Lemont Family

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The Lemont family hails from a line of servants and bureaucrats to the Vlakider Family. Natives of Lyton, the Lemonts uprooted themselves following the complete dissolution of the Vlakider Family estates and sought a new family home in the nearby metropolis of Barad Gardor. They owe their recent rise to their wits and dedication, as well as the occasional fastidious display of crafty paperwork.

It is important to note that the Lemont family consists of two primary branches: the Lazlo Lemont branch and the Duncan Lemont branch. Sons of a Lyton carpenter, Lazlo and Duncan caught the eye of an aged Besene Vlakider, the father of Vlad and Beziel. He offered to allow Duncan and Lazlo a place in his households, which their father readily agreed to. As Lazlo was easily the more studious of the two, he was assigned to Vlad Vlakider as an impromptu squire, later serving as the Duke's steward and the Vlakider Family Historian as he grew. Duncan, meanwhile, traveled with the brash and heroic Beziel, seeing combat in the defense of Fiddleford and the subsequent Eston Civil War. When the Lemonts were awarded Noble status, the titles and privileges were assigned only to Lazlo Lemont and his descendents, as Duncan's family did little to serve the Vlakider cause following Vlad's disappearance. This has not stopped his grandson Ruxton, however, from embarking upon a career of adventure in an attempt to garner similar distinctions.

Family Members

Listed below are the various family members of the Lemont Family.

Lazlo Lemont (Noble) Branch

Lazlo Lemont II (Knight of Yule in Minas Leon)

Lazlo Lemont II takes more than his name from his father. A small, bookish character, Lazlo II took the news of his family's ascension with great glee, opting to immediately marry his childhood sweetheart Wilhelmina. After settling into his new family estate, Lazlo has begun to try and make a name for himself in his adopted realm of Silnaria. However, displeasure with his perceived treatment at the hands of other, more established noble families led to his decision to renounce his country estate. After receiving a timely invitation from Lisa Seraphen, Countess of Yule, Lazlo determined to make his mark in the realm of Minas Leon.

Esther Lemont (Knight of Montauban in Perdan)

Esther Lemont always enjoyed the dark. While other girls her age would look out a window, pining away for a run in the meadows, Esther would simply sneak out of her home and rush to the forest, evading both tutor and parent. Her forthright determination and sly cunning combine to make her a dangerous enemy, as Lazlo II's wife found out to her misfortune. Apparently there had been some words exchanged which ended with Esther flavoring the wife's bowl with a laxative. Needless to say, Esther was sent to find her fortune elsewhere after that.

Duncan Lemont (Common Branch)

Ruxton Lemont (Adventuring Vagabond in Silnaria)

Most families have a black sheep. Ruxton Lemont is the mangy dog that hangs around the field growling at imaginary badgers. The grandson of Beziel Vlakider's squire (Lazlo Lemont I's uncle), Ruxton shares his family's heritage of servitude to the Vlakiders. However, while Lazlo Lemont's descendants were graced with moderate wealth and notability, Ruxton was granted a dull, iron practice sword for his inheritance. While Lazlo and Esther would be content to forget their provincial and uncouth cousin, Ruxton is determined to show up his cousins and bring in a comparable amount of glory to the family name.

Former Members

Members of the Lemont family who have since passed are listed here.

Lazlo Lemont I

Lazlo Lemont I rose to prominence as the steward of Vlad Vlakider and historian of the Vlakider family. Lazlo made sure to appoint his children the finest tutors his station could allow, and always held out hope that the Vlakider family would return to prominence. It was only on his deathbed that he resigned himself to their disappearance, revealing to his son and daughter that the Lemonts had been recently granted noble status for their stalwart dedication to the Vlakider estate. The son of a fortunate carpenter, Lazlo Lemont I had risen farther and faster than he dared dream.