Bone Sabre of Blood

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Revision as of 05:57, 21 August 2013 by Eirikr (talk | contribs)
Type Weapon
Discovered By Lokenth Daycryn
Discovery Date 12/13/11
Discovery Location Hupar, Far East
Abilities Prestige +8
Current Owner Velax de Vere, Emperor of Arcaea

Little is known about the Bone Sabre of Blood. It is a plain steel sword with a hilt of leather-bound white bone of undetermined type. It was found in a lair of monsters in Hupar by an adventurer who hunted them down after hearing reports from the common folk of the land that there were indeed monsters, that they had seen them with their own eyes and survived to tell of them. The weapon appears to be old, but in relatively good condition.

The weapon was given to Sir Velax de Vere, then the general of Arcaea, upon the advice from then King Jenred, with whom the adventurer had offered his services in helping to cleanse the realm of abominations. Emperor Velax now wears the sword proudly, a memento of his friend and mentor.

The Sabre is now part of the Imperial Regalia of the Arcaean Empire, held by Emperor Velax de Vere.

Loss, Recovery, and Final Disintegration

The Sabre was lost after a trap set for Emperor Velax. After about a month, it was found once again by an Arcaean noble on the frontlines in Kindara. \\Further information on the duel and the recovery to be added.// The adventurer, Orado, was once again tasked with its repair. Unfortunately, his travels took too long; the Sabre disintegrated and released its mystical properties less than a day after it came back into his care.

Item Lost (1 hour, 35 minutes ago, 21/8/13 -7:35am Server Time-) Your Bone Sabre of Blood has deteriorated beyond repair and usefulness. It has to be considered lost and destroyed. You should have had it repaired in time.