surrenders to Takeover message to Everyone on East Continent Itor Boss has surrendered to the realm of Eponllyn after Eponllyn started a takeover of the region. The region used to belong to Armonía.

New Ruler Elected message to Everyone on East Continent The realm of Armonía has elected Sophie Kelly as its new Queen.

Battle in Poitiers (rogue) vs. Perdan, Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory!

6 November 1013

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Noritor: Armonía vs. Perleone Estimated strengths: 310 men vs. 330 men The Armonian Combat Elite (Armonía), sponsored by Samuel II Bathgate, Margrave of Itorunt, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Furious II Bendix. Samuel II Bathgate, Margrave of Itorunt was seriously wounded by Dread Fantom's unit.

Defender Victory!

Duchy Changes Allegiance message to Everyone on East Continent Xavax has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Perleone. The duchy used to belong to Armonía.

2 November 1013

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ejarr Puutl: Armonía vs. Eponllyn Estimated strengths: 910 men vs. 1220 men The Royal Charge of Eponllyn (Eponllyn), sponsored by Siana Deytheur, Royal of Eponllyn, Dame of Semall, were led into battle by Marshal Arthur Windblack. The Armonian Combat Elite (Armonía), sponsored by Samuel II Bathgate, Margrave of Itorunt, were led into battle by Marshal Artimus Bathgate. Sophie Kelly, Countess of Aeng was captured by Myrnia Bowker's unit.

Defender Victory!

1 November 1013

Another sheep fell off a cliff today in Evora. Locals celebrate with mutton soup.